Abraham Lincoln 学 校:文登新一中 主讲人:李丽 时 间: 2002 。 12 。 Lesson 50 Unit 13 Senior English Book 1A.


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Presentation transcript:

Abraham Lincoln 学 校:文登新一中 主讲人:李丽 时 间: 2002 。 12 。 Lesson 50 Unit 13 Senior English Book 1A

Abraham Lincoln

Listening :

1. The text is about Abraham Lincoln’s ___. A. early life in Kentucky A. early life in Kentucky B. life as a politician B. life as a politician C. whole life C. whole life D. life as a lawyer D. life as a lawyer C. whole life

2.Which is the best description( 描述 )about Lincoln’s childhood( 童年) ? A. He was born in a winter in Kentucky. B. He was born in a poor family and worked hard on their small farm. C. His dear mother died when he was very young and luckily he has a kind stepmother (继母) later. D. All above.

3. Although Abraham Lincoln liked reading very much, he had received ___. very much, he had received ___. A. much education A. much education B. no education B. no education C. a little education C. a little education D. good education D. good education C. a little education

4. Which sentence is not right about Lincoln’s youth? A.As a young man he worked in a store and later in a post office. B.He studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. C.He became very interested in politics. D.He was against those slaves.

5. Which sentence carries the main idea of the third paragraph? the third paragraph? A. The North defeated the South. A. The North defeated the South. B. The North and the South began to B. The North and the South began to have a fight. have a fight. C. After Lincoln became President, he worked C. After Lincoln became President, he worked harder for the freedom of the slaves. harder for the freedom of the slaves. D. In the end the North won D. In the end the North won. C. After Lincoln became President, he worked harder for the freedom of the slaves. harder for the freedom of the slaves.

6. In Lincoln’s whole life, he fought for the right of ______. A. black people B. white people C. all the people D. white and black people C. all the people

7. What do the Americans think of Abraham Lincoln? A. They think highly of him. B. They consider him to be a good lawyer. C. They think him to be a nice man but not a good president. D. They think he had too little education to be fit for his post. A. They think highly of him.

TimeActivityPlace ________ As a child In______ He was born ◆ He worked hard ◆ He spent ___________ a year in all His mother died and he had a kind____________ later. in Kentucky on their ______farm. in school. February 12 th,1809 no morn thansmall 1818 stepmother

TIME ACTIVITY PLACE ◆ He worked In a _____and a __________. ◆ He studied ______in his spare time and became a ________. ◆ He became interested in ________ and was against _________. As a young man store post office law lawyer politics slavery

Lincoln’s Political life TIMEACTIVITY 1860 He became ____________ and worked harder for the ________ ________________. After the Civil War broke out He said it was ___________for the ________ to break away from the Union and led the _________ in the fighting against ____________________. President freedom of the slaves not right South North the slave owners

Lincoln’s Political life TIME ACTIVITY PLACE After the war ◆ In the end the ________ won. ◆ Northern and Southern states ___________. ◆ The slaves were ____________. In 1864 became ________ for the _____time. On April 14, 1865 He was shot at a _________. Washington D.C North joined up set free President 2nd theatre

ACTIVITY Today He is ________________as one of the _________of all American Presidents. TIME considered greatest

helped his father on the farm

His mother died in 1818.

His father’s second wife was kind to him.

Slaves are working on the farm.

Lincoln became interested in politics.

The Civil War broke out in

Became President again in 1864

shot on April 14th, 1865

Ford’s Theatre

1.Why is he considered as one of the greatest of all American Presidents? What can we learn from him? 2.Who do you admire( 崇拜 ) most? Why?