1910’s And 1990’s By: Bralynn Davis & Bethany Kuehler
Presidents In 1910, the presidents were William Howard Taft ( ) and Woodrow Wilson ( ). The vice presidents were James Sherman and Thomas R. Marshan. But in the 1990's, the presidents were George Bush ( ) and William J. Clinton ( ). The vice president was Albert Gore Jr.
Major Catastrophic Event!!!!! 1910's: In the 1910‘s, World War I was going on. As you know, it was from 1914 to 's: In the 1910‘s, World War I was going on. As you know, it was from 1914 to 's: In the 1990's, an earthquake kills 50,000 people in Iran. Also, the Saturn range of cars are launched by GM.
Major Political Events 1910's: In the 1910's, a labor happened reform which improved construction. Also in 1912, Arizona became the 48th state. In 1912, the Titanic sank. In 1917, the US enters World School War 1. World War 1 ended on November 11, 1918, at 11:00 pm. In 1918, the Compulsory school attendance law was passed. 1990's: 400,000 to 1.1 million people marched in the Million Man March. In 1992, California's earthquake was the most powerful in 40 years. Hurricane Andrew cost about $30 billion in damage. In 1993, the World Trade Center bombing happened.
Fashion and Fads 1910’s : Fashion began to loosen up. French designers like Paul Poiret encouraged the trend after 1907 that made softer material and made comfort to the people who wore it. 1990’s: In the 1990’s, they wore stuff like sweeping shirts and casual chick (which required t shirts, jeans, and a hoodie). They even got things like tattoos and piercings on bellybuttons, ears, tongues, and etc.
Entertainment In the 1910’s, the first Charlie Chaplain movies Southern Blues, Ragtime, and Dixeland Jazz cam out. Dances included the Fox Trot, Waltz, and the Two Step. Entertainment from the 1990s included tv shows like Spongebob, Magic School Bus, and Pokémon. Movies that were popular in the 1990's were Home Alone and Back to the Future 3. Popular toys were Elmo and Barbies. Songs that were from the 1990's were Everybody Dance Now and Before The Night Is Over. Popular actors were Jim Henson who made Kermit The Frog. And last but not least, popular musicians were MC Hammer, Tone Loc, and Vanilla Ice.
Famous People 1910's: Famous people in the 1910's were Jim Thorpe, who was considered one of the greatest athletes of all time. Also in the 1910's, known as "America's Sweetheart", Mary Pickford became the most popular actress in the early days of moviemaking. 1990’s: A famous person in the 1990's were Michael Jordan. He is also known as Air Jordan, but he got his nickname because it seemed as though he could fly straight in the air. People say that he is the best basketball player who ever lived.
Slogans and Slang 1990's “Cyberspace” is a slang word from the 1990's meaning internet. "Not!" is a slogan that means disagreement. “Hip Hop” is another slogan that is a type of music. 1910's A slang word from the 1910's is "It's a cinch." That means something is done with ease. Another slang word is “Joyride.” It means taking a trip in a car just because.
Technology and Discoveries 1910's Ford had its first major assembly line. In 1915, the first motorized taxi was invented. 1990's In the 1990's, the Hubble Telescope was launched. The first view of the surface of Pluto from the Hubble was in The first modern computer was created in 1990.
What Did It Cost? In the 1910’s, flour was 25₵ for 25 pounds. The family car in 1913 was only $ Also, the hourly wage for the railroad shop was 17₵ an hour. Ford workers got paid $5.00 a day. In the 1990s, the minimum wage was $5.15 per hour. A gallon of gasoline was $1.21. A first class stamp was 29 cents. A camper was around $21,000.
Sports 1910's 1911 was the time that the first auto race was done. The first successful parachute jump was in The record speed of 102 mph was in 1916 by Gil Anderson. 1990's 1.In 1990, the youngest girl ever, age 11, piloted a plane across the country. 2.Mark Maguire breaks home run record in In 1999, Michael Jordan retires.
Bibliography 1.Amazon Prime 2.Kid Rex 3.The people History 4.About education