World Religions & Belief Systems
What ’ s the difference? Belief system: Belief system: a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society ( a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society ( Religion: Religion: a type of belief system a type of belief system a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices religious: relating to devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity ( religious: relating to devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity ( What do they have in common? Different? What do they have in common? Different?
Why do we study? Religion/belief systems influences what people do. What people do makes history. Examples: Abolition movement Abolition movement French Revolution French Revolution colonizing the US colonizing the US Others? Others?
Some (but not all) religions and belief systems: agnosticism agnosticism atheism atheism Baha'i Baha'i Buddhism Buddhism Christianity (includes Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant) Christianity (includes Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant) Confucianism Confucianism Daoism Daoism Hinduism Hinduism Islam Islam Judaism Judaism Shinto Shinto Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism
Unit Overview Religions and Belief Systems for this unit: Religions and Belief Systems for this unit: Semitic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam Semitic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam Indian Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism Indian Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism “ Other: ” Confucianism and Taoism “ Other: ” Confucianism and Taoism
Unit Overview with Daily Topics (subject to change!) 10/16 Overview 10/16 Overview 10/16-10/20 Judaism 10/16-10/20 Judaism 10/22-10/26 Christianity 10/22-10/26 Christianity 10/28-10/30 Islam 10/28-10/30 Islam 11/3 Compare and Review 11/3 Compare and Review 11/5 Quest 11/5 Quest 11/5 Confucianism and Taoism 11/5 Confucianism and Taoism 11/9 Buddhism 11/9 Buddhism 11/12 Hinduism 11/12 Hinduism 11/16 Library 11/16 Library 11/18 Compare and Review 11/18 Compare and Review 11/20 Quest and Essay prep 11/20 Quest and Essay prep 11/21-11/29 Thanksgiving “break” 11/21-11/29 Thanksgiving “break” 12/1 Computer Lab 12/1 Computer Lab 12/3 Essay Due! and Holidays around the World 12/3 Essay Due! and Holidays around the World 12/7 Holidays around the World 12/7 Holidays around the World 12/9 Holidays around the World 12/9 Holidays around the World 12/11 Final Prep and Holidays around the World 12/11 Final Prep and Holidays around the World 12/14 2 nd Period Final 12/14 2 nd Period Final 12/15 3 rd & 4 th Period Final 12/15 3 rd & 4 th Period Final
Key Vocabulary Belief System Belief System Religion Religion Belief Belief Practice Practice Founder Founder Origin Origin Sect Sect Others? Others?
The Big Picture
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Notes Instructions Throughout the unit you ’ ll take notes on all of the belief systems. You will get the information in a variety of ways (PPT, readings, video clips, etc.). Your notes should all look the same (see board). Each belief system should have 1 page of notes. You ’ ll need the same information for each belief system. Followers called? Followers called? Origins and founder Origins and founder Key beliefs Key beliefs Key practices Key practices Texts Texts Sects Sects Symbols Symbols Other? Other?
Judaism (notes check from readings) Followers called?:Jews, Jewish, (Originally – Hebrews) Followers called?:Jews, Jewish, (Originally – Hebrews) Origins and founder Origins and founder Abraham and descendants of his grandson Jacob, said one God Abraham and descendants of his grandson Jacob, said one God Moses – got Ark of Covenant from God that est. beliefs and principles of Jud. (incl. Ten Commandments) Moses – got Ark of Covenant from God that est. beliefs and principles of Jud. (incl. Ten Commandments) Key beliefs: Monotheistic; are God ’ s chosen ppl. in return for faith and obedience, must live a moral life (follow laws/commandments); laws unfold in every generation Key beliefs: Monotheistic; are God ’ s chosen ppl. in return for faith and obedience, must live a moral life (follow laws/commandments); laws unfold in every generation Key practices: synagogue, pass traditions on, Shabbat, fasting (Yom Kippur); keep kosher Key practices: synagogue, pass traditions on, Shabbat, fasting (Yom Kippur); keep kosher Texts: Torah (1 st five of OT; most important because has laws), Nevi ’ im (Prophets), Ketuvim (stories, proverbs, history); Talmud (oral law) Texts: Torah (1 st five of OT; most important because has laws), Nevi ’ im (Prophets), Ketuvim (stories, proverbs, history); Talmud (oral law) Sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform Sects: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform Symbols: Star of David Symbols: Star of David Other?: Jerusalem is sacred, God = Adonai Other?: Jerusalem is sacred, God = Adonai
Islam (notes check from readings) Followers called?: Muslims Followers called?: Muslims Origins and founder Origins and founder Key beliefs Key beliefs Key practices Key practices Texts Texts Sects Sects Symbols Symbols Other? Other?
