PDA CHECKLIST A summary of experiences made from a ten months project with PDA at three swedish university Libraries Malmö, Södertörn and Uppsala Malmö and Uppsala FTE Södertörn FTE PDA CHECKLIST
WHAT IS PDA? Patron Driven Acquisition PDA is a concept offered by e-book aggregators The Library exposes a huge number of unowned e- books in their local catalogue The Library doesn’t pay anything to the aggregator to import marc-records and expose these e-books PDA CHECKLIST
WHAT IS PDA? Patrons can then browse these books free for a period set by the aggregator After finished browsing period, patrons can continue reading the book A short term loan is then triggered for a certain cost paid by the library. Normally 10% of list price for 1 day short term loan PDA CHECKLIST
WHAT IS PDA? After a set number of loans the book is automatically purchased At Malmö we set up a limit of three loans The forth time a patron wants to make a loan, the book is automatically purchased This means that the library only pays for books that actually are used PDA CHECKLIST
WHY PDA? A project financed by the National Swedish Library Main focus: Create a basis of knowledge that should be useful for other libraries Project started in February. Test period May- September Report published online in December PDA CHECKLIST
BASIS OF KNOWLEDGE Summarizing our experinces during the test Gathering experiences from other University libraries Making a survey of what PDA models aggregators offer Aggregators for the test were chosen based on this survey Check list in the end of the report. Gathers the most important aspects to consider before starting working with PDA PDA CHECKLIST
The Checklist consists of 11 main categories of aspects to consider before starting with PDA The main categories are divided into 53 sub categories Some examples from the checklist on the following slides PDA CHECKLIST
POSSIBLE PDA OBJECTIVES Better collection Better service Replacing manual purchasing Saving money Think about what goals are important to you – where should your focus be? Be aware of the fact that all these goals probably can’t be achieved at the same time. PDA CHECKLIST
PDA PROFILE Subject Categories Publishing Year Language Publishers Classification Readership level Price Ceiling Keywords (include/exlude) Consider which limits your library wants to set and which profile settings are particularly important. Choose your distributor in accordance with your requirements PDA CHECKLIST
PDA FUNCTIONALITY Browsing Loans Mediated function Number of loans/person/day Interface Layout Consider which PDA model and which PDA settings are particularly important and choose your distributor in accordance with your requirements PDA CHECKLIST
COLLECTION Readership level Type of books Publishers Updates to collections Check if the collection from the distributor meets the library’s needs and choose your distributor in accordance with your requirements PDA CHECKLIST
ACCESSIBILITY Making the PDA e-books visible local catalogue, discovery layer, union catalogue? SFX/linkserver Do you want to activate your PDA-books in your linkserver’s knowledge base? PDA CHECKLIST
MANAGING COLLECTIONS Deduplication Unique E-isbn:s Managing purchased titles Updates PDA CHECKLIST
FINANCES Budget How much of its budget is the library willing to commit to PDA? For example, should it use a certain percentage of the monograph budget? Price model What does the distributor’s price model include? Are there any additional charges, for instance a platform charge? PDA CHECKLIST
FINANCES Experiences from Malmö: Budget for SEK, outcome SEK (circa 7000 $) 32 purchased books, 572 STL:s 36 mediated STL:s 1762 browsings PDA CHECKLIST
FINANCES Average purchase price 80 $. Average STL price 8 $ All three libraries in the project set up a higher budget than the outcome Lesson learned: It is hard to predict the outcome due to contextual differences PDA CHECKLIST
ORGANIZATION Work flow Competency development Coordination Assessment Where the goals achieved? PDA CHECKLIST