The engine behind school improvement is the team.... PLC Actions are guided by the following questions: What do we want students to know and do? How do we know they are learning? What do we do when they’re not learning? How do we respond when they’ve already learned the information? DuFour, DuFour, and Eaker (2008)
PLC Work Cycle 1. Plan- Create instructional & assessment plan. (Learning Targets & Assessments) 2. Do- Execute the plan. 3. Study- Collectively study the results. 4. Act- Take action. (Rti)
Focus of this PD Session #1-Create Instructional & Learning Plan
Instruction Plan 1. Identify the Standards of next instructional segment. 2. Identify Learning Targets from Standards 3. Develop Assessments 4. Discuss Instructional Activities
Let Standards Guide Your Work
Math Pacing
Standards Learning Targets Determine the main idea of a text, differentiate between main idea and details, recount the key details, and explain how each detail supports the main idea. Determine the main idea of a text. Explain how each detail supports the main idea. Recount the key details. Differentiate between main idea and details.
Learning “I Can” Statements Determine the main idea of a text. Explain how each detail supports the main idea. Recount the key details. Differentiate between main idea and details. 1.I can determine the main idea. 2.I can tell the difference between main idea and details. 3.I can recount or tell the key details. 4.I can explain how the detail supports the main idea.
Learning Targets Clarified in student learning terms
Formative Assessment “All those activities undertaken by teachers and their students that provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged.” -Black & William, 1998
“The more you teach without finding out who understands the information and who doesn’t, the greater the likelihood, that only already proficient students will succeed.” -Wiggins (2006)
Develop Assessments Formative is Key Compelling research says that frequent formative assessment improves student achievement for all kids. Common formative assessments do not have to be tests or quizzes. Common formative assessment do not have to take a long time to administer. If you don’t use the results of formative assessment, the assessment is summative.
Formative Assessment Facts Assessments have to be written. Assessments have to be tests or quizzes. Assessments have to be lengthy. Assessments may be student work samples, activities, performances, etc. Assessments are intentionally short, minutes. Short but targeted to specific learning targets. WRONG RIGHT
Assessment Individual whiteboard response FormativeClassroom TeacherImmediate Feedback Exit SlipsFormativeClassroom TeacherImmediate Feedback Final Exams, Final Projects SummativeClassroom TeacherTo Give a Grade Quarterly tests, writings, performances More SummativeDistrict Curriculum Teams To indicate if student is mastering multiple standards in curriculum State benchmarkSummativeState Officials Longitudinal student and school performance TLI AssessmentsMore SummativeDistrict To indicate if student is mastering multiple standards in curriculum Clicker response, daily CGI problems FormativeClassroom TeacherImmediate Feedback Summative or Formative? Whose Responsibility? Purpose?
Designing Common Assessment Which learning targets are most likely to cause students difficulty? Which targets are prerequisite skills for information that will come later in the unit? Which targets are absolutely necessary for students to know? PLC’s will not be able to assess every learning target through Common Assessment. (Some will occur as individual formative assessment in the classroom.) STEP 1: DECIDING WHAT TO ASSESS
Assessment Strategies Selected Response- Asks students to select a response that is provided. (multiple choice, matching, true/false) Constructed Response-Asks students to provide their own answer to a question/response (short/long answer, graphic organizer) Performance Assessments- Asks students to demonstrate their understanding (speech, construct model, etc.) *Student Conference- type of assessment but difficult for Common Assessment. STEP 2: DECIDING HOW TO ASSESS
Creating Assessments STEP 3: DEVELOP ASSESSMENT PLAN Assessment Plan- consider the learning targets, decide how to assess that target, decide how long the assessment will take to administer STEP 3: DEVELOP ASSESSMENT PLAN
Creating Assessments The more frequently students are assessed, the more student achievement will increase. Schedule common assessment in such a way that the team schedules time for analyzing results & reteaching (recommended at least every 3 weeks (Bailey & Jakicic, 2012) STEP 4: DETERMINE THE TIMELINE
Creating Assessments Refer to guidelines for writing quality assessments STEP 5: Write the Assessment
Creating Assessments STEP 6: REVIEW THE ASSESSMENT
Creating Assessments Determine the proficiency level. Create rubric if necessary. STEP 7: SET PROFICIENCY CRITERIA AND DECIDE HOW TO GATHER DATA
Questions? 1. Will TLI be eliminated? Only when administrators, teachers, and parents are confident that common formative assessments are fully implemented and more beneficial will other assessments be eliminated. 2. Don’t the TLI assessments serve as formative assessment? It depends. If the results are used quickly and corrective instruction is provided to individuals as needed for their specific weaknesses. 3. How many Common Assessments are the PLC’s expected to create? Because substantial research shows frequent formative assessment improves student achievement, it is recommended to administer Common Formative Assessment approximately every 3 weeks.
Companion Resources Instruction & Assessment Plan Templates: Backward Planning Unit Design Template, Solution Tree District Learning Progressions Student Self Assessment Professional Texts: Common Formative Assessment, Kim Bailey & Chris Jakicic Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment, Paul Black and & Dylan Wiliam