PROCUREMENT Purchasing Department
UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES School Board Policy 7.70 No person, unless authorized to do so by the Board or authorized under its duly adopted regulations, may make any purchase involving the use of school funds. The payment of any unauthorized purchases shall be the sole responsibility of the person placing the order.
THRESHOLDS RFQ Request for Quote (informal) $12,500 RFB/RFP Request for Bid/Proposal (formal)$50,000 Purchasing will issue formal solicitations.
INTERNAL FUNDS Internal funds follow the same purchasing policies and law. Contact purchasing with anything over $12,500 that does not have an existing contract approved by purchasing.
TIMELINE Plan ahead. If a RFQ/RFB/RFP needs to be issued, it will take more than a couple of weeks. An RFB/RFP may take at least three months or more with board approval.
EXEMPTIONS FROM RFQ/RFB/RFP DOE exemptions – artistic services; auditing services, legal services, health services, copyrighted material. Piggyback contracts approved by purchasing – State contracts, Co-ops, school districts, etc. Sole Source Purchase from another governmental entity
PROCUREMENT CARD (P-CARD) FRAUD New Chip and Pin Pcards from Suntrust New Procedures Fraud for department/school cards do not have fraud protection Named cards do have fraud protection Procedures will be reviewed at the Purchasing Seminar
PCARD INCREASES Increases over the $1000 threshold limit for Pcards can be made upon request to purchasing. The bookkeeper will send an to purchasing with a copy to the administrator.
PRINT SERVICES Please contact Purchasing if you have issues/questions with Office Depot Print Services.
VENDORS If you have issues with vendors on contract and cannot come to a resolution, please contact purchasing or the contract manager. There is a process for contract resolution or termination.
Purchasing department is here to help you meet the state and federal law as well as District policies. We will try our best to get to “yes”.
TRANSPORTATION - FIELD TRIPS Transportation is no longer asking that field trips outside the normal time frame be submitted in advance through grade level directors, as we’ve done in the past. Field trips outside the standard time frames will be allowed for educational events only. Schools requesting such a trip need to submit a field trip request as soon as possible and coordinate through Melissa Weber in the transportation office. Every effort will be made to accommodate the field trip.
FOOD SERVICE SMART SNACKS IN SCHOOLS RULE All schools were required, by June 30, 2015, to establish a “Healthy School Team” consisting of parents, students, school food service representatives, school administrators, school health professionals, physical education teachers and the public, with the responsibility of complying with the nutritional standards, setting the dates for fundraisers and reporting the overall compliance with the district’s wellness policy. It has been recommended that schools use the School Advisory Committee (SAC) members as the Healthy School Team, with the addition of a food service representative, preferably the school cafeteria manager. During the first SAC meeting of the year, it is recommended that the Healthy School Team convene, with minutes of the meeting recorded.