There was a struggle between Treasury department and republican interests, so people started picking sides. Hamilton said he wanted a strong government, a national bank and strong alliances. Not everyone agreed with this, so they broke off into their own group, the Democratic-Republican party.
Thomas Jefferson -opposed Hamilton’s view of strong government -wanted a less dynamic national government -wanted a limited presidency -supported the French Revolution and France Alexander Hamilton -flexible view of The Constitution -wanted a strong federal government -favored a strong President -ties to England
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Strict interpretation of the Constitution Depended on and favored farmers (instead of bankers) Promoted states rights Opposed high taxes, military spending and national bank Supported foreign policy (France)
Loose interpretation of the Constitution Well educated elite: Favored bankers, merchants and landowners Strong national government Wanted ties with England to remain there Alexander Hamilton Favored a strong president
Federalist and Republican Strength in Congress by Election Year House Federalist Republican % Republican43% 51%56%46%43%63%73%82%83% Senate Federalist Republican % Republican31%45%47%34%31% 53%74%71%82% Source: Kenneth C. Martis, The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress, (1989); the numbers are estimates by historians.
Member of the Continental Congress Commander in Chief of the Continental Army (independence from Britain) President of Constitutional Convention Unanimously elected as first president Wanted strong federal government Predicted foreign policy troubles Set up the two term limit (still in effect) Lived in Mount Vernon Neither D-R or Federalist
Began career as a lawyer Involved in the Boston Massacre Member of Continental Congress Helped write the Declaration of Independence Diplomat to France Part of Massachusetts Constitutional Convention Helped draft the Treaty of Paris Felt France was a threat to foreign policy Federalist
Served in House of Burgesses, Continental Congress, VA House of Delegates Governor of Virginia Greatest achievement: LA Purchase Main author of Declaration of Independence First Secretary of State (under Washington) 1800 – critical election, 12 th Amendment Lived at Monticello, designed UVA Democratic-Republican
Served in VA Convention, VA House of Delegates, Continental Congress, Constitutional Convention Secretary of State (under Jefferson) “Father of the Constitution” Declared the start of the War of 1812 Lived at Montpelier, founded American Colonization Society (resettle freed slaves) Democratic-Republican
Member of the Continental Army, Military Commissioner of VA, VA Assembly, Senator, went to France as a minister Governor of Virginia Secretary of State (under Madison) and Secretary of War (also under Madison) This presidential election killed the Federalist party Start of “Era of Good Feelings” (pre Civil War) Missouri Compromise (free/slave states) and Monroe Doctrine (foreign policy) Democratic- Republican
Which party wanted a strong national government? Which party wanted a limited presidency? What are the two main parties? Who specifically wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution? Which party eventually died out? Bonus: In which presidential election did this occur?