Kaeser Compressors, Inc. Introduction and Product Line First and foremost, Kaeser is committed to producing quality compressed air system products and applying them to maximize efficiency. In other words, Kaeser sells compressed air system solutions. Not only do we manufacture compressors, we also manufacture the lions share of the products we distribute. We feel this is important because it enables Kaeser to look at each individual air system and find solutions that are right for that customer. In other words we find solutions that work with each customer's system as opposed to forcing the same solution to every customer. Kaeser's commitment to producing quality air system components is widely known. But equally important to Kaeser is that every purchase is consistently supported at the highest quality for the life of that product. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present this overview of Kaeser's entire product line.
About Kaeser We have more than 85 years of manufacturing experience. We are 3,000 employees and growing. We are a global company with representation in 79 countries. Air systems are all we do. We offer a complete line of compressed air products. Our products are manufactured in the U.S., Germany and France. Kaeser Compressors has been in business since 1919. Originally, Kaeser was a precision machine shop that manufactured cylinders and gears. When the current owner, Carl Kaeser, was in engineering school, he received an award for a multi-stage, radial type, single-acting, air-cooled compressor he designed. This was the beginning of Kaeser Compressors as we know it today. In the mid-sixties, when rotary-screw compressors first appeared on the market, most compressor manufacturers either purchased air-ends or licensed the technology from SRM. Mr. Kaeser chose to design his on rotary-screw compressor profile known as the Sigma profile. This design has significant advantages in terms of efficiency and service life. Now, Kaeser is one of the leading manufacturers of oil-flooded, rotary-screw compressors in the world. We employ more than 3,000 people, have representation in over 75 countries and we offer air products from 29.9” Hg to 650 PSIG.
Kaeser Compressors Since 1919 The Kaeser Plant in Coburg, Germany Coburg is located in the Eastern portion of south Germany, in Bavaria (almost due east of Frankfurt and due north of Nuremberg), near the Czech Republic border and the former East German border. Rotary screw compressors, Mobilair™ compressors, and piston compressors are manufactured in the Coburg facility. Omega™ blowers and Secotec™ dryers are manufactured in the Gera facility. Originally, Mobilair™ compressors were produced in Lyon, France but that majority of the operation has been moved to the newer Coburg facility. The Lyon plant is used entirely for European compressor refurbishing now. The Kaeser Plant in Coburg, Germany
Kaeser Compressors Since 1982 By 1994, Kaeser had outgrown the original building and moved in to the brand new facility we enjoy today. The current 100,000 sq. ft. U.S. facility in Fredericksburg, Virginia is now the headquarters for more than 130 employees. So what do we do exactly? We are the national distribution center for Kaeser Compressors in the U.S.A. We receive inventory and parts from Germany and store them until they are needed. Based on our customers needs and requests, we modify units to fit those needs. We fill requisitions for parts and ship them to distributors and customers. We test each and every unit prior to shipping to ensure it operates at rated capacities and pressures and that they operate properly. We ship stock or modified units to the end user. We provide customer service after the sale in the form of service and maintenance contracts and have an extremely knowledgeable technical department available to answer customer questions. Our U.S. Headquarters in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Standards of Excellence ISO 9001 Certified Highest possible customer satisfaction: • Provide the best solution for each customer • at a price fitting to the market, • in the required quality, • in the time agreed, • in the most efficient manner, and • with minimal environmental impact. ISO 14001 Certified Kaeser’s commitment to quality in everything we do, was documented in 1997 when our practices and consistent high quality earned Kaeser the ISO 9001 certification. You may ask what ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are and what they mean. The International Organization for Standardization created the ISO 9000 series of documents to set international requirements for quality management systems. ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems – Requirements is one of four primary standards in the 9000 family. Customers are increasingly becoming quality conscious shoppers and want to know from the beginning if your business will meet their needs. Having a certified quality management system demonstrates to them that you have a total commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Each business has operational processes that are critical to its success. Improving the business relies on the ability to discover strengths, weaknesses and ways to improve on the business as a whole to better satisfy the customers needs and expectations. ISO 9001 certification does not necessarily equate to high quality. ISO 9001 simply means that the company has created a Quality (QEM) Manual whereby they have documented the expected quality of products and services deemed acceptable by the company and the measures that they employ to ensure that the products consistently meet the stated quality. To keep the ISO 9001 status, the company must subject itself to third party audits. During the audit process, the companies products and documentation are randomly checked to ensure the company is producing what was promised and at the quality that was promised and that it is documented properly. It’s no secret that we at Kaeser take pride in the high quality products and services we offer. So, in our case, we put it in writing and invited the ISO 9001 auditors to back it up! According to Kaeser’s QEM Manual, we have documented to every customer that “the primary objective of our company is to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction with products and services that fulfill our customer’s expectations”. Committed to environmental protection
Standards of Excellence • CE certified - Declarations of incorporation are available • Member of CAGI • Member of Compressed Air Challenge • Department of Energy Allied Partner The QEM Manual also documents our quality and environmental objectives: Provide the best solution for each customer at a price fitting to the market in the required quality in the time agreed in the most efficient manner and with minimal environmental impact Kaeser further backed up their commitment to the environment in 1998 by successfully meeting the requirements for the ISO 14001 certification: ISO’s environmental certification. The ISO 14001 Standard contains the core elements for an effective environmental management system. This can be applied to service and manufacturing sectors. This standard requires a company to define environmental objectives and the management system necessary to attain these objectives. The company must adhere to the procedures, processes, and activities of the standard. The main elements of the standard are: Environmental policy Planning Implementation and operation Checking and corrective action Management review The ISO 14001 standard requires an organization to identify all environmental impacts and associated aspects, and then implement actions to improve processes in areas with significant aspects. This allows for proactive management of the environmental impact of the organization. Having the ISO 14001 certification is more than just a compliance issue, it is a focus on continual improvement. This means that Kaeser documents every shipment of materials of concern by the EPA either in to or out of Kaeser including methods of disposal. Kaeser has enjoyed the 14001 certification since 1998 making Kaeser one of the first US companies to earn the ISO 14001 certification.
