“Making Frames for given Predicate : An approach for Unification of knowledge”
PROBLEM STATEMENT This system REPRESENTS KNOWLEDGE IN FORM OF FRAMES GENERATED FROM PREDICATE LOGIC given by users over a period of time. The system is capable of differentiating between classes and sub classes. Especially it is helpful for those users who have to take decision on the basis of large piece of knowledge.
ASSUMPTION We assume that user aware with predicate logic rule. User will be responsible for any type of English spelling mistakes.
REQUIREMENTS SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Platform- Windows 7 Developing tool- Dot net frame work 4 Database- SQL Server 2008 R2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: 2.00 GHz Processor 01 GB RAM 40 GB Hard Disk Space
DIVISION OF WORK Our team structure is democratic decentralized because our team has no permanent leader. Decisions on problems and approach are made by group consensus. Communication among the group members is horizontal. Whole project development work divided to member as 1 st Information gathering & GUI is assign to SIDDHARTH 2 nd Coding phase is assign to PRAVEEN KUMAR YADAV 3 rd Testing & Documentation is assign to SUDHANSHU MISHRA Apart of their domain work, they fully cooperate to each other.
MAJOR MODULES OF OUR PROJECT We have divided our project into the following 4 major modules- 1. Taking input in form of Predicate Logic (Completed) 2. Verification & Validation the input (Completed) 3. Storing the data in form of Objects and Relation (Completed) 4. Choice selection (Completed) 5. Generation of Frame from store database (In progress)
BRIEF DESCRIPTION 1. TAKING INPUT IN FORM OF PREDICATE LOGIC In this module, we have taken input by user in following form of Predicate- relation(object1,object2); In this module, we provide two input option one for single input and other for multiple input.
Continue… 2. VERIFICATION & VALIDATION THE INPUT In this module we will validate whether the given input is in correct format or not. If the input is correct then it will accept it, otherwise display an error. 3. STORING DATA IN FORM OF OBJECTS AND RELATION After the validation, in this module, we divided each input predicate into relation, object1 & object2. And this entries store in database.
Continue… 4. CHOICE SELECTION: In this module there are two option regarding the desire output format we can select the desire by just clicking on the button of the desire output 5. GEMERATION OF FRAME FROM STORE DATABASE: Accessing the data current & historical (if applicable) form database and applied the cognitive logic to convert this database value into Frame.