Founder/Origin/Location Muhammad 7 th century C.E. (early 600s) Arabian peninsula
Holidays/Clothing/Holy Books/Branches Ramadan Eid-al-Fitr Eid-al-Adha Hajj Muharram Qur’an Women cover up- hijab, niqab, burqa Men- turban, beard Sunni Shi’a Sufi
Creation Myth/God God created Adam & Hawa World created in 6 days Monotheistic-Allah Omnipresent, omniscient Allah is good and forgiving
Holy Cities/ Today/ Hierarchy/ Other Supernatural Beings Mecca, Medina, & Jerusalem Mosque/Masjid 2 nd largest religion in world Fastest growing religion 1.5 billion Issue Israel/Palestine, Terrorism, Fundamentalists, Women’s Rights Imams leaders of mosques Ayatollah (Shi’a Branch) Men and women are equal Devil, angels, jinn (good and bad spirits)
Basic Beliefs The prophet Muhammad had the Qur’an revealed to him by Allah through the angel Gabriel On Judgment Day, every human will be resurrected from the grave & justice will be done Humans have free will but Allah knows what choice they will make Judaism & Christianity are imperfect versions of the Truth
Rituals/Rules/Rites of Passage Five Pillars – statement of faith, praying 5x/day, fasting during Ramadan, almsgiving, hajj to Mecca at least once in lifetime Circumcision, buried in white shroud No pork or alcohol Friday is holy day of week for worship Eat halal – way meat was killed and how food is prepared
Salvation/After Life Follow the 5 Pillars Live in a way that is pleasing to Allah Faith and good works Heaven and Hell