Built series of dams in TN, controlled floods, generate electricity, replanted forests, built fertilizer plants, created jobs. 1 st New Deal
Young Americans hired 2 million young men; replanted forests, dug trails and irrigation ditches, cleaned out old brush, fought forest fires. 1 st New Deal
Hired Americans to build bridges, dams, roads, power plants, gov’t buildings. Helped build NYC’s Tri-borough Bridge, Overseas Highway linking Miami to Key West 1 st New Deal
Loaned money at low interest for those who could not meet mortgage payments. 1 st New Deal
Est. the National Recovery Administration, which set industry price codes for goods and minimum wages for laborers. The idea was to regulate prices so that Americans could afford goods and elevate the income/wealth of the middle class. 1 st New Deal
Sought to end overproduction & raise crop prices. AAA provided financial aid, paying farmers to NOT plant part of their land and kill off excess livestock. By 1934, farm prices began to rise. 1 st New Deal
Built/improved highways, dredged rivers & harbors, promoted soil and water conservation. Provided programs in the arts for unemployed artists. Spent about $11 billion, employed 8 million people. 2 nd New Deal
In 1935, Congress est. unemployment insurance for those who lost their jobs, insurance for work-related injuries, and aid for poverty- stricken mothers. It also created a pension system for Americans 65 years and older. 2 nd New Deal
Recognized right of Americans to join labor unions and gave the right of “collective bargaining” – the idea that unions can negotiate with their employers about hours, wages, & conditions as one body. 2 nd New Deal