Assistive Technology for Students with Exceptionalities Joseph Davis
Have you… Worn eye glasses or contacts? Watched a TV program with closed captioning? Called someone on the telephone by pressing a speed dial button? Opened a garage door with a remote control? Entered a store or office where a sensor opened the door automatically? Used an Internet search engine to locate information that you couldn’t remember? DID YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE ENCOUNTER WITH ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY?
“For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier; for people with disabilities, technology makes things possible.” -International Business Machines, 1991
How many students in the United States have a disability? Approximately 6 ½ million students, or 12.5 percent of our student population, have a disability. –Learning disabilities (3 million students) is the largest disability category –Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (More than 2.6 million students) –Speech and language disorders (1 million students) –Mental retardation (600,000 students) –Physical disability (300,000 students) Two of the fastest growing categories of student disability –Autism (78,000 students) –Traumatic brain injury (15,000 students).
How can technology help students with disabilities? Helps students.. –Master grade-level content by presenting the material in different forms –Improve writing and organizational skills by enabling students to develop a concept map for a research paper and write using grade-level vocabulary –"Read" grade-level text by allowing the computer to either read the text digitally or present it at a lower grade level for students –Take notes. Many students with disabilities have difficulty taking notes in longhand because of poor spelling, writing, and/or eye-hand coordination skills. –Master educational concepts that would have been beyond their reach. Students can experience abstract concepts such as the metamorphosis of a flower through 3-D simulations. –Participate in class and with peers through synthesized speech and computer software.
What kinds of technology are used with students with disabilities? The major areas of technology for students with disabilities include… –educational technology –assistive technology –augmentative communication devices (which help individuals communicate with others) –universal design
What is the difference between assistive, educational technology, and universal design? The different technologies are interrelated. However, a general breakdown is… Educational Technology usually refers to technology such as laptop computers, graphic organizers, concept mapping, and multimedia (which allow students to shift among visual and textual material). These types of technologies are often used with students who have learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and Aspergers Syndrome. Assistive Technology generally refers to technologies that provide different ways to access computers (switches, expanded keyboards, or other innovations that allow students with physical disabilities to use a computer) or augmentative communication devices that enable students to communicate with others. Examples are digitized or synthesized speech. Assistive technology is often used with students with severe disabilities. Universal Design is a new technology that allows students to access educational materials through their strongest learning mode. For example, a digitized textbook can be instantly "rewritten" at a lower grade level or presented graphically for students who have reading disabilities; presented in large print, in a different color, or with different backgrounds for students who have visual impairments; read aloud via computer for students who are blind or non-readers; and even presented in a different language for students for whom English is a second language.
Assistive Technology Device Legal definition …Assistive Technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability.
Examples of Assistive Technology A nonverbal child speaks with the help of an electronic communication aid. A student with learning disabilities masters math facts using a computer game. A child with vision problems can benefit from an inexpensive device that enlarges printed words on the computer screen. A child with more severe vision problems with a speech synthesizer that can be used with computers to convert typewritten words or text into an electronic voice. A student with a physical disability with a device that will allow him or her to input information into the computer without using the conventional keyboard. points on the computer screen.
AT Devices Current estimates suggest that there are over 25,000 assistive technology devices designed to enhance the life functioning of individuals with disabilities.
Which disabilities benefit from technology? Many students with disabilities benefit from educational and assistive technology –Learning disabilities –Autism –Cerebral palsy –Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder –Blindness and visual impairment –Deafness and hearing impairment –Mental retardation –Traumatic brain injury –Speech/language disabilities –Physical disabilities
How do you determine which technology is best for a student with a disability? When considering any technological device for a student with a disability, you must look at the device's size, portability, and capacity to serve the student (programs, academic levels, communication assistance), as well as its ability to "grow with the student." A professionally designed Individualized Education Plan (IEP) specifies the appropriate resources.
Why isn't more technology available for students with disabilities? Most often, the funds are simply not available for technology that would enable a student or students to experience success in school or life. Or, the technology is available — but only during school hours. Students with disabilities need access to technology both in and out of school if they are to improve academically and become productive members of our communities.
Guiding Principles for Assistive Technology 1. The primary goal of assistive technology is the enhancement of capabilities and the removal of barriers to performance. 2. Assistive technology can be a barrier. 3. Assistive technology may be applicable to all disability groups and in all phases of education. 4. Assistive technology is related to function, rather than to a specific disability. 5. The least complex intervention needed to remove barriers to performance should be a first consideration. 6. Assessment and intervention form a continuous, dynamic process. 7. Systematic problem analysis and solving are essential. 8. Assistive technology does not eliminate the need for instruction in social and academic skills. 9. A team approach is required.