A centre of expertise in digital information management 1 UKOLN is supported by: SWMLAC Workshop: QA for Web Sites Marieke Guy Interoperability Focus
A centre of expertise in digital information management 2 Approaches To Fixing Errors We've found errors on our Web site. What should we do? –Fix the errors straight away –Inform the page maintainer –Do nothing – too many other more important things to do –Do nothing – the Web site has been "published" and I don't rewrite history –Do nothing – it's not my problem, it's a problem caused by the HTML authoring tool everyone uses –…
A centre of expertise in digital information management 3 A QA Approach Quality Control: –Fixing errors –Fire-fighting Quality Assurance (QA): –Documented policies –Systematic procedures for monitoring compliance –Considering workflow processes –Fixing processes so errors won't reappear –Audit trails
A centre of expertise in digital information management 4 QA Focus QA Focus: –JISC-funded project to support JISC's digital library programme –Supports QA development which help ensure deliverables are usable & interoperable QA Focus Deliverables: –Surveys and case studies –Advisory documents and Policy documents –Descriptions of tools –Self-assessment toolkit
A centre of expertise in digital information management 5 Documentation: Advice Advisory briefing documents are: –Brief, focussed documents –Informed by findings of the surveys Advisory briefing documents are: –Brief, focussed documents –Informed by findings of the surveys MG
A centre of expertise in digital information management 6 Documentation: Case Studies Case Studies are: –Written by projects themselves –Describe the solution for a particular problem –Include details of lessons learnt Case Studies are: –Written by projects themselves –Describe the solution for a particular problem –Include details of lessons learnt
A centre of expertise in digital information management 7 Self Assessment Toolkit The toolkit consists of: –Examples of QA procedures –Documented examples of use of testing tools –Self-assessment questionnaires –Advice on standards and best practices –Case studies –FAQs –… MG
A centre of expertise in digital information management 8 Useful Approach To Tools,tools approach Applies to all resources on Web site Covers HTML and CSS validation and various other tests Some recursive apps (,rvalidate ) Easily implemented with single line redirect,tools approach Applies to all resources on Web site Covers HTML and CSS validation and various other tests Some recursive apps (,rvalidate ) Easily implemented with single line redirect
A centre of expertise in digital information management 9 Policies Maybe useful to develop a policy for the accessibility of your Web site Policy: Web Standards Standard: XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0 Architecture: Use of SSIs and text editor Exceptions: Automatically-derived files Checking: Use,validate after update Audit Trail: Use,rvalidate monthly and document findings Policy example
A centre of expertise in digital information management 10 Implementing Best Practices Some dangers: –Being lead astray by commercial Web development companies – they try and sell you a solution based on their areas of expertise –Being led astray by well-meaning (a) kids or (b) senior staff with misunderstand of best practices –I have to use my organisation's CMS Some solutions: –You need an understanding of best practices –QA Focus briefing documents may help –…
A centre of expertise in digital information management 11 Questions Any questions?