Warm-up Simplify. 1.) ) ) ) )
Lesson 3-9 Finding Square Roots
Write the following problems in your notebooks……. Below the problems write the answer. √1 √4 √9 √16 √25 √36 √49 √64 √81 √ These are all perfect squares. The non-perfect squares are all the square roots not listed. For example: √10 √22 √22 √67 But we can estimate where these non perfect squares would be. √10 would lie between √9 and √16 so the square root of 10 would be between the integers 3 and 4.
Directions: Name the two integers each square root is between. 1) √78 2) √30 3) − √33 4) − √40 8 and 9 5 and and and -7
YOU NEED A CALCULATOR FOR THIS PART! Find the square root of 12 rounded to the hundredths, that is √12. On your calculator, (all are different) click on 12, then the √ key, you might have to hit the shift button first to get to the √ key. If you have a TI 30X IIB Click yellow 2 nd button, then click the x 2, then type 12, then type the end parentheses, then equals. If you have a TI – 30Xa Type in 12, then click on the √x key. = 3.46
Now lets use a calculator and get a closer answer. *Round all answers to the nearest tenth* 5) √14 6) √35 7) √67 8) √
Find each product rounded to the nearest hundredths. 9) √51 √36 10) − √80 √25 11) − √164 √4 12) The area of square table top is 100 ft 2.. I want to edge the whole table with yarn. How long with the piece of yarn have to be to cover all four edges? Must get your answer approved by the teacher to move on − − 25.61