Kaeser Quality Kaeser customers enjoy our world-wide reputation for superb reliability and energy efficiency. Kaeser has built a world-wide reputation for superb reliability and energy efficiency. This reputation is based on our commitment to excellence and devotion to providing excellent customer service. The reliability and energy efficiency of our compressors minimizes long term expenses of owning and operating your compressed air system. Our reliability and energy efficiency minimizes the long term costs of owning and operating your compressed air system.
Product Lines Sigma electric rotary screw compressors and vacuum pumps Clean air treatment The Kaeser product line-up begins with the Kaeser rotary screw compressor. Kaeser manufactures a complete line of highly efficient oil-flooded, single stage rotary screw compressors capable of meeting most compressed air applications up to 217 psig. The compressors are paired with quality motors from 3 hp to over 600 hp. For mobile compressor users, Kaeser's Mobilair line of rotary screw compressors featuring gas or diesel engines from 18 hp to 312 hp. Kaeser also produces a line of vacuum rotary screw compressors as well as smaller oil-less piston compressors and specialty booster compressors capable of increasing line pressures to 650 psig. Kaeser's two and three lobe Omega blower line provides high volume low pressure air from 3 hp to 335 hp. Our line-up of air treatment equipment includes: - Refrigerated dryers: for pressure dewpoints as low as 38F, - Desiccant dryers: for pressure dewpoints between 38F to -100F, - Membrane dryers: for moisture removal of special applications and point of use applications - Breathing air systems - Line filters, automatic drain traps, and condensate separation systems: each carefully designed to meet a customer's individual needs. , including breathing air applications. breathing air systems and condensate management systems. And finally, Kaeser offers air system piping solutions using SmartPipe, a complete line of extruded aluminum piping with engineered low loss fittings which can be assembled with minimal tools. Omega rotary lobe blowers Mobilair™ portable rotary screw compressors SmartPipe™
Electric Rotary Screw Compressors Product scope: Sizes from 3 hp to 605 hp Flows from 5 scfm to 3,000 scfm Pressures range from 80 psig to 217 psig Special pressures available Special application modifications available The Kaeser line of screw compressors can fit into almost every application need. We have compressors as small as 3hp and 5scfm all the way up to 605 hp and 3,000scfm Our standard pressure range varies between 80psig to 217psig. If you have a special application requiring a different pressure range our application and design department can find a solution. This same group can design your entire air system along with any special modifications you might require.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features High quality Kaeser Sigma Profile airends The Kaeser sigma profile rotors is Kaeser's hallmark within the compressor industry. Kaeser was not content to adopt the 1960's technology found in most competitive compressors. Instead we set out to improve on older airend design. The result: Kaeser developed the Sigma Profile airend which has proven to be up to 20% more efficient then then typical asymmetric airends used by competitors. Kaeser backed up their airend design with quality manufacturing which demanded high-tolerance manufacturing practices to minimize clearances and improve performance. Decades of manufacturing and application experience have added proof to the Kaeser design. As a result, Kaeser's Sigma Profile design is recognized world-wide as the most efficient, most reliable airend manufactured today.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features High quality Kaeser Sigma Profile airends High efficiency TEFC motors To drive the airend we use a high efficient TEFC motor. The TEFC design is very good at keeping the motor cool and a cool motor provides long life and efficient delivery of power to the airend. Easily accessible grease fittings make maintenance a breeze.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features High quality Kaeser Sigma Profile airends High efficiency TEFC motors Full enclosures with heavy gauge steel frame and floor If you can see it and not hear it then it is a Kaeser. A full enclosure made of heavy gauge steel frame and floor, mineral wool and plastic liners do an excellent job of reducing noise from the compressor. The enclosure features a durable powder coated finish. Large doors and panels provide convenient access to perform maintenance and inspections of the compressor.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features High quality Kaeser Sigma Profile airends High efficiency TEFC motors Full enclosures with heavy gauge steel frame and floor Sigma Control™ Basic SX-SM-SK-AS The SCB is the practical answer for controller technology used with our smaller range of screw compressors. A conveniently located key-code instruction sticker provide quick access to understand and faults or codes that might appear on the controller. This basic PLC controller offers these features Fully automatic Dual or Quadro compressor control mode. Optional modulation control Monitoring of system pressure, airend discharge temperature and direction of rotation Service interval counters (total load hours and total service hours) Adjustable working pressure and switching delta Dry contact group alarm Electronic pressure transducer. Remote operation for load/unloading the compressor (with optional chip) Integrated dryers are also controlled via the SCB
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features High quality Kaeser Sigma Profile airends High efficiency TEFC motors Full enclosures with heavy gauge steel frame and floor Sigma Control™ Basic SX-SM-SK-AS Sigma Control™ ASD and larger Sigma Control developed by Kaeser in conjunction with Siemens AG, this patented compressor control features an industrial-based PC Microprocessor inside. The controller features several different control modes to control the compressor operation to precisely match compressor performance to air demand and increase energy savings. The controller monitors several operations of the compressor and will provide warnings and alarms. The sigma control provides maintenance information and stores operating messages, warnings and alarms. The Sigma control can be operated externally via a remote switch to start/stop and/or load /unload the compressor. The Sigma Control has several options for programming the operation of the compressor. From programmed automatic starting and stopping the compressor to operating at different pressures and different demands. Lead lag and cycling two compressors can be done with the sigma control.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features High quality Kaeser Sigma Profile airends High efficiency TEFC motors Full enclosures with heavy gauge steel frame and floor Sigma Control™ Basic SX-SM-SK-AS Sigma Control™ ASD and larger Pressurized fluid drain Ease of maintenance is very important to Kaeser. Along with easy access to maintain the compressor filters, we provide a means to pressurize the separator tank and drain the fluid from the compressor. Quick disconnects along with a provided drain hose make oil changes a breeze without making a mess.