Allen M. Jackson EDU650 Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21 st Century Dr. Lisa Reason April 13, 2015
Teaching Position I am currently the Pastor of Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church Inc. of Minden, Louisiana. I have been at Pleasant Grove for nine year and counting. I am hoping to be there for another eleven years before I retires from fulltime pastors. I retired from the State of Louisiana after 22 year as an Office Manager/computer specialist. I been in the ministry for 20 year as a Youth Pastor and Pastor. I hope to start a Christian base school at church someday or teach Elementary grades 4 th – 6 th grade subjects Math or Social Studies. I am applying for teaching Position within the public school system. My application is for grade 4 th thru 5 th grade Math and Science. Teaching requires dedication, ability to help students to learn, planning, guidance, and management skills. Teaching is also a continual learning process, in order to meet the ever changing needs of student. Setting standards to meet the required and to achieve goals above the standards.
Philosophy of Education Every child will learn something today. I have something to teach you today. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverb 22:6 KJV).” This was embroiders in a picture frame in my first grade teacher’s classroom. All my life I have remember and lived by those words. Every child is unique in their learning ability. Some children learn slower than other, some children learn faster than other and some children seems as though they don’t learn at all. As a teacher I must have the ability to teach them all something that they can learn that will hold value in their lives.
Philosophy of Education Continue I don’t believe that children are failing in school. I believe that schools are failing our children. Teaching is more that a job or career, instead teaching is a lifestyle. The desire to help someone to learn something they don’t know that will give value to their state of being is invaluable. While at the same time to continue to learn will add value to your own life. This is a continually process that I believe that it is everyone responsibility.
Classroom Management Plan For Elementary Grades The purpose of this plan is to establish guideline for an effective classroom environment conducive for learning, keeping everyone safe and to address behavior problems that would hinder learning for all students. My plan is to help achieve that objective. My plan is design for elementary 4 th and 5 th grades classes and can be change for lower grades. The subjects that I will be teaching are Math and Science. My plan will be student-center (Ch. 4.3, Newman, R. 2013) in order to achieve my objective.
Classroom Management Plan For Elementary Grades Continue I will allow my student to help decide what will be appropriate behavior in the classroom. This will give students more responsibility and a sense of ownership of the rules that will govern their behavior (Ch. 4.3, Newman, R.). My plan will also let the student know what will be expected of me and them while we are together in the classroom. I will be caring, understanding, fair and swift when it comes to discipline. This will create a safe and healthy environment for me facilitate learning in the classroom. My plan is establish for upper grades elementary students, but I will be flexible in my plan design so I can accommodate all my students’ needs. So I can address unexpected situation everyday in the classroom.
Types of School This is a comparison and contrast of two type of school in the City of Monroe School district. First is an overview of J. S. Clark Magnet Elementary School. Secondly is an overview of New Vision Learning Academy a type 2 public elementary charter school. Both schools operate under the City of Monroe School district. Each has their individual style of educating grades Pre-K – 6 th grade elementary.
Types of School Continue Both schools are not restricted by school zones and there is no restrict on academic performance to be admitted into either school. Both schools operate on a first come; first served basis and each served a different demographic areas. Both schools are very different in school models and teaching and learning styles that occurs within each school.
Effective Lesson Plan Backward Design Stage 1: Identify Desired Results In Grade 5, instructional time should focus on three critical areas: (1) developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, and developing understanding of the multiplication of fractions and of division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions). Enduring: “Students apply their understanding of fractions and fraction models to represent the addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators as equivalent calculations with like denominators (#1, pg. 33 CCSS).”
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Established Goals: CCSS 5 TH Grade Math Standards Essential Questions What do we need to know how to add and subtract fraction? How do we get like denominators when one is different? Student will know how to add and subtract fraction with like denominators and unlike denominators. Example (½ + ½ = ?) or (½ + ¼ = ?)
Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning Performance Tasks: Student’s task will be to perform mathematical operation involving fractions with different denominator and like denominators. Other Evidence Pretest: teacher created to assess student knowledge of fraction Question to see if student is struggling Quiz Chapter test on fractions
Stage 3: Build Learning Plan Learning Activities: Each student will complete 10 problems worksheet on adding fractions with like denominators. Each student will complete 10 problems worksheet on subtracting fractions with like denominators. Each student will complete 10 problems worksheet on adding fractions with unlike denominators. Each student will completed 10 problems worksheet on subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Each student will completed 20 problems worksheet on adding and subtracting fractions with both like and unlike denominators.
Assessment Assessment plays an important role in school improvement and in measurement of educational quality. “Assessment refers to the process used to determine, in measurable terms, the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs of the learner (Poehner, 2007). Today, assessments must play a central role in shaping teaching and learning and actively engaging students in their own learning process (Newman, R. 2013, and ch. 11).” The process of assessment provides valuable information for the uses of evaluation and measuring the knowledge and skills in the classroom.
Assessment Continue The information gather from assessment can help teachers’ to prepare instructions that will help students to reach learning goals for success. According to, “ Black and William (1998) they defines assessment broadly as a set of activities that teachers and students undertake to get information that can be used diagnostically to alter teaching and learning to meet student needs. Under this definition, assessment encompasses teacher observation, classroom discussion, and analysis of student work, including homework and tests. In general, assessment can be divided into two types: formative and summative (Peterson, E 2009).”
Professional Learning Community “Professional learning communities (PLCs) offer an infrastructure to connect individuals and a way of creating an organization that is dedicated to collaboration and continual learning (Newman, R. ch. 13.3).” This will enhance my ability to teach and learn at the same time.
Short and Long Term Goals Identify 3 to 5 short-term goals. My first short term goal is to complete my Master of Education degree at Ashford University Secondly, I plan to seek a teaching position in Elementary grades 4 th or 5 th teaching Math and Science. Lastly, I plan on adding guidance counselor as another field of study to my degree. I hope to use the advanced degree I earn to qualify for alternative teaching certification for the state of Louisiana.
Short and Long Term Goals Continue Identify 3 to 5 long-term goals. My long term goals are to complete my master degree plus 30 hours. Become certified in Elementary Education with concentration in Math and Science. Complete Doctorate in Family and Social Science with concentration in counseling. Where would you like to be a year from now? In a year from now I would like to be done finish with my master degree and started working on the 30 plus hours in Math and Science. Also I hope to be teaching in a classroom environment. Completed the 30 plus hours in math and science and be working on my Doctorate in Family and Social Science.
Reference Capizzi, A. M. (2009). Start the year off right: Designing and evaluating a supportive classroom management plan. Focus on Exceptional Children, 42(3), Retrieved from Dake, Finis Jennings, (1991), Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible (27 th Printing – April 1998) Lawrenceville, GA, USA: Dake Bible Sales, Inc. Newman, Richard, With Lynda Fielstein and Patricia Phelps (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21 st Century Connecting the Dots. Bridgepoint Education, Inc
Reference Continue Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2007). Schooling by Design: Mission, Action, and Achievement. Alexandria, VA, USA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (ASCD). Retrieved from Woods, R. N., & Barrow, R. (1989). Introduction to Philosophy of Education (3rd Edition). Florence, KY, USA: Routledge. Retrieved from