When you need the answer ____ any question, look an ___________. It has information about people, places, and things. It is full ____ facts. It has a great _____ of information events and people ______ lived the past. When you need the answer to any question, look an encyclopedia. It has information about people, places, and things. It is full of facts. It has a great deal of information events and people who lived the past. Reviewing the Text
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd _______ of the United States. He served longer than any ______ president over 12 years. He was called FDR for ______. He was born in 1882, New York, to a _______ family. In 1921, he got sick with _____. _____ though he couldn't walk well, he went ____ to do great things. He was one of the America's (great) presidents. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States. He served longer than any other president over 12 years. He was called FDR for short. He was born in 1882, New York, to a wealthy family. In 1921, he got sick with polio. Even though he couldn't walk well, he went on to do great things. He was one of the America's (greatest) presidents. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
He led the United States through the Great _______, a time _____ millions of people had no jobs and money. He said, "The only thing we have to fear ____ fear." He started many government programs ______ helped older people. He also led the United States ____ its way to victory in World War Ⅱ. He died suddenly in He led the United States the Great Depression, a time when millions of people had no jobs and money. He said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear." He started many government programs that or which helped older people. He also led the United States on its way to victory in World War Ⅱ. He died suddenly in 1945.
1.No _____, no gain. 2.Small amount of water in the air. 3.Try to find or get something 4.Wet and hot 5.Rain with strong wind 6.Clothes, food, and _______ 7._____ in one ( golf) 8.How can we _______ this disease from spreading? 9.The heavy rain would _______ a spider’s web. 다음 단어를 보기에서 찾아 쓰시오. polio, depression, magazine, recent, subject, operate, metal, rod, pain, lift, copy
1._______ and effect 2. minor 3.Try to find or get something 4.Wet and hot 5.Rain with strong wind 6.Clothes, food, and _______ 7._____ in one ( golf) 8.How can we _______ this disease from spreading? 9.The heavy rain would _______ a spider’s web. 다음 단어를 보기에서 찾아 쓰시오. various, section, feature, volcano, erupt, ash, steam, expert, major, occur, cause, railroad
1. Small amount of water in the air. moisture ( 습도 ) 2. Try to find or get something seek ( 찾다 ) 3. Wet and hot humid ( 습도 있는 ) 4. Rain with strong wind storm ( 폭풍 ) 5. Clothes, food, and _______ clothes, food, and shelter ( 의, 식, 주 )- 피난처 6. ____ in one ( golf) hole in one ( 홀인원 ) 7. How can we _______ this disease from spreading? prevent(=stop, keep, ban) 8. The heavy rain would _______ a spider’s web. destroy ( 부수다 ) The Answers are… outdoor, sense, instinct, shelter, seek, web, humid, moisture, destroy, storm, hole, prevent A from ~ing
1. far – farther- farthest ( 거리가 ) 더 먼 - further – furthest ( 정도가 ) 더 깊은 The professor decided to look into the matter further. He was too tired to walk farther. 2. hard vs. hardly He studies English very hard. 열심히 He hardly studies English. (= seldom, scarcely, rarely) 거의 ~ 하지 않다. 3. 가정법 과거 vs. 가정법 과거완료 If I knew his address, I could write him. (=As I don’t know his address, I can’t write him.) If I had known his address, I could have written him (=As I didn’t know his address, I couldn’t write him) 다음 표현에 유의해서 익혀둡시다.
* 다음 ( ) 안의 단어를 올바른 형태로 쓰시오. 1. I saw him (dance) in a hall. 2. I heard her (sing) a song. 3. I heard him (call) my name. 4. I heard my name (call). 5. I saw the flag (raise) in a yard. 6. I saw him (raise) the flag in yard. 다음 표현에 유의해서 익혀둡시다.
다음 ( ) 안의 단어를 올바른 형태로 쓰시오. 1. I saw him dance in a hall. 2. I heard her sing a song. 지각동사 다음에 원형 Cf. I saw him dancing in a hall. (o) I heard her singing a song. (o) 진행을 나타낸다. 3. I heard him call my name. 4. I heard my name called. 수동관계임 5. I saw the flag raised in a yard. 수동관계임 6. I saw him raise the flag in yard. 다음 표현에 유의해서 익혀둡시다.
명령문 화법 고치기 1. He said to me, “ Study hard” He told me to study hard. 2. He said to me, “Don’t be afraid.” He told me not to be afraid. 3. She said to me, “ Don’t touch me.” She ordered me not to touch her. 다음 표현에 유의해서 익혀둡시다.
a awakens my eyes 눈을 뜨게 해 주고 b blind 눈이 먼다 c conquers all 모든 것을 얻는 것 d does wonders 기적을 행하는 것 e expresses your trust 믿음을 보여주고 f forever 영원하다 g gives everything 모든 것을 주는 것 Love (is) ~
h heals everything 모든 것을 치료해주고 I inspires warmth 따스함을 불어 넣어주고 j judges nothing 아무것도 판단하지 말아야 k knows just by sensing 느낌만으로도 알 수 있어요 l like a red, red rose 빨갛고도 빨간 장미 같죠 m magic 마술과도 같은 것 n not proud 뽐내지 않고
o opens a new world to you. 당신에게 새로운 세상을 열어주는 것 p powerful 강한 것 q quickens your steps 발걸음을 재촉하는 것 r reforms the world 세상을 개조하는 것 s solves any difficulty 어떠한 어려움도 풀 수 있는 것 t the very best of all we are 최고인 것 u understands everyone 모든 이를 이해하는 것
v vanishes too 사라지게 마련인 것 w works out our problems 문제를 잘 풀어가는 것 x explains things you don't understand 당신이 이해하지 못하는 것을 설명해 주는 것 y yields all 모든 것을 양보하는 것 z zips your mouth when you are told a secret 비밀을 듣고도 누설하지 않는 것 Love (is) ~