Read Aloud: Listening Comprehension Today I will read a Poem Poetry May have rhythm and rhyme. Create feelings and pictures in listeners’ minds. Listen for enjoyment as I read the poem, The Tree on the Corner. One purpose for listening is to picture what the poet has written about through descriptive words.
Stop, think, and then quickly sketch (draw) what you picture in your mind after listening to “The Tree on the Corner”. Active participation activity.
Discussion If you were sitting on a bench in a city park and a zebra wandered by, what conclusion might you draw about it?
Focus Skill: Drawing Conclusions An author does not always explain everything in a story. Sometimes you must put together story details with what you know to understand what you are reading. This is called drawing conclusions. Story DetailsWhat I KnowConclusion
To draw a conclusion, readers use information from the story along with what they know from real life. Drawing conclusions helps readers understand what happens in a story, and why.
Time to Practice: First, turn to page 367 in your reading book. Then, read the story with your partner. Finally, we will draw some conclusions from what you read.
The paragraph says: that the coin feels warm. We know: A coin in the snow would be cold. You can conclude: that the coin just fell from someone’s warm hand.
What is another clue that Enrico noticed? Who probably dropped the coin? Let’s make a graphic organizer:
Story Details What You Know Conclusion There are footprints in the snow. Someone had been where Enrico is standing. The person who left the footprints dropped the coin.
You can try using the READ AHEAD strategy to answer questions about a confusing word or idea in a passage. Sometimes the answers to your questions can be found later on in the text. Let’s review the READ AHEAD strategy:
If you become confused by something as you are reading, you should:
Let’s see our vocabulary words for the week:
A hermit is a person who lives alone, often far from a community. Where would you be more likely to find a hermit – in a forest or on a busy city street? Why?
When you are fascinated by something, you are very interested in it and pay close attention to it. Would you want to read a book that you are fascinated with? Why or why not?
If something happens occasionally, it happens once in a while. Does a clock tick occasionally? Explain.
A timid person is shy and unsure of himself or herself. How would you expect a timid person to act?
Something peculiar is something that is very strange and unusual, usually not in a good way. Would you eat a sandwich that smelled peculiar?
Something drab looks dull and lacks color. Which thing looks drab – a rainbow or a mud puddle?
If something is trembling, it is shaking slightly. If you hand was trembling, could you draw a perfectly straight line? Explain.
If someone dashed away, they quickly and suddenly ran away. Name one reason why someone might suddenly dash out of the room.
Lesson 14 Spelling Words Words with Ending /ən/ -on -en -an -ain
Spelling Words: apron button canyon certain chicken cardigan cotton dragon even fountain gallon horizon listen orphan pardon pollen prison siren swollen driven Challenge Words dolphin opinion oxygen veteran option
Time for Literacy Stations