Writing The MCAS Essay
Prepare for the Test 1. Review books you may use for the test: Titles of Books, Authors’ Names, Main Characters, Main Conflicts, Memorable Events, and Themes 2. Get a good night’s sleep & eat a healthy breakfast.
Finding A Focus 1. Read and analyze the question. 2. Select a work of literature that will allow you to answer the question and to easily fill at least five paragraphs of text. 3. Find a focus that is unique from other students.
The 3-Sentence Prompt 1. Introduces the Topic. 2. Tells you to select a work of literature you have read in or out of school. 3. Gives the question and states everything you must answer in your response.
In literature, characters often struggle with important decisions. Identify a work of literature that you have read in or out of class in which one or more characters struggle with a decision. Select one character from this work and discuss in an essay the decision with which he or she is struggling, and why the decision is important.
In literature as in life, courage is important. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who is courageous. In a well-developed composition, identify that character and explain how that character’s courage is important to the work of literature.
In literature as in life, people struggle with principles or beliefs they hold. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who struggles with his or her own principles or beliefs. In a well- developed composition, identify that character and explain how that character’s inner struggle is important to the work of literature.
Often, works of literature include characters that change as a result of a particular event. From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that has been changed by a particular event. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe the event, and explain why the character’s change is important to the work of literature. [Spring 2005]
Thesis Statement: One sentence that states the main point or opinion that will be proven in the essay. Brainstorm Ideas and Develop The Thesis Statement
A Good Thesis Statement… 1.Answers the Question. 2. Summarizes your main points. 3.Expresses your opinion or attitude toward your topic. 4. Shows the organization that will follow.
“discuss its importance…” When answering this part of question, consider literary techniques: plot, conflicts, characters, theme, etc..
For Example Select a minor character and discuss his/her importance to the work of literature. Ask yourself: Does this character affect the plot? Does this character add conflict? Does this character affect the resolution? Does this character help point out any themes? Does this character add humor?
Then create the thesis statement: Although a minor character, Liam O’Grady plays an important role. He creates conflict, furthers the plot development, and affects the resolution of the story.
Organizing Your Thoughts
Each box represents a paragraph.
The thesis statement should be placed at the end of the introduction and restated at the beginning of the conclusion.
All information included in the body paragraphs should relate to the thesis statement. Any basic information must be included in the introduction or conclusion
The Introduction
The Hook or “Attention Grabber” Thought-Provoking Question Quote Figure of Speech: metaphor, simile, symbol, etc. Short narrative story or anecdote Short poem
Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that clearly states the idea to be discussed in the paragraph.
Each body paragraph should contain valid, supporting evidence to prove your opinion.
The Conclusion
Don’t Procrastinate!