Standards for the Global Enterprise Presentation by Laura E. Hitchcock External Standards Management The Boeing Company ANSI Annual Conference October 15, 2002 Washington, D.C. Copyright 2002
Centralized What is the Global Enterprise? Globalization of External Suppliers Globalization of Prime Company Distributed Seamless communication Responsive Responsibility at every level
Copyright 2002 The Global Aerospace Vision Certify Build Design Conform Support
Copyright 2002 The ability to operate broadly, effectively and widely with the entire globe as a market and as a source of production and new ideas and innovative capacities Include global talent, innovation & capital in our business plans Be a part of our markets, on the ground, with a responsive, accessible, noticeable presence Alignment of our business with our customer’s businesses Utilize supplier capabilities to achieve local approval, global acceptance Stay globally competitive through implementation of “Lean” and alignment of the value stream The Global Enterprise –What it means to be “global”
Copyright 2002 Standards Development Pro-active management of participation Need to be where our customers, suppliers and competition are Overcoming the “international” travel barrier Direct industry input Alliances and partnerships between Standards Developers to achieve global participation and acceptance E-enabled for efficiency, effectiveness (virtual committees, electronic coordination, value added processes) Global Enterprise – Include global talent, innovation & capital in our business. Be a part of our markets…responsive. Local approval, global acceptance
Copyright 2002 Standards Access Global enterprise = global access to data Changes are instantaneous throughout the enterprise Access is at the “virtual enterprise” level, not the “brick and mortar” or even the “corporate” level Accessibility is driving where we choose to place our standards work Moving towards integration, collaboration and migration of standards data Global Enterprise – The entire globe as a source of production…with a responsive, accessible presence
Copyright 2002 Standards Use Standards as a part of e-business Linked to all other design, manufacture and support data Moving beyond the standard workstation environment Global Enterprise – The ability to operate broadly, effectively and widely with the entire globe. Be a part of your markets, on the ground, with a responsive accessible, noticeable presence. “The organization with the right information at the right time will prevail, whether it’s in the military arena or in industry.” -- Don Winter, Boeing Phantom Works
Copyright 2002 Globally E-Enabling Standards Electronically linking standards into the key business processes… Sell Standard Selection Tools Design/Build Collaboration Single BOM Digital Product Definition Collaborative Supply Chain Management Tooling Plans Manufacturing Plans Enhanced Work Orders Job aids/point of use delivery QA All data authoritative FARs/JARs supported Configuration Control Delivery information Maintenance Info. Flight Ops Info. RFPs Procurement Specifications Configure Design Make Buy Assemble Cert Deliver Support Contract Spares Order My Boeing
Copyright 2002 Electronic Conference/Design Rooms & Wireless Factory Personal Digital Assistants (Moving Line) Wearable Computers, virtual assembly instructions Radio Frequency Identification & Tracking (parts, tools, etc.) Gatelink Global Standards Access Beyond the Workstation
Copyright 2002 Standards, like all business elements, must be subject to a business case Global Enterprise –Value stream alignment Support global certification Sustainability (commonality & supportability) Affordability (improved reliability & maintainability) Harmonization and globally accepted standards Support interoperability and interconnectivity Eliminate redundant and contrary standards and standards systems Recognizing that standards are a business issue and understanding how they’re linked into the business streams of the Global enterprise. Standards Strategies Aligned with Business Strategies
Copyright 2002 “Globalization describes an evolving situation rather than a finite and clearly stated goal” “It’s hard to let go of the past. We’ve had a model that’s been very successful for so long, but when you look at the data, it very clearly tells you that our current strategy is not going to work unless we do something different.” -- Hank Queen, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Standards and the Global Enterprise Ambassador T. Pickering, Sr. VP, Boeing