PURPOSE The University Procurement Card Program has been established as a service to eligible persons within the University community to provide a more efficient method of purchasing and payment of small-dollar goods and services, as well as travel and travel- related expenditures. The procurement card is a purchasing & payment tool, not a separate program. It is designed to be used in conjunction with existing policies, requirements, procedures and any other applicable University policies and procedures.
RECORD KEEPING Electronic allocation is REQUIRED In addition to deadline reminder s, the allocation deadline schedule can be found on the Card Services webpage Approver Review Approvers should be reviewing and signing your hardcopy statement monthly. Even if there are NO transactions Cardholders should retain original documents in their department Record Retention Sponsored Programs – at least 3 years, governed by agreement Other University Funds – 3 years Document Submission Tier Three cardholders MUST submit copies of all invoices, receipts and statements to our office each month (Powell 114) Grant Funded/Sponsored Program cardholders MUST submit copies of all invoices, receipts and statements to SP Accounting each month – (CPO 38A)
CARD SETTINGS Purchase Limits Tier One/Two: $5,000 single/$5,000 monthly Tier Three: $5,000 single/$10,000 monthly Accounting Codes Chart: E ORGN: Determined by cardholder agreement and Financial Manager approvals ACCT: Cardholders have access to all Account codes in the Visa system. Please keep in mind that not all Banner codes are in Visa.
RESTRICTIONS Splitting purchases to negate the single transaction limit Personal purchases of any type Delegation of Procard to other University employees Flowers Coffee/Break room supplies Food-Including business/travel meals Gifts/Gift cards A full list of restrictions can be found in the Requirements and Procedures Manual on the Card Services webpage
TRAVEL Allowable: Hotels Airlines Rental Cars Rental Car Gas Airport Parking Not Allowable Room service Business/travel Meals Upgrades for Hotel or Airfare
REVIEW ACTIONS (1 OF 3) Sales Tax Cardholder will be given 30 days to obtain credit from vendor If KY sales tax is paid and a refund is not obtained, cardholder will be responsible for reimbursement to the University If Out-of-State sales tax is paid, seek refund but if unavailable the cardholder is not required to reimburse Missing Receipts Receipts are required for ALL University ProCard purchases. It is no longer acceptable for cardholders to provide a signed memo in place of a missing receipt. The cardholder will have 30 days to obtain a copy of the receipt. First Offense: Letter of Warning Second Offense (within twelve [12] months): Letter of Warning and recertification exam Third Offense (within twelve [12] months): Letter of Warning, 30 days suspension of card, and recertification exam and the cardholder is required to reimburse the University for the purchase
REVIEW ACTIONS (2 OF 3) Any occurrence of the following offenses Split transactions to negate single transaction limit Supervisor signature missing on hardcopy statement Unauthorized business/travel meals or food purchased Any unrestricted purchase Missing documentation of record keeping First offense: Letter of Warning Second offense (within 12 months): Letter of warning and recertification exam in Blackboard Third offense (within 12 months): Letter of warning, 30 day suspension, and recertification exam in Blackboard
REVIEW ACTIONS (3 OF 3) Any occurrence of the following offenses Delegation of card Items shipped to non-EKU address without prior approval through Card Services Alcoholic beverages purchase First offense: Issues letter of reprimand to cardholder and supervisor detailing the nature of the offense, 30 day suspension, recertification exam Second offense: Revoke card Intentional Cardholder Fraud Immediate suspension of card privileges and notification sent to Internal Audits for further review (Reinstate pending IA findings)
EMPLOYEE MOVES & TERMINATIONS Moving Departments on Campus Contact new department and ask if there is a need for Procard in your new position Submit Procard Maintenance form to either cancel card or update Org access and approver Termination or Leaving University Contact Card Services prior to last working day Submit Procard Maintenance form to have card closed Surrender plastic to Supervisor for shredding Cardholder and Supervisor will be notified when the card is closed by the Card Services Office
PERIODIC REVIEW Monitor Compliance Receipts Allocations Supervisor Reviewed Allowable Purchases Report Provided to Summarize Findings 30 days to Respond