EBS 고등 예비과정 영어 김하정
Lecture Plan MonTueWedThuFri 1/6 07 강 1/7 08 강 1/8 09 강 1/9 10 강 1/10 11 강 1/13 12 강 1/14 13 강 1/15 14 강 1/16 15 강 1/17 16 강 1/20 17 강 1/21 18 강 1/22 19 강 1/23 20 강 1/24 Exam
07 강 글의 목적 파악 Part II Reading & Writing
Example (p.46) Another year of Little League is over and thanks to you our son, Randy, will have happy memories of his year on the Tigers. He has definitely become a better ball player and has gained a greater insight and appreciation for the finer points of the game. My husband and I want to tell you what a great job you did as a coach of the Tigers. Another year of Little League is over and thanks to you our son, Randy, will have happy memories of his year on the Tigers. He has definitely become a better ball player and has gained a greater insight and appreciation for the finer points of the game. My husband and I want to tell you what a great job you did as a coach of the Tigers.
We Also want you to know how much we appreciate your combination of fairness and firmness with the boys through all the games and practices. Randy will never be a professional baseball player, but he loves the game. Thank you for encouraging him and letting him know he was important to the team. We Also want you to know how much we appreciate your combination of fairness and firmness with the boys through all the games and practices. Randy will never be a professional baseball player, but he loves the game. Thank you for encouraging him and letting him know he was important to the team.
Example- 어휘 (p.46) Definitely Insight for.. Appreciation for.. Appreciate [ 사람 물건 ] 의 ( 가치를 ) 정당하게 평가하다, 이해하다, … 의 진가를 인정하다, [ 문 학 예술 등을 ] 감상하다 Fine 복잡한, 정밀 [ 세밀한 ]; 정교한, 미묘한, 이 해 [ 파악하기 힘든, 섬세한 Definitely Insight for.. Appreciation for.. Appreciate [ 사람 물건 ] 의 ( 가치를 ) 정당하게 평가하다, 이해하다, … 의 진가를 인정하다, [ 문 학 예술 등을 ] 감상하다 Fine 복잡한, 정밀 [ 세밀한 ]; 정교한, 미묘한, 이 해 [ 파악하기 힘든, 섬세한
Exercise 1 (p.48) Welcome to the world of business for kids! Hundreds of kids’ resumes have shown us kids are thinking about business and careers. Our program prepares and launches kids into business. We provide advice, encouragement, and opportunities for kids to take on responsibility and gain valuable experience. Welcome to the world of business for kids! Hundreds of kids’ resumes have shown us kids are thinking about business and careers. Our program prepares and launches kids into business. We provide advice, encouragement, and opportunities for kids to take on responsibility and gain valuable experience.
An innovative kid-friendly approach engages kids, teachers and parents in business preparation for kids. Fun experiences are guaranteed as kids are given the job of creating fun in the development of their business. We are sure that you can think and start to prepare for your future. Join us in this business venture! Details are available at our homepage. An innovative kid-friendly approach engages kids, teachers and parents in business preparation for kids. Fun experiences are guaranteed as kids are given the job of creating fun in the development of their business. We are sure that you can think and start to prepare for your future. Join us in this business venture! Details are available at our homepage.
Exercise 1 - 어휘 (p.48) resúme [rizú ː m] 다시 시작하다 résumé [rézumèi] 이력서 Engage ~ into … ~ 을 … 에 종사 [ 관여 ] 시키다 Venture 모험, 투기적 사업, 모험적 사업 resúme [rizú ː m] 다시 시작하다 résumé [rézumèi] 이력서 Engage ~ into … ~ 을 … 에 종사 [ 관여 ] 시키다 Venture 모험, 투기적 사업, 모험적 사업
Exercise 2 (p.49) On behalf of the Wilson Elementary School PTA Board, I have a proposal which, I believe, could contribute to our children’s safety. It would involve assigning a crossing guard to the corner of Oak and Apple Tree Street. On behalf of the Wilson Elementary School PTA Board, I have a proposal which, I believe, could contribute to our children’s safety. It would involve assigning a crossing guard to the corner of Oak and Apple Tree Street.
As you know, that is an intersection with four-way stop signs and is very difficult and often hazardous for the children to cross. In the morning, motorists are especially impatient and most of them barely stop, let alone wait for a group of children to pass in front of them. We would appreciate your help and anxiously await your decision. As you know, that is an intersection with four-way stop signs and is very difficult and often hazardous for the children to cross. In the morning, motorists are especially impatient and most of them barely stop, let alone wait for a group of children to pass in front of them. We would appreciate your help and anxiously await your decision.