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor - Features Wye-Delta reduced voltage starters standard on 7.5 hp to 605 hp models Separators with three-stage fluid removal Flexible pipe connections to minimize pipe stress Kaeser compressors 7.5hp and up feature Wye-Delta starting systems. This starting system is like starting your car in low gear before shifting to high gear for normal operation. This reduced starting in- rush of current reduces energy demands at start-up. The separator is an optimized and high efficiency separation system. Most of the cooling fluid is initially separated from the air by centrifugal force in the separator tank. Any remaining fluid is separated by a 2-stage filter in the separator cartridge. This triple action doubles the cartridge service life and reduces fluid carry over. The super sound proofing of our enclosure’s ensure low noise levels. Vibration isolation for airend, motor, and separator tank are all standard. Full enclosures with thick soundproofing for very low noise levels Vibration isolators
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor Belt driven compressor: 3 hp – 30 hp Efficient, quiet and versatile pressure range Compressor and dryer combinations available Kaeser has considerable experience producing belt drive compressors. Much of Kaeser's reputation for reliability centered around Kaeser's ability to manufacture very versatile belt drive units capable of outperforming competitive units using a host of different drive systems. Today, Kaeser's experience with belt drive technology allows them to produce exceptionally reliable and efficient compressors while preserving the advantages of the belt drive system. Advantages like: - Ease of maintenance: From Kaeser's automatic belt tensioning device which allows users to verify belt tension without shutting down the compressor. Todays units even provide a viewing window so you can check the belt tension without removing a panel! - Versatility for the future: What happens if today's pressure requirement changes tomorrow. For a Kaeser belt drive unit, a full pressure conversion is achieved by simply replacing the belt, a pulley and perhaps a safety valve. Conversions are available from 80 psig to over 200 psig! - Vibration isolation: Having such a flexible connection between the two main rotating components prevents vibration transmission between the components. So airends and motors last longer and the equipment runs quieter. Place one of Kaeser's belt driven units in service at your facility and you will hear and feel the quiet, controlled power that comes with quality manufacturing.
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor Belt driven compressor: 3 hp – 30 hp Efficient, quiet and versatile pressure range Compressor and dryer combinations available If you have compressors operating a part-load conditions, consider Kaeser's variable frequency drive option of the SFC (Sigma Frequency Controlled) compressors. SFC units are unique compressors in that they are designed to preserve operating efficiency under part-load conditions. Standard compressors are designed to have optimal performance at full-load conditions only. Operate a standard unit under part-load conditions and standard units become quite inefficient. Kaeser's belt driven SFC units use the Siemens MicroMaster drive to offer efficient, reliable performance over a large speed range. Depending on the application, a properly applied SFC unit can offer substantial savings on your power bill. So, if you already know that you have compressors modulating or cycling, an SFC may offer you considerable savings while stabilizing the system pressure for your entire system. Sigma Frequency Control 10 hp – 25 hp
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor Belt driven compressor: 3 hp – 30 hp Efficient, quiet and versatile pressure range Compressor and dryer combinations available Here is the automatic belt tensioning device we mentioned previously. All of Kaeser's belt drive units feature this device which is designed to keep the proper tension on the belts. Proper belt tension means less slippage, longer belt life and longer pulley life. Sigma Frequency Control 10 hp – 25 hp Auto belt tensioning device
Electric Rotary Screw Compressor AirCenter packages: Rotary screw compressors packaged with refrigerated dryer and tank Multiple configurations Packages come pre-piped, ready to install Kaeser offers our belt-driven compressors in a neat, small footprint package called Simplex. Add a second compressor for 100 percent backup or to trim during peak demands and you have Kaesers Duplex package. Both packages come ready to supply air. Simply set it in place, connect up the air hose and "plug it in" and you have a reliable compressed air source. Compressor(s), receiver tank, and customizable air treatment offers customers a complete, reliable air system in the smallest possible foot-print. Duplex units even come with a built-in sequencer to fully automate your back-up system and promote even usage between trim and base-load compressors. Add Kaeser's commitment to low noise and low vibration levels and we are confident you will be pleased with the performance and versatility of this complete compressed air system.
Rotary Screw Compressors Direct Drive Direct drive compressor: 25 hp – 450 hp 1:1 direct drive Most efficient drive system Cast iron spool piece The lion's share of Kaeser Compressors today are direct drive. While direct drive compressors are often less versatile then their belt driven counterparts, when air is the heartbeat of your production such versatility becomes less important. Maximizing operating efficiency and system reliability become the MOST important compressor characteristics. So, offering a true one-to-one drive provides triple savings: no-loss power transmission, improved power consumption, and reduced maintenance to minimize costs associated with maintenance related downtime. How does Kaeser meet this very important need: 1) High quality airend design - We already stated: Kaeser is committed to optimizing airend design and manufacturing to the closest tolerances. With a direct drive compressor, it is clear exactly what speed the airend and motor will turn and the power that will be available. Kaeser simply takes that information and produces airends that will operate at their peak efficiency at the given speed. 2) Airends are custom fit to each package - Kaeser's commitment to airend quality and design demands that the right airend be fitted to each compressor package. So, Kaeser resists the temptation to follow other manufacturers who simply speed up or slow down their relatively few airend designs to fit the motor. Kaeser actually picks the optimal airend for each package. This means we typically produce more different sized airends then our competitors. But it also means that Kaeser does the job right. And their customers can count on every package meeting the performance and reliability associated with the Kaeser family name.