Christianity Origins and founder: central figure is Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem and lived in Nazareth central figure is Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem and lived in Nazareth chose 12 disciples (chosen followers) to help caste out evil and heal the sick chose 12 disciples (chosen followers) to help caste out evil and heal the sick Jesus is known for performing many miracles and thousands came to hear him preach and to be healed Jesus is known for performing many miracles and thousands came to hear him preach and to be healed Christian teachings are based on the word of Jesus Christian teachings are based on the word of Jesus Key beliefs: Jesus is the son of God, born through immaculate conception; Jesus is the son of God, born through immaculate conception; Jesus died for the sins of his people; Jesus died for the sins of his people; he resurrected 3 days after his crucifixion and continued to spread the word of God for 40 days; he resurrected 3 days after his crucifixion and continued to spread the word of God for 40 days; his disciples took over and continued to spread Christianity his disciples took over and continued to spread Christianity
Christians Followers called?: Christians Key practices: Baptism, Holy Communion (Catholicism), Confession (Catholicism), attending Church on Sundays Baptism, Holy Communion (Catholicism), Confession (Catholicism), attending Church on Sundays Bible (old and new testament) Texts: Bible (old and new testament) Catholic, Protestant, Presbyterian, Orthodox, Lutheran, Mormon, Baptist, Quakers, Methodist, and many more. Sects: Catholic, Protestant, Presbyterian, Orthodox, Lutheran, Mormon, Baptist, Quakers, Methodist, and many more. cross, lamb, dove of peace, icthus (fish), Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Symbols: cross, lamb, dove of peace, icthus (fish), Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birth; Easter commemorates Jesus’ death and resurrection; Catholic church leader- Priest; other Christian leaders called Pastor Other? Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birth; Easter commemorates Jesus’ death and resurrection; Catholic church leader- Priest; other Christian leaders called Pastor
Islam Followers called?: Muslims Followers called?: Muslims Origins and founder: Origins and founder: Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in 610 Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in Hijrah Muhammed flees Mecca for Medina. 622-Hijrah Muhammed flees Mecca for Medina. Muhammad’s revelations were compiled into the Qur’an after his death Muhammad’s revelations were compiled into the Qur’an after his death Islam means “submission to God” Islam means “submission to God” Key beliefs: Key beliefs: Monotheistic (belief in one god) Monotheistic (belief in one god) Allah is God and Muhammed is his Prophet Allah is God and Muhammed is his Prophet Key practices Key practices Mosque (Muslim house of worship) Mosque (Muslim house of worship) Five Pillars of Islam Five Pillars of Islam
Islam Continued Texts: Qur'an (Koran) Texts: Qur'an (Koran) Muslims believe it contains the word of God. 114 suras (chapters). Written in Arabic. Sects Sects Shia (Shiite) and Sunni Shia (Shiite) and Sunni Symbols Symbols Crescent and the star: symbol of solace and understanding offered by Islam Crescent and the star: symbol of solace and understanding offered by Islam Ka’bah: sacred shrine at Mecca Ka’bah: sacred shrine at Mecca Other? No alcohol or pork. No gambling. Sharia- body of Islamic law to regulate daily living. Three holiest cities in Islam: * Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.