ADVOCACY FRAMEWORK- EVALSDG PRIMARY TEAM REGIONAL TEAM NATIONAL TEAM Towards sustainable work plan Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert1 Isha Miranda – M&E Expert Sri Lanka Secretary-APEA
National (Country)CORE Group –(umbrella group under national VOPEs ) Setting up National Advocacy Core Team -3 rd Step National VOPEs Setting up Regional Advocacy Team to National VOPEs -2 nd Step Regional VOPEs PRIMARY GROUP / 1st Step Setting up EVALPARTNERS EVALSDG working Team affiliated with UN and other international entities Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert2
Formulation Groups – Working Committee Groups Setting up Facilitators and Trainers Committee – Team of Global Trainers for TOT EVALSDGs Monitoring Tool and Frame work Formulation SDG Global Monitoring Tool and Frame work Formulation VOPEs SDG Training & Monitoring Manual –TOT Formulation of EVALSDG frame work on VOPEs Guidelines and Principals - Core groups formulation in regional and national level. (to ensure VOPEs should follow preferably criteria's) Monitoring Frame work to Monitor Advocacy approach and training of all VOPEs. Upgrades and Lesson learned – conducting forums and workshops regional wise Case study - Bank (Case Study depository unit) Primary Group –EVALSDG Eval Partners Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert3
Advocacy Team to National VOPEs with technical support from Regional UN body (e.g. UNICEF or a member from international development community ) Formulation & Strengthening Regional VOPEs Assessment on VOPEs strengths and weakness Advocacy on initiating VOPEs in non existing countries and strengthen Weaker VOPEs in the region. Advocacy on formulation of the CORE Group (Introducing Guidelines and Principals in order to Set it up Core groups in national level. (to ensure VOPEs should follow preferably criteria's) Monitoring Frame work to Monitor Advocacy approach and training by National VOPEs Enhancing and Empowerment National VOPEs – Implementing Capacity Development EVALSDG Global M&E Tool and Frame work National VOPEs Training TOT Regional VOPEs Board Members Group Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert4
National Advocacy CORE Team with technical support from Regional UN body (e.g. UNICEF) Formulation & Strengthening VOPEs CORE Group - Umbrella group Formulation of the CORE Group (Introducing Guidelines and Principals in order to Set it up Core groups in national level.) Capacity Development to CORE group CORE group will perform as main group who will promote EVALSDG in national wise through Federal /central Gov, International and Local NGO, State/Provincial/district /local partners Preferably add the participation of one or two members from parliamentary group **CORE group must skilled with EVALSDG Global M&E Tool and Frame work, and Monitoring Frame work to Monitor Advocacy approach and training of national entities. National VOPEs Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert5
6 Main Committees- National Federal and /or Central Government LevelsSub committees – NationalGender + sub CommitteeParliamentary- Sub Committee Consortium NGO forum Committee national Level –sub committee Chamber of Commerce – Private Sector Participation Workers Union – Sub committee.
Suggestion National SDG Evaluation (M&E)Committee – Chaired by the Federal /Central Government and Co Chair By VOPEs and Member from UN family. Under the guidance of Country UN entity together with Centrals/ Federal Governments and National VOPEs - Relevant Government Entity (i.g. Preferably a Economic and Policy Planning Ministry ) Members of the Group Members from Relevant ministries and Line Departments Sub-Committee leader representation. Members from International Development/Humanitarian /Environment etc Community in the country –( i.g. WB,ADB,EU AfDB, IMF,JAICA ) Members from International and National NGO (National Level)-(Other than Above) Recognized Scholars and experts. etc Any other Relevant Members according to the country. Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert7
Suggestion National SDG Evaluation (M&E)Sub Committees- i.g. for Gender + and No One Left Behind - Goal 5 and Goal 10 Chaired by the Federal /Central Government of Women Affairs Co Chair – Member from Chair Person from Main SDG Committee, Member from VOPEs, UNW Members of the Group Under the guidance of Country UN specialized entity (i.g. UNW) together with Centrals /Federal Governments women ministry, Social Welfare ministries and member/s from EvalGender + in national level. Gender Equality Interest Groups, NGOs National and International level based in the country Governments line departments on women and Children etc. Women chamber of Commerce and related Workers trade Union Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert8
Suggestion National SDG Evaluation (M&E)Sub Committees- National Parliamentarian Eval Forum Chaired by the Federal /Central Government of Women Affairs Co Chair – Member from Chair Person from Main SDG Committee, Member from VOPEs, UNW Guidance from Global Parliamentarian forum chaired by Hon. Speaker of the Parliament. Members of the Group Member Representations from Centrals /Federal Government Parliamentarians. Member Representations from Provincial /Local and State Parliamentarians/Councilors Member from UN Country representation Member representations from national VOPEs Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert9
Suggestion National SDG Evaluation (M&E)Sub Committees- Consortium of NGO forum Committee national Level Objective : Initial description of grassroots innovation network to collect data from socio- demography of participants to identify the ways in which personal, social, and structural factors shape the roles played by members, with special attention to gender, race, and socioeconomic factors at the individual and structural level Members of the Group Member Representation from Government NGO secretarial Member representation from VOPEs Leaders from to Grass root level CBO and NGO in the District/provincial to Village level i.g. Community micro economic and gender base societies, Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert10
Suggestion National SDG Evaluation (M&E)Sub Committees- Chamber of Commerce's and Trade Unions. Reasons: Public-private partnership (PPP) is a leading tool for realization of infrastructure projects worldwide. The private sector participation in public infrastructure, soft and Hard Programs in other development areas in Macro and Micro level as an engine of economic developments in a country. Members of the Group UN and any other entities : i.g. ILO, WB,ADB Afdb Ext. Chamber Leaders Members from Economic societies – Micro Finance groups, trade organizations. Isha Miranda - APEA and M&E Expert11