Exercise 2 - 어휘 (p.49) On behelf of~ ~ 를 대표하여 PTA(parent-teacher association) 사친회 Board 이사회 Assign ~ to… ~ 를 … 에 배정하다 Hazardous [ 사람에게 ] 위험한 [for..] Let alone ~ 하기는커녕 On behelf of~ ~ 를 대표하여 PTA(parent-teacher association) 사친회 Board 이사회 Assign ~ to… ~ 를 … 에 배정하다 Hazardous [ 사람에게 ] 위험한 [for..] Let alone ~ 하기는커녕
Exercise 3 (p.50) Each month our gallery conducts themed online art competitions. All participating winners of each competition have their artwork exposed and promoted online through the online gallery to thousands of visitors each month. Our art exhibition for this month is now posted on our web site and ready to view. Each month our gallery conducts themed online art competitions. All participating winners of each competition have their artwork exposed and promoted online through the online gallery to thousands of visitors each month. Our art exhibition for this month is now posted on our web site and ready to view.
The theme of the art exhibition is ‘Man and Nature.’ Our gallery received entries from 32 different states. Overall, there were 572 entries that were judged. If you visit, you will find out who this month’s winners are. This event is now posted and online to view 24 hours a day. The theme of the art exhibition is ‘Man and Nature.’ Our gallery received entries from 32 different states. Overall, there were 572 entries that were judged. If you visit, you will find out who this month’s winners are. This event is now posted and online to view 24 hours a day.
Exercise 3 - 어휘 (p.50) Themed 테마가 있는, 역사적인 내용을 반영한 Promote 홍보하다, 촉진하다, 증진하다, 승진 하다, 조장하다 View 바라보다, … 을 구경 [ 견학 ] 하다 Entry 출품물, 참가자 Judge 심사하다, 판단 [ 평가 ] 하다 Post 공표하다, 게시하다 Themed 테마가 있는, 역사적인 내용을 반영한 Promote 홍보하다, 촉진하다, 증진하다, 승진 하다, 조장하다 View 바라보다, … 을 구경 [ 견학 ] 하다 Entry 출품물, 참가자 Judge 심사하다, 판단 [ 평가 ] 하다 Post 공표하다, 게시하다
If you have much money, and the idea of flying over all that dreadful traffic appeals to you, there is a helicopter service to JFK Airport. US Helicopter flies to JFK from three locations in Manhattan. Flying time to JFK Airport is 12 minutes, but you’ll go through security checks before boarding, so allow some additional time for that. If you have much money, and the idea of flying over all that dreadful traffic appeals to you, there is a helicopter service to JFK Airport. US Helicopter flies to JFK from three locations in Manhattan. Flying time to JFK Airport is 12 minutes, but you’ll go through security checks before boarding, so allow some additional time for that. Exercise 4 (p.51)
The helicopter flies to JFK Airport only on weekdays, during the day. The fare is $159, making this the most expensive method. There are luggage restrictions of one checked bag, and one carry-on per passenger. Weather can determine travel time to JFK Airport, or if the helicopter will fly at all. The helicopter flies to JFK Airport only on weekdays, during the day. The fare is $159, making this the most expensive method. There are luggage restrictions of one checked bag, and one carry-on per passenger. Weather can determine travel time to JFK Airport, or if the helicopter will fly at all.
Check 검사, 점검 Check [ 짐을 ] 물표를 받고 맡기다 [ 부치다 ] Carry-on 기내 반입용의, 수하물의, 비행기 내 에 들고 갈 수 있는 Carry-on baggage 기내 휴대 수하물 At all ( 조건절 ) 적어도, 조금이라도,( 부정문 ) 조금도, 전혀,( 의문문 ) 도대체 Check 검사, 점검 Check [ 짐을 ] 물표를 받고 맡기다 [ 부치다 ] Carry-on 기내 반입용의, 수하물의, 비행기 내 에 들고 갈 수 있는 Carry-on baggage 기내 휴대 수하물 At all ( 조건절 ) 적어도, 조금이라도,( 부정문 ) 조금도, 전혀,( 의문문 ) 도대체 Exercise 4- 어휘 (p.51)