Unit 8 – Global Depression/WWII ( )
Topic 1 – How did economic depression lead to totalitarianism? I.The Economy after WWI ( ) A. USA 1. Roaring 20’s 2. Isolationism and economic prosperity 3. Market Speculation – Crash of 1929 B. The Great Depression 1. Global Tariff Wars – protectionism 2. Political Instability (France, Germany, Italy) 3. The New Deal vs. “what” in Europe? II.Totalitarianism A. Fascism – who, where, when, why? (goal of fascists, socialists) B. Nazism - who, where, when, why? (goal of the Nazi Party) C. Communism – who, where, why (goals compared to fascists)
Mussolini...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....
Topic 2 – What role did nationalism and propaganda play in mobilizing civilian populations in support of “total war ”? I.Definition/Types of propaganda II.Examples of Propaganda – U.S. and Germany III. How nationalistic? Why is that important?
Topic 3 – How did aggression and appeasement lead to WWII? I.League of Nations Reaction to Aggression (Maps) A. Japan - China B. Italy - Ethiopia C. Germany – Hitler in Europe II. Appeasement (Munich Pact) A. German Aggression B. British/French Reaction III.War A. Nazi/Soviet Pact B. Invasion of Poland – Sept. 1, 1939
Topic 4 – The Axis vs. The Allies in WWII I.German “Blitzkrieg” – how, why, where, when? II.British Response – Battle of Britain III.Soviet Union – German invasion IV. U.S. – Neutrality, Atlantic Charter, Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) V. Hitler’s New Order/”Final Solution” – The Holocaust – an example of Genocide
Topic 5 – What was the significance of WWII to World History? I.Allied Victory A. War in Europe – B. War in the Pacific – C. Nuclear Weapons – Aug. 6 and 9, 1945 II.Yalta and Potsdam Conferences A. Big Three – future of Germany B. Ultimatum to Japan/Occupation of Germany III. COSTS and Messages of WWII