Rotary Screw Compressors 25 – 450 hp Direct drive compressor: 25 hp – 450 hp 1:1 direct drive Most efficient drive system Cast iron spool piece Maintenance-free coupling The direct drive coupling requires no significant periodic maintenance. Every 5 years, the coupling is replaced to ensure that material fatigue never leaves you out of production.
Rotary Screw Compressors 25 – 450 hp Direct drive compressor: 25 hp – 450 hp 1:1 direct drive Most efficient drive system Cast iron spool piece Maintenance-free coupling The optimization of airend size and motor Hp are designed to not only give an optimum flow and pressure but to also provide excellent energy efficiency. In fact, the entire package is designed to minimize downtime associated with maintenance. We already mentioned the long-lived direct drive coupling. But Kaeser's direct drive equipment also reduce maintenance needs by using other premium components: - Synthetic lubricants: Even standard units ship with Kaeser's semi-synthetic lubricant designed to require oil changes only twice a year. Opt for Kaeser's synthetic lubricant and extend oil changes to once per year! - Long-life oil filters, air filters and separator elements: All filters are designed to last up to one year in typical operating environments. - Automatic maintenance alerts: Since all direct drive compressors are supplied with Kaeser's full-featured Sigma Control, just one of the features is a completely user-customizable automatic maintenance scheduler. Simply plug in the frequency you want to perform maintenance and the Sigma Control will track when maintenance is due. In addition, all 40 hp and larger units include dP switches which monitor each filter and alert you if they suddenly become too contaminated to function efficiently. No leak piping flexible piping connections, unions at each pneumatic component, easily removable access panels, remote mounted grease fittings… the list goes on and on. Kaeser's commitment to minimizing maintenance and then making required maintenance easy and fast to perform all adds up to one thing… Less down-time, and more production. Excellent energy efficiency Reduced maintenance
Rotary Screw Compressors Direct drive options: Integral refrigerated dryer (25 hp – 175 hp) If minimizing the air system's footprint is a concern, like the belt drive units many of Kaeser's direct drive units can be supplied with an integrated refrigerated dryer…
Rotary Screw Compressors Direct drive options: Integral refrigerated dryer (25 hp – 175 hp) … or with a fully integrated VFD. Like the belt driven SFC, direct drive SFC units will save you big money if you currently have units cycling or modulating. However, the direct-drive SFC has the added advantage of marrying 100% efficient direct coupled features to Siemens premiere Master Drive VFD. Since this drive is integral to the compressor, hook up is just as easy as with any other Kaeser: Set it in place, connect the air line and "plug it in". But fully integrated also means that Kaeser the Sigma Control and Master Drive communicate directly using a USS communication buss. So drive information are displayed right on Kaeser's standard Sigma Control. And fully integrated means careful design. Each package comes equipped with line reactors and filters combined with proper shielding and grounding methods all which combine to give customers trouble-free and optimal performance. As with all frequency drive compressors, be sure to discuss your part-load applications with your local Kaeser representative to ensure proper application of this premium product. Sigma Frequency Control (25 hp – 450 hp)
Rotary Screw Vacuum Packages Model Type Motor (hp) Flow (acfm) ASV 40 Rotary Screw 10 hp 168 ASV 60 15 hp 242 BSV 80 20 hp 296 BSV 100 25 hp 367 CSV 125 30 hp 453 CSV 150 40 hp 555 As a premiere rotary screw compressor manufacturer, it may seem like a short step to produce rotary screw vacuum packages. After all, all you have to do is hook up the intake of the compressor to the air line, and presto: you have a vacuum unit. Well… not quite. Like compressors, Kaeser takes their production of rotary screw vacuum units quite seriously. In addition to many of the typical compressor features, like… 1) Sigma profile airends, 2) TEFC Motors, 3) Full voltage starters 4) Completely pre-piped and pre-wired Kaeser's vacuum units add… 5) Filtered gas ballast: Allows clean air to flow through airend during peak levels of vacuum to prevent moisture from accumulating in the airend. 6) Dedicated oil pump: Keeps oil flowing to all components under all vacuum levels. 7) Heavy-duty air intake filter: Prevents solid contaminants from entering airend. 8) Full-synthetic lubricant: Ensures long oil life under continuous operating conditions. 9) Switch able modulation: For constant vacuum applications.
Kaeser offers a variety of premium synthetic and semi-synthetic fluids Lubricant Kaeser offers a variety of premium synthetic and semi-synthetic fluids Specially blended for our rotary screw compressors and vacuum units Sigma synthetic compressor fluid provides four vital functions: Kaeser also offers their complete line Sigma synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants for non-Kaeser applications as well. Kaeser's lubricants are specially blended to meet the most demanding compressor and blower applications. Select the recommended lubricant viscosity to ensure long-life while… 1- Cooling - Holds up to high operating temperatures to repeatedly carry the heat of compression away from compression chambers and towards package coolers. 2- Lubricate - Exceptional lubricity reduces friction so wear is minimized and equipment runs cooler. 3- Seal - Superior formulation ensures that the lubricant remains stable so it properly seals clearances despite the near constant shearing actions, for the life of the lubricant. Better sealing means better compressor performance. 4- Clean - Even in dirty environments, Kaeser's lubricant's are designed to remove contaminants from the air stream by "encasing" the particulates in oil and keeping them suspended in the oil stream until they are scrubbed by the filters. Cooling Lubrication Sealing Decontamination
Compressed Air Dryers Product scope: Refrigerated dryers Low dew point desiccant dryers Membrane dryers 0.2 scfm to 30,000 scfm Applicable to most requirements Why do we need compressed air dryers? Because atmospheric air entering a compressor always contains water vapor, or as we know it humidity. For example at 75ºF and 75% relative humidity a 100cfm compressor will produce 18 gallons of condensate during a one day operation. Wow 18 gallons, imagine all that condensate collecting in you lines and going through all you tools and equipment. Contaminating product, damaging tools and equipment and rusting or collecting in your pipes and receiver tank. Kaeser offers several different means of removing this water. Refrigerated dryers, desiccant dryers and membrane dryers. These dryers vary in the pressure dew point they are capable of achieving. From a dew point of 38-50ºF down to -100ºF pressure dew point. The type of application and the use of the air determines the quality and dew point you will need to achieve. So the first thing to do is determine what quality and dew point you need for your operation and then apply the proper dryer and clean air treatment needed to give your needed quality of air.
