Ideas for a new INFN experiment on instrumentation for photon science and hadrontherapy applications – BG/PV group L. Ratti Università degli Studi di Pavia.


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Presentation transcript:

Ideas for a new INFN experiment on instrumentation for photon science and hadrontherapy applications – BG/PV group L. Ratti Università degli Studi di Pavia and INFN Pavia

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th (What might be the) Purpose of the experiment Take advantage of the expertise and knowledge gained in the design of silicon pixel detectors for HEP (low noise electronics, fast readout architectures and DAQ) and in the use of advanced technologies (monolithic sensors, nanometer CMOS, vertical integration, quadruple well, active edge planar and 3D sensors) to develop high performance instrumentation for applications to photon science and hadrontherapy Some new and challenging requirements very large dynamic range in the input signal (in excess of 80 dB) high resolution analog information needed (up to 17 bits) single photon resolution (even at relatively low energies, down to 500 eV) quite large frame rates (4.5 MHz in the case of the DSSC chip for the Eu-XFEL) very thin detectors (well below 100  m) may be required in hadrontherapy monitors Some less demanding relatively large pitch, about 100  m or more radiation hardness at the level of HEP applications at most Some other quite different for hadrontherapy and photon science very thin substrates may be needed in hadrontherapy, whereas thick sensors are required in photon science applications occupancy is smaller in hadrontherapy monitors

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Enabling technologies for advanced instrumentation Monolithic sensors in INMAPS technology (RAL, IPHC Strasbourg) 180 nm minimum feature size, high resistivity epitaxial layer (12  m or 18  m), quadruple well Active edge planar and 3D silicon pixel detectors (FBK) Vertical integration technologies (AIDA) high density interconnect (T-Micro) low density interconnect (T-Micro, CEA-LETI) Deep submicron/nanometer CMOS technology (AIDA, CERN) ≤ 130 nm minimum feature size

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Door-step with connector CZT Detector ASIC TSV High/low density interconnect with T-Micro Paul Seller, RAL

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Plans for tests with T-Micro Very high interconnect density, with small bond pads (squares with a side of 5 or 10 μm, depending on the bump size, 2x2 μm 2 or 8x8 μm 2 ) both on the sensor and the readout sides  more room for top metal routing, in particular for power and ground lines, smaller capacitive coupling Preliminary test of the integration process to be performed on pre-existing readout chips (Superpix0) and high resistivity n-on-n pixel sensors Sensors in the red box have no metal layers under the markers GDS files, a sensor wafer and a few readout chip dice soon to be sent to Japan, bump mask design to start end of this month / beginning of July Superpix0 chip layout

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Low density interconnect with CEA-LETI

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th D interconnection and system integration - 1 System integration with a 3-side buttable sensor (e.g. active edge sensor + 65 nm CMOS readout chip) Sensor to readout chip integration – high density interconnect (e.g. T-Micro micro- bump process) 3D chip (sensor + readout chip) to PCB integration – low density interconnect including TSV, RDL and bump bonding (e.g., T-Micro, Open3D Initiative by CEA-LETI) Analog and digital front-end overlapped with the sensor, digital readout on one side of the chip

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th D interconnection and system integration - 2 System integration with a 4-side buttable sensor (monolithic sensor, e.g. in INMAPS technology, + digital readout layer) CMOS sensor to digital readout layer integration – high density interconnect (e.g. T-Micro) 3D chip (sensor + readout chip) to PCB integration – low density interconnect including TSV, RDL and bump bonding (e.g., T-Micro, Open3D Initiative by CEA-LETI) Sensor and analog and digital front-end on top tier, digital readout on bottom tier

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th D interconnection and system integration - 3 System integration with a 3-side buttable sensor (active edge sensor + 2 tier 130 nm CMOS readout electronics with low density TSVs in the first tier) System integration with a 3-side buttable sensor (active edge sensor + 2 tier 130 nm CMOS readout electronics with low density TSVs in both tiers) pixel sensor analog/digital FE digital readout+shared blocks (e.g. RAM, ADC) high density interconnect low density TSVs high density interconnect low density TSVs (intertier) low density TSVs (I/O) pixel sensor analog/digital FE digital readout+shared blocks (e.g. RAM, ADC)

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Readout architecture and in-pixel blocks Counting architecture (may not be suitable for the extremely fast pulses in FEL applications) or analog integration + in-pixel A to D conversion Sparsified readout (mainly in hadrontherapy applications) or complete frame readout In-pixel storage (to comply with the frame rate requirements) – analog memory, RAM

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Instrumentation for a dose delivery system Present monitor at CNAO relies on different detectors – 5 ionization chambers, 2 strip, 2 integral, 1 pixel chamber - to measure beam intensity and position A silicon pixel detector may represent a cost effective, more flexible and rugged, easier to manage (both electronically and mechanically) replacement Some challenging requirements have to be met sensitive area: in the order of a few 100 cm 2, depending on the monitor position relative to the steering magnets (and to the patient - position has implications on the detector thickness and granularity) granularity: 300  m or less (also depending on the monitor position – has implications on the readout bandwidth) for accurate position measurement and control of the steering magnets frame readout rate: a 100 kHz frame readout rate for the monitor to comply with the requirements on the accuracy in the measurement of the delivered dose and to be able to quickly enforce emergency/safety procedures in case of beam malfunction – to reduce the bandwidth to 1 Gbit/s or less, smart readout schemes are needed detector water equivalent thickness: <1mm, corresponding to <300  m radiation hardness: an ionizing dose of 10 kGy/y and a 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of cm -2 y -1 are expected

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th Bandwidth requirements

Backup slides

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th 2012 ~ 2.5 cm ~ 3.2 cm The 3D-IC collaboration Several groups from US and Europe have been involved in the first 3D MPW for HEP (pixel and strip readout chips for ATLAS, CMS, B-factory, ILC) and photon science applications (X-ray imaging) Single set of masks used for both tiers to save money identical wafers produced by Chartered (now Globalfoundries) and face-to-face bonded by Tezzaron backside metallization by Tezzaron 14

“Ideas for an experiment on photon science and hadrontherapy – BG/PV group”, Bologna, June 14 th st wafer metal + oxide +2 nd wafer substrate DNW MAPS test structures Small test structures single pixels with and w/o detector emulating capacitor shunting the readout channel input (analog only) 3x3 DNW MAPS matrices (analog only, for charge collection tests) 8x8 and 16x16 DNW MAPS matrices (analog and digital, for readout architecture test) ~ 6.3 mm ~ 5.2 mm 15