What is a Syllable?
All words contain syllables. All words contain syllables. Syllables are often used in poetry to give meter to the work. The Cat in the Hat-reloaded The sun did not shine. 5 It was too wet to play.6 So we sat in the house6 All that cold, cold wet day.6 Meter-The measured arrangement of words in a poem, identified by the number of syllables in a line.
Types of Syllables? A syllable is a word or part of a word made by one push of breath A syllable must have at least one vowel In order to identify the number of syllables, it often helps to count the number of vowel sounds in the word. In order to identify the number of syllables, it often helps to count the number of vowel sounds in the word. There are six syllable types: 1. Closed Syllable 2. Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable 3. Open Syllable 4. Consonants-le Syllable 5. R-Controlled syllable 6. Vowel Digraph/Diphthong “D” syllable Information gathered from (Wilson/Rules Notebook)
Syllables continued syllable breaks often contain word families or rhyming words. Lets look at some examples of syllables, just to make sure we understand what they are.
The Six Syllable types
Closed Syllable words 1. This syllable can only have one vowel 2. The vowel is followed by one or more consonants (its closed in) 3. The vowel sound is short. Words such as cat, bat, and rat are a few examples. These words are considered to be one syllable. They can exist in multi-syllabic words such as cat-a-log or bat-tle.
List some multi-syllabic words? HappenDollarletter
There are always exceptions to every rule.
Exceptions Closed syllables Old, olt, ost, ild, ind The vowel is usually long even though it is in a closed syllable Examples: The kind old host went wild on his colt. The child on the colt has the most blindfolds.
Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable 1. This syllable has a vowel, then a consonant, then an e. 2. The first vowel is long. 3. The e is silent
Below are some examples: Mile Late hope stove Lets review the rule for a vowel-consonant-e syllable
Lets write some vowel-consonant-e syllable words I’ll start out with a few Rope Close Bone Flute
Because there are always exceptions: The letter V (give) short I sound Sometimes a word has a vowel, a v, then an e. The e may make the vowel long, or it may be there because English words do not end in a v. The vowel sound may still be short.
Exceptions to the rule influenced word sounds like Aceplace /is/ Agedamage/ij/ Atepirate/it/ Itefavorite/it/ Ineengine/in/ Icenotice/is/ Ilefertile/il/
Open Syllables 1. This syllable has only one vowel which is the last letter in the syllable 2. The vowel sound is long.
Open Syllable Examples: 1. Hi 2. No 3. She 4. Sty 5. flu
Open syllable words Can you identify what type of syllables the following words contain? _______________________________ A. B. C. A. B. C. Closedvowel-consonant-e syllable open Sky/linere/latede/mand ______________________
Consonant-le syllable 1. This syllable has only three letters: a consonant, an I and an e. a consonant, an I and an e. 2. The e is silent. It is the vowel; every syllable needs at least one vowel. The consonant and the I are sounded like a blend. 3. This syllable must be the last syllable in a multi-syllabic word.
Can you identify the syllables in each of the following words? A. Open B. le C. Closed Ta/ble table ____________ Lit/tle little ____________ Rif/fle riffle ____________
Exceptions When this syllable is preceded by an s the t is silent. This syllable is sounded /L/. Cas/tlewhis/tle
R-controlled Syllables 1. This syllable contains a single vowel followed by an r (ar, er, ir, or, ur). 2. The vowel is neither long nor short,; it is controlled by the R. Examples: Carbirdburn Herhorn
Other r controlled words Born Short porch
Combining these syllables to make multi-syllabic words is possible Examples Car/pet carpet Hor/nethornet Re/sortresort Mar/blemarble