Compressed Air Dryers Refrigerated dryers: Secotec™ Dual Control Demand Manager™ H series High-capacity High-temperature High-pressure Even within our dryer line-up customers have choices. The refrigerated dryer is the most economical type of dryer. Refrigerated dryers are cable of cooling the air to 38-50ºF pressure dew point. Secotec: The Kaeser Secotec line of dryers offers a cycling dryer with thermal mass for customers that would prefer additional power savings over non-cycling dryers. H series: H series dryers are smaller dryers for low cfm applications. A very economical dryer. Dual Control: Kaeser's dual controlled dryer offers part-load power savings to our large air-using customer's Demand Manager: Our Demand Manager dryer does not cycle the compressor (load/unload) but employs a rapid response bypass ensuring a tight temperature control. High-capacity: This dryer is designed to handle the largest drying applications up to 20,000cfm. While protecting downstream equipment from damaging moisture. High temperature: The high temperature dryer is an excellent dryer for piston compressors or in applications where high inlet temperatures are expected. High Pressure: The HT series dryers are designed for high pressure applications
Compressed Air Dryers Low dew point desiccant dryers: Heatless regenerative Heat reactivated purge Heat reactivated blower purge Do you have an application that requires a very low dew point down to -100ºF? Then Kaeser compressors has the desiccant dryer to provide this dew point. The desiccant dryer utilizes twin tower pressure vessels filled with a desiccant material that adsorbs moisture from the compressed air until it reaches it’s maximum capacity. At this point the desiccant needs to be regenerated. The method of regeneration is what differentiates the different types of desiccant dryers. Heatless regenerative: These dryers use dry air to purge the towers. Using around 15% of the dry air to regenerate the towers. Heat reactivated: Heat reactivated dryers use a small amount of dry air heated to 375ºF to regenerate the towers. Uses less about 7% of the dry air for regeneration. Heat reactivated blower purge: These dryers use ambient air heated to 375ºF to regenerate the dryer towers. Uses very little dry air in the regeneration cycle. Membrane dryers: Membrane dryers are an excellent choice for point of use locations. They work great when only a portion of the compressed air needs to achieve a very low dew point down to -40ºF
Secotec™ Cycling Refrigerated Dryers Secotec™ cycling dryers deliver maximum efficiency by matching dryer operation to demand The dryer evaporator resides inside a thermal mass which stores thermal energy and promotes energy savings A compressed air pre-cooler/reheater eliminates pipe sweating and further improves dryer efficiency (except TA 5) For operations that require a -38ºFdew point and are conscious of their energy cost a Secotec dryer is the right cost. Secotec dryers use a thermal mass to store thermal energy. The compressor will cycle on and off according to the demands of the system. This works allot like your refrigerator at home - maintaining a consistent temperature in the dryer. When the thermal mass reaches 38ºF the compressor is switched off. As this temperature rises the dryer compressor will be switched back on until the temperature reaches the desired dew point temperature again. This cycling of the dryer compressor matches demand and reduces energy costs. The use of an air to air heat exchanger cools the incoming air with the cold and dry air that is exiting the dryer. The reheating of the cooled air prevents system pipes from sweating. This also assists in the cooling of the incoming air saving energy and adding to the efficiency of the dryer. TA 5 units do not have air to air exchanger. The condensate is removed from the air with a mechanical separator and an electric demand drain. TA 5 Units use only a mechanical separator with an internal float drain. Stainless steel separators and electric demand drain traps standard on all sizes (except TA 5) Secotec™ 20 scfm - 885 scfm
Refrigerated Dryers TX and H Series Non-cycling dryers: TX Series 10 scfm – 15 scfm TX series refrigerated dryers efficiently remove harmful moisture by cooling the air and forcing moisture to condense. Once condensed the condensate is removed from the system by a separator and drain trap. H series dryers are also extremely cost effective. They are easy to install, require little maintenance, and consume little energy. Because compressed air demand fluctuates in some applications and is relatively constant in others, Kaeser offers the dual control dryer and the demand manager dryer. The dual control dryer offers energy savings and features a digital scroll compressor. The digital scroll compressor is used because it will load and unload to match energy usage to air demand. This ensures a constant dew point while reducing energy consumption across a wide range of flows. A system where the demand will very through out the day is and excellent place for a dual control dryer. The demand manager models us a scroll compressor that does not unload. It has a scheduling feature to match production air flow demands to no demand periods. H Series 12 scfm – 125 scfm
Refrigerated Dryers Load / No Load: Dual Control 1,000 scfm - 3,000 scfm Non-Cycling: Demand Manager 600 scfm - 3,000 scfm Because compressed air demand fluctuates in some applications and is relatively constant in others, Kaeser offers the dual control dryer and the demand manager dryer. The dual control dryer offers energy savings and features a digital scroll compressor. The digital scroll compressor is used because it will load and unload to match energy usage to air demand. This ensures a constant dew point while reducing energy consumption across a wide range of flows. A system where the demand will very through out the day is and excellent place for a dual control dryer. The demand manager models us a scroll compressor that does not unload. This dryer utilizes a scroll compressor which does not cycle but uses a hot gas bypass valve to control the dew point temperature. This dryer can be programmed to start and stop and give service reminders. Eliminating the need for the dryer to run on weekends if no air is used. This is a great dryer for applications where demand is fairly constant through out the day.
