Social Studies GPA Thursday,
New Test – Key Points – Essay Tomorrow - GPA Government types (know transitions) Athens: active citizenship Sparta: militaristic Philosophers Achievements: education philosophy architecture science medicine
Greece: Government Monarchy Oligarchy Tyranny Democracy
Government Styles – A & S Athens: Educate the kids Males get schooled / females are cultured and learn skills from their moms / males serve in the military / go to reserves / become citizens after serving in the military / serve in the government / join elder group / more personal freedoms
Government Styles A & S Sparta Boys join the army at age 7 / education occurs here Train until at least 30 years of age then can become citizens Men & women are trained in athletics
Philosophers - Socrates Socrates searched for truth w/ questions People hold conflicting beliefs (no killing / war) Think about those conflicts ONLY good = knowledge ONLY evil = ignorance
Philosophers - Plato Plato A thinker & a mathematician Set up first “university” Education is key to a fair society Math and science are critical to learning
Philosophers - Aristotle Aristotle Taught Alexander the Great Walked, talked & wrote He expected precision (science was big for him) So was “good” living (moral – right & wrong)
Achievements Education – males, females lifelong focus Philosophy – supported great thinkers Architecture – buildings & temples for gods, new forms, experimentation Science – think about the focus the philosophers have on this – leading to Hippocrates Medicine – Hippocratic oath