H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Super-FRS Status Target Area H. Weick / M. Winkler 8th FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Subproject: Target Area from SIS Target Beam Catchers Degraders Transport Container Hot Cell Iron Shielding Hot cell Beam Catchers Iron shielding Degrader
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Beam Catcher ( ) Indian in-kind, (needs reorganisation in India to be successful in time) Plans for chambers adjusted: added pumping channels, removed additional shielding inside vacuum chambers Still question of lifetime of graphite catchers due to radiation damage two catcher halves (Cu/Al for slow extraction, Graphite for fast) minimizes risk for slow extraction, increase lifetime of graphite (x 3) 2012Investigate large area pillow seals for connections, prototype (GSI) prepare engineering design, Prepare specifications 2013structural analysis of chambers thermo-mechanical analysis of catchers Decision on connection of vacuum chambers, large pillow seals or welding specifications (GSI), Test prototype beam catcher with beam at GSI. 2014Measure heat transport. Finalize mechanical design of catcher and chamber. Make contract on delivery of system. Deliver one vacuum chamber with alignment mechanism. 2015Test catchers with manipulators in GSI test stand. Approve final catcher design. 2016End of 2016, target building ready (FAIR) Fabrication of all beam catchers, FAT 2017Delivery to FAIR, install iron shielding and magnets Mount beam catcher chambers 2018Realignment, practice with plugs, first operation with beam graphite Cu/Al drive 460 mm
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Target ( ) German in-kind (GSI) Target chamber needs update for larger wheel and other changed devices. overall size stays but inside division must be redesigned Wheel bearing tests for vacuum seem promising now (after many failures) Huge pillow seal vacuum test succesful Ø=500mm. Large race track shaped seals (1200mm x 160mm) development ordered Ø=500mm
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Hot Cell ( ) German in-kind, needs contract with nuclear engineering company Test stand planned (place at GSI must still be found) Master-slave manipulators + window ordered for test stand (420 k€), delivery
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Transport Container ( ) German in-kind -> but offer from Finland (should be accepted) Needs preplanning to go into approval process, then order. Increase dose rate on outside surface to reduce weight 0.5 Sv/h -> 10 Sv/h ? -> ~ 60 t -> ~ 45 t. Similar device for antiproton target 5.8 m 2013 Contract with manufacturer, first design 2014Negotiations with ministry and TÜV, green light for design 2015Detailed design 2016Production of container end of 2016, target hall building with crane ready. 2017Iron shielding and vacuum containers with plugs mounted, delivery of container, tests of lifting plugs from real chamber 2018First beam in target hall possible, operation permission for radioactive material 2019First operation of flask with activated material
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, Shielding Iron ( building) Costs and shape/material evaluated in 2012 (many offers from companies), cast iron blocks of three sizes + cut steel slabs for roof parts, Cobalt ≤10ppm Production time ¾ year, main part could be bought in advance, easy specs. Only iron near beamline part of new accelerator cost book (~ 500t) Installation when target building is ready, at best during end of construction. Base plate concrete (Beton) Stone (long) – 144 pcs x 700 x 3020 mm 3 Stone (short) – 80 pcs x 700 x 2320 mm 3 Junior41 pcs x 575 x 1400 mm 3 blue = 4574 t green = 682 t red (inside) = 500 t sum = 5756 t
H. Weick, 8 th MAC meeting, GSI, List of Project Milestones All contracts closed for major component All major component series production started Building and infrastructure ready for assembly All components ready for installation (incl. testing) Assembly and alignment finished Commissioning without beam finished Target (official)Q4/2014Q2/2015Q4/2016 Q1/2017- Beam Catchers Q4/2014 (in kind) Q1/2016Q1/2017Q4/2016Q1/2018Q2/2018 Degraders (without LEB) 2015 Q1/ Q3/2018 Target2015Q2/2015Q4/2016 Q4/2017Q2/2018 Shield.Container Q4/2013 (in kind) Q1/2016Q4/2016Q1/ Hot CellQ4/2013Q1/2016Q4/2016 Q3/