Refrigerated Dryer Features A pre-cooler/reheater ensures maximum efficiency TX series heat exchangers feature tube-in-tube smooth surface copper tubing H series, Dual Control and Demand Manager™ feature non-fouling plate type 316 stainless steel heat exchangers Refrigerated dryers use an efficient method of warming the out going air and pre-cooling the incoming air. To do this we use an air to air pre-cooler and reheater to Which maximizes the efficiency of the dryer. The added benefit is the compressed air lines do not sweat since the air that is exiting the dryer is warmed to near ambient. The TX series dryers feature a tube in tube design of pre-cooler/reheater. H series dryers along with dual control and the demand manager dryer feature a non-fouling plate type heat exchanger. Stainless steel plate type heat exchangers do not rust and are non-fouling. This type of heat exchanger is very good at heat transfer and since it resists fouling it retains its heat transfer efficiency throughout its lifetime. The high efficiency separator insures the water that is condensed is removed from the air. A highly efficient no air loss drain trap means that no valuable compressed air is lost in the discharge of the condensate from the dryer. A high efficiency separator and no-loss drain ensures maximum condensate removal
High Capacity Refrigerated Dryers Open frame T Series are designed for air flows of 4,000 scfm to 30,000 scfm They are engineered for maximum efficiency and performance Non-fouling heat exchangers are built for optimal heat transfer Have a large demand for clean dry air in your plant? No problem! Kaeser has the answer, a High capacity dryer - T Series open frame which is designed to dry compressed air to a safe and manageable dew point. With a capacity of up to 30,000cfm designed to handle the largest applications. The dryer uses the air-to-air precooler to help reduce power consumption. The precooler not only cools the incoming air, it also warms the dried air. Keeping the piping system from sweating. The precooled air enters the evaporator where direct expansion of liquid refrigerant cools the air to the desired dew point. The condensed water is removed by a filtered separator and is drained off with automatic drains. These units can be used as a chiller. Basically you remove the air to air pre-cooler and discharge the cooled air without warming. With routine maintenance in mind Also available as cooling units (air chillers)
High Temperature Refrigerated Dryers (HTRD) Excellent for use with piston compressors Contain aftercooler, separator, dryer and filter Provide a 50ºF pressure dew point Have an existing piston compressor then Kaeser can handle this high temperature air also. Try a High Temperature Refrigerated dryer (HTRD) they are specifically designed for use with 5-25hp piston compressors. They also work well with any compressor of similar size where high inlet temperatures are expected. The HTRD dryer contains an aftercooler, refrigeration unit, filtered separator and drain to remove condensate and contaminates to a suitable level, suitable for most shop operations. The unit will provide a consistent dew point of 50ºF. The maximum inlet temperature is 180ºF to provide a dew point of 50ºF Maximum inlet temperature 180ºF HTRD: 20 scfm – 125 scfm
High Pressure Refrigerated Dryers Up to 900 psig Reliable and economical Non-fouling 316 stainless steel plate heat exchangers A high efficiency separator So you say you have a high pressure booster? We can handle that also. Kaeser high pressure dryers are specifically designed to handle these booster applications. HT dryers are refrigerated dryers which use a hot gas by-pass valve to maintain a constant dew point. They feature the same qualities of our other dryers including, a non-fouling stainless steel heat exchanger. For condensate removal we use a highly efficient separator and a programmable condensate drain. Programmable drain ensures maximum condensate removal HT sizes: 13 scfm - 3,750 scfm
Heatless Regenerative Desiccant Dryers Kaeser adsorption heatless desiccant dryers (KADs) Dew points down to -100ºF Require minimal electrical power (about 20 watts for control circuit) For applications which require very low dew points we offer our desiccant line of dryers. Heatless regenerative Desiccant dryers provide extremely dry air, for applications that require dew points as low as -100ºF Heatless desiccant dryers use dried compressed air, reduced to near ambient pressures to regenerate the dryer. Approximately 15% of dryer capacity of purge air when operated at 100psi. These units use minimal electricity to regenerate the towers. Dual towers allow regeneration without interruption in service KAD: 40 scfm - 5,400 scfm
Heat Reactivated Heated Purge Desiccant Dryers Deliver dew points down to -40ºF Provide significant savings over heatless dryers Heating the regenerating air reduces the amount of purge air consumed Maybe you have a system that can not afford to use 15% of your compressed air for dying. For this use we would recommend a Heat reactivated heated purge Desiccant dryer to provide extremely dry air, for applications that require dew points as low as -40ºF Heat reactivated heated purge dryers use dry compressed air, reduced to near atmospheric pressure and heated to 375ºF These dryers use approximately 7% of dryer capacity for regeneration. 6% - 7% purge air consumption KED: 300 scfm to 3,200 scfm
Heat Reactivated Blower Purge Desiccant Dryers KBPs achieve dew points as low as - 40ºF using virtually no purge air They provide up to 20% energy savings over KED dryers Quiet centrifugal blower and heater allows regeneration with ambient air Heat reactivated blower purge Desiccant dryers provide extremely dry air, for applications that require dew points as low as -40ºF Heat reactivated blower purge dryers use ambient air heated to 375ºF to regenerated the towers. This dryer use little or no compressed dry air for regenerating the towers. Lowest operating costs KBP: 500 scfm to 4,300 scfm
Filters KLS - Kaeser Liquid Separator removes bulk liquids and particles 10 micron and larger KFS - Kaeser Filtered Separator removes 99+% of liquid water and solid particles 3 microns and larger with oil carry-over of 5 ppm KPF - Kaeser Particulate Filter removes solid particles 1 micron and larger with oil carry-over of 1 ppm KOR - Kaeser Oil Removal filter removes solid particles 0.01 microns and larger with oil carry-over of 0.01 ppm Kaeser offers a complete line of compressed air filters to clean and remove contamination from the compressed air. All compressed air systems have contaminates in the form of abrasive solid particles, things like dirt, rust, pipe scale and material that might be in the ambient air. Also water, oil and other hydrocarbons are present in liquid, mist and vapor form. Removing these substances from the air greatly increases the quality of the air and can improve product quality. By reducing product rejects and production delays and increased maintenance. Additional savings will be realized by reducing fouled lines and clogging valves, also decreasing wear and damage to air-operated equipment. KLS- Kaeser Liquid Separator – These filters are extremely effective for water removal They should be used for bulk water removal. Placed before dryers and after aftercoolers. KFS- Kaeser filtered separator. Is effective in the removal of bulk water and contaminates. Should be placed before dryers and after aftercoolers. KPF-Kaeser Particulate filter- These filters are general use filters to remove particles and aerosols of water and oil. They can be used in wet or dry air systems and to protect the media of oil removal and coalescing filters from particulate contamination and heavy liquid loading. Use these filters up stream of KOR or KOX filters Down stream of heatless desiccant dryers use the KPF-RF (reverse flow) particulate filter. KOR- Kaeser oil removal filter The KOR filter removes a large amount of the oil aerosols and remaining liquids as well as small particles from the compressed air. They should be placed down stream of refrigerated dryers to prevent oil carry-over from entering the system and up stream from desiccant dryers to prevent contamination of the desiccant bed. KOX- Kaeser oil removal extra fine- Used in applications where oil can not be tolerated. They need to have proper up stream filtration to prevent overloading with liquid. A typical location is before a desiccant dryer. KVF- Kaeser vapor filter Are used to remove vapors and odors from compressed air. They have several layers of activated carbon to remove these vapors. A KVF filter cannot tolerate any liquid so proper filtration upstream is very important. They are used in breathing air systems and the food and chemical industries. KOX - Kaeser Oil Removal extra fine filter removes solid particles 0.01 microns and larger with oil carry-over of 0.001 ppm KVF - Kaeser Oil Vapor Filter removes oil vapor with carry-over of 0.003 ppm and solid particles 0.01 microns and larger
Many Levels of Compressed Air Quality KFS / KLS KPF KVF KOX KOR Compressed air has several levels of air quality which can be met with proper dyer and filter application. For these several different applications there needs to be a standard to indicate the quality of air provided. Air quality can range anywhere from the low grade shop air used in repair shops for power air tools, to high-grade air for instrumentation and breathing air where very clean and very dry air is required. We have listed on these slides examples of the differing qualities of air. For specific air quality our applications department can help in designing a system to fit your needs.
Many Levels of Compressed Air Quality KFS / KLS KPF KVF KOX KOR As you can see with different dryers and filtration we can greatly change the quality of the compressed air you use in your operation. For your specific application we would be glad to sit down and discuss your needs and have our application department design the proper dryer and filters needed to provide you with the air quality you require.
Many Levels of Compressed Air Quality Air quality has several different levels. According to the chart (based on 1991 version), Kaeser recommends that almost all air systems should have a minimum ISO grade 4 for moisture, ISO grade 3 for solids, and ISO grade 3 for oil. The different qualities of air a chart has been created. Listing the different classes and the micron sizes, Pressure dew points and oil PPM. As an example, the customer tells you he operates sand blasting equipment and needs Quality Class 2.4.4 What the heck does that mean? The first number represents solids and the maximum particle size in microns that is allowed at that level. So for class 2 solids particles can be 1 micron maximum. The next number represents Moisture content allowed. For Level 2 air quality, class 4 dew point is 37°F. That means we need a refrigerated dryer to achieve that. A desiccant dryer would be overkill for this application. The last number gives you the amount of oil carry over allowed. For level 4 oil aerosol content of 5ppm (Part/million) Use the chart to determine the correct quality class of air needed.
Eco-Drain electronic drain trap External Condensate Drain Traps AMD automatic drain trap Eco-Drain electronic drain trap To efficiently and safely remove this condensate from your system we need a drain valve. These valve vary in design and one drain does not fit all application and budgets. AMD- The Kaeser AMD-6550 is a heavy duty, float actuated drain designed to handle large liquids volumes and severe conditions. This drain is magnet activated which is completely isolated from the condensate to prevent contaminates from building up on the actuating components. This drain is a very reliable drain. The AMD requires no electricity for operation. Eco-Drain- is ideal for dryer applications, filters and smaller receiver tanks. This is an electrically operated automatic drain. It employs a capacitance sensor for actuation and control air is isolated from the condensate which prevents contamination of the control circuit. TET Drain – This drain is a timed electric drain trap. The internal timer is set to activate on a regular cycle period and the activation period is set. It is a good drain for smaller applications. ADT – The ADT drain is an economical drain that uses a float mechanism to activate and release condensate. The mechanical activation of this drain prevents costly compressed air from being released. This drain requires no electricity for operation. TET timed electric drain trap ADT mechanically actuated drain trap
Aquamat Condensate Management System 10 scfm – 3,180 scfm Easy to maintain Built for harsh environments Reliable operation Now that we have the condensate removed from the compressed air system what do we do with it? We can not simply dump it down the drain as it is considered hazardous waste. This condensate is a mixture of water, particulates and oil. Disposal of this condensate is a major environmental concern. For this we offer our line of condensate management systems. Our Aquamat and KCF oil/water separation systems offer a reliable and economical method of separation. They operate through the use of natural separation of the oil and water to scrubber filter to remove any remaining amount of oil. We provide a test sample to determine that the water released is safe to discharge into the municipal waste water system.
