Silent Reading Rules You must be silently reading your book the ENTIRE period. (Yes, you are expected to read your book for a whole 47 minutes!) You should be working on the Book Club Prep Work sheet as you are reading. You may sit anywhere in the classroom as long as you are not touching anyone else. If you are finished reading, please see me for your extra credit assignment!
Book Clubs 1 st period Directions: Get into your group. You may move desks/chairs. Take out your books and your Prework sheet. I will come around and hand out your discussion sheet. Be sure to read the directions and norms before you start. The more complete and thorough your responses, the better your grade! A Separate PeaceAlas, BabylonLegendWe Were Liars Daniel VelasquezIsaiah ThomasAlexis ChavezAbril Garcia Isaiah ThomasCorey PerkinsAnna Mattlock Todderick WilsonArris HodgesMadison Bonham Jacob PurkheiserBlake ChillaJazmine Walters Maraiah HarrisonDylan FunkRebecca Mc Fadden Kerry RamosAlec Kato Maggie GodfeyAustin Ruzick Mariah LadayLogan Berthalot Adrian SaucedaAnthony Bacerra
Book Clubs 3 rd period Directions: Get into your group. You may move desks/chairs. Take out your books and your Prework sheet. I will come around and hand out your discussion sheet. Be sure to read the directions and norms before you start. The more complete and thorough your responses, the better your grade! Alas, BabylonLegendWe Were Liars jacob gaustin sdenise m coltonjarius palyssa bryan pvincent ballison g mario lalicia danny fsasha shaheer malexa lui bryan b hope daizah
Book Clubs 2nd period Directions: Get into your group. You may move desks/chairs. Take out your books and your Prework sheet. I will come around and hand out your discussion sheet. Be sure to read the directions and norms before you start. The more complete and thorough your responses, the better your grade! le asiajacob wjosephlydi lataveaalex rbrandonrainer miaconner tmoisesmartina r ajethanfiona? reggie patrick javon tony a
Book Clubs 5 th period Directions: Get into your group. You may move desks/chairs. Take out your books and your Prework sheet. I will come around and hand out your discussion sheet. Be sure to read the directions and norms before you start. The more complete and thorough your responses, the better your grade! curtisdanielabigaillauren p treycarlosloganlauren g jakehapally niaivandj raynealexhunter coreysethoctavio joshtristenjenna?
Book Clubs 6 th period Directions: Get into your group. You may move desks/chairs. Take out your books and your Prework sheet. I will come around and hand out your discussion sheet. Be sure to read the directions and norms before you start. The more complete and thorough your responses, the better your grade! A Separate PeaceAlas, BabylonLegendWe Were Liars fernando ghenrylaila lopezmadison kylin cdeven sbraydonalyssa e dawsonderektheresa d thaddeusvalarie j daeven smegan garret r tyler gabi alyssa k damien r nija c fernando l
Book Clubs 7 th period Directions: Get into your group. You may move desks/chairs. Take out your books and your Prework sheet. I will come around and hand out your discussion sheet. Be sure to read the directions and norms before you start. The more complete and thorough your responses, the better your grade! A Separate PeaceAlas, BabylonLegendWe Were Liars Trisianjaquanbrookecailie Christiandamionjulissanick Lillianarathjasminebrianna carlosharoldcarson faithcamryn taskira dylanjulian noah conrad
Group Norms 1. Introduce yourselves! This will be your book club group for the next 3 weeks so it’s important that you get to know each other. 2. Elect a facilitator and a scribe. The facilitator will lead the discussion today, but a facilitator will be elected each week. The scribe will write down the group’s answers to the discussion questions provided on this sheet and will also rotate. 3. The following three “norms” are expected to be followed as part of a successful book club. Have the newly elected facilitator read the rules out loud to the other members of the group. Create a fourth rule that your group has decided to follow that will make your group run more smoothly or make your group more fun. a.) Only one person talks at a time – No interrupting! b.) You can read ahead, but you can’t “talk ahead” of the assigned chapters c.) We don’t always have to agree, but we will treat each other with respect d.) ***your choice***
Discussion ?s 1. What do you think so far about the main character? Can you relate to him or her? How has this character, already in the first 1/3 of the book, changed? 2. Would you want to live in a setting/society like this one? Why or why not? 3. Discuss the basic plot points of your novel so far, as well as character development. What has been happening? Who do you like or not like in the book? Where do you think the book is headed? (No spoilers if you have read ahead!) 4. What are some of the themes you are seeing so far in the novel? 5. Provide a list of any of the other topics that you discussed today in your group. Ask each other questions, talk about specific passages, discuss things you didn’t understand, etc.
Conflict Figurative Language Rising Action Relationships Predictions Book & Group Names What are the different conflicts in your book so far? List as many as you can under each conflict type. Man v. Man Man v. Nature Man v. Self Man v. Society Identify and arrange the major events that make up the rising action of your book. Create a character map that demonstrates the relationships between the characters in your book. Include important characteristics of each person and an image/symbol that represents them. Find and list as many examples of each type of figurative language as you can. Include page numbers. Imagery Simile Metaphor Allusion Personification Onomatopoeia Hyperbole Oxymoron