Cloudland Instruments Hawkeye Electronics Snapshot March 10th, 2016
Cloudland Instruments Hawkeye Uses Six Circuit Boards CCD Board Analog Board Motherboard Picozed Board Interface Board Finderscope Board
Cloudland Instruments CCD Board supports CCDs, Buffer Amplifiers and Passive Filtering Components Board Includes: 4 CCDs. 3 Output buffer amplifiers per CCD. Filtering Components. 4 Connectors to Analog Board. 4 CCD temp sensors. Notes: Each CCD has it’s own signal connector to help ease routing. Each CCD has it’s own supply latch-up current monitoring and protection located on the mother board.
Cloudland Instruments Analog Board contains Preamplifiers, A/Ds and CCD Clock Drivers Top View Board Includes: 1 Connector to mother board. 4 A/Ds. 4 Connectors to CCD board. 3 Preamplifiers per CCD. 8 Clock Drivers per CCD. Notes: Each CCD has it’s own set of drivers to allow clocking flexibility.
Cloudland Instruments A COTS PicoZED Board is used for the Processor Board includes: ZYNQ ARM processor 1 GB DDR3 SDRAM 128 Mb for QSPI Flash 4 GB eMMC Flash Board Dimensions: 4.0 x 2.25 in 4.0 in length drives mechanical design Notes: Bottom side contains 3 connectors for all board I/O Top View Bottom View
Cloudland Instruments Motherboard Ties all the other Boards Together Top View Board Includes: 3 Connectors for PicoZed Interconnects. All System Power Supplies (not shown). Power Supply Monitoring. Shutter Solenoid Driver. Notes: All boards connect to Motherboard except CCD board. Connection to Finder Scope not shown. Most likely on upper left front or back side. Connection to analog board Connection to interface board
Cloudland Instruments Interface Board connects to Spacecraft Top View Board Includes: Spacecraft Interface Connector. Purposed High Density, 26 Pin D- Sub. Payload Debug Connector. Purposed High Density, 15 Pin, D- Sub. Spacecraft Connector Contains: Power Input Command and Control Serial Interface. Image LVDS Quad SPI Data Download Interface. Payload Debug Connector Contains: JTAG Interface to ZYNQ Processor. Gbit Ethernet Debug Port.
Cloudland Instruments Finder Scope is on a small Separate Board Board Includes: Area Array Image and socket. Power bypass filters. Flat Flex Connector. Notes: Flat Flex Cable used to connect Finder Scope to mother board. Micron CMOS Image Sensor socket requires extension (bump out) of the camera back cover. All parts fit on top layer.
Cloudland Instruments Design Includes Features enhancing Robustness Electrical Design Features: –CCDs are driven by separate clock drivers to allow clocking flexibility. –CCD and other major power supplies have current monitoring and over- current protection to protect against latch-up. –Muti-connector design on CCD and analog boards allows modular circuit layout without bottleneck of one large connector. –Analog board supports 2 A/D data buses to lower data clock rate. –System has external JTAG and Ethernet debug ports for enhanced system development and integration process. –System Processor is a popular off-the-shelf board with good design support.
Cloudland Instruments Current State of Design Effort First set of prototype system boards are in the layout process. Motherboard design is still in process. Prototype of Finder Scope works well. Simulated camera system using a ZedBoard is working and capturing live Finderscope images and simulated CCD images. All board-to-board interconnect have been identified. Payload to Spacecraft interconnects have been proposed. (Awaiting feedback from Clydespace)
Cloudland Instruments Tasks Remaining Finish power requirements analysis. Create payload power requirements document for Clyde- Space. Finish motherboard design. Finish layout of all boards. Procure all components. Build first prototype of each board. Integrate and debug first system prototype