Kaeser Flow Controllers Supply air in immediate response to demand Stabilize system pressure Wide flow range capacity Eliminate artificial demand Greatly reduce leak losses Increases productivity and product quality To supply a constant pressure in your system and reduce artificial loss of compressed air Kaeser offers a Flow Controller- KFC – The Flow control separates the supply side from the operating side of the air system. This flow controller acts as a system pressure regulator but operates at about a 5psi pressure swing as compared to a regulator which requires about a 15psi pressure swing to activate the springs. This separation creates real storage in the system by allowing the pressure to increase in the storage side without increasing the pressure in the supply side of the system. This reduced pressure in the supply side reduces artificial demands by reducing the amount of air lost from leaks and wasting compressed air on operations that do not require higher pressures. Think of a water hose with a small hole leaking water. If you increase the pressure the amount of water escaping through the little hole. The same thing works with compressed air. The more the pressure the bigger amount of valuable compressed air loss. The real storage that is created levels out the peaks and valleys in the supply side and allows the compressor to maintain a constant supply without bringing on an extra compressor to handle demand spikes. Reducing the spikes prevents surging of the filters and dryers. Leveling out the spikes and reducing the need for additional compressors to come on line will reduce total power consumption. Prevent surging of filters and dryers Reduce power consumption
Kaeser SmartPipe™ Easy to install, faster than other common piping No threading, welding or brazing No special tools needed Simple to use mounting and connecting hardware Push-to-fit connectors reduce installation costs Now we have clean dry compressed air how do you get that air distributed through out you shop or plant operation? We can handle that also with our SmartPipe, an easy to install piping system that is much faster to installation than other types of piping. No threading welding or brazing of the connectors is required. For basic installation no special tools are required. But for drilling holes and making connections we do have a tool kit which includes a cutter and deburring tool along with tools for drilling holes for drops. The mounting and connection hardware is simple to attach and connect. Simply loosen the fitting insert the pipe and tighten to the preset alignment marks. This simple installation greatly reduces the time to install the piping system and labor cost for installation. SmartPipe can be connected to an existing system or to other piping types. The system can easily be adapted to changing needs and design needs. The piping system can be removed and relocated easily. The aluminum piping and composite fitting are designed to reduce pressure loss and will not rust. So in 5 or 10 years the piping system will provide the same quality and quantity of air as when it was first installed. Easily connected to existing systems Adaptable to changing system needs Light weight design
Sigma Air Managers Manage the entire compressed air system Control 2 to 16 compressors Maximum features available when used with Sigma Control™ and Sigma Air Control Plus Capable of controlling all screw compressors with conventional controls All that remains is to provide a system to manage efficiently the entire compressed air system. Kaeser offers the Sigma Air Manager which uses the latest industrial control technology to manage up to 16 compressors. The SAM is more than just a sequencer that balances load demands it also is a management tool that will not only balance the load but monitor and manage the complete air system. Providing a tight pressure band for optimal operation of the system. Being able to recognize and accommodate demand trends is the ideal way to avoid higher than necessary pressures. This will reduce energy consumption by lowering artificial demands and avoiding unnecessary operation of compressors. SAM when coupled with the Sigma Air Control Plus can monitor and record important data for future reporting, system audits, control optimization and long term trending. SAM can be monitored from a remote computer either by means of an Ethernet connection or with a dialup connection through the internet. The use of a Sigma Air Manager will ensure that your entire system operates efficiently and provides years of reliable service. Monitor and automate air system response to alarms from dryers, filters, drain traps, production
Containerized Systems Kaeser can design and provide a containerized system that is ready to prove your compressed air needs. With the help of our applications and product support departments a system can be designed to fit your needs.
Mobilair Portable Compressors Versatile units designed for many applications Rental houses Construction industry Service trucks Rail yards Unsurpassed durability and quietness Efficient Sigma Profile airends Kaeser offer a complete line of mobilair compressors for use when a stationary compressor will just not work. Many operations can utilize one of these units. From rental houses to the construction industry. Pavement breaking to Monument engraving. Service trucks to rail yards. Kaeser mobilair compressors will give years of reliable service and durability. Direct coupled engines to a Kaeser Sigma Profile airend provide a reliable and efficient supply of compressed air.
Mobilair Portable Compressors Built to rent Free air delivery: 50 cfm to 950 cfm @ 100 psig Horse power range Gasoline engine: 20 hp and 25 hp Diesel engine: 25 hp to 313 hp These units are designed to withstand the rigors of the rental business. With units made to be moved by hand to units for over the road transport. Air delivery
Omega Blowers and Packages High volume low pressure applications Pressures to 15 psig Vacuum to 15 inches Hg Horse power ranges from: 3 hp to 335 hp Flow rates to 5,368 cfm @ maximum pressure
Omega Blowers and Packages Packages designed for compact operation Com-paK Plus™ series Side-by-side installation Fully enclosed blower package Superior performance Easy maintenance from front of unit Omega-paK™ series
Omega Blowers and Packages Optional start control panel (STC) Wye-Delta starting for the blower package Optional variable frequency drive system Programmed for each specific operation Many other options, for example: Unload start valve Safety relief valve Inlet and discharge silencers
Your Single Source for Compressed Air System Solutions Looking for a company that is your single source for all your compressed air needs. Then Kaeser is your answer. With our expertise and world wide reputation we are confident we can provide you with a complete system that will provide many years of efficient and reliable service. Thank you for this opportunity to introduce you to our produce lines and look forward to working with you to solve your compressed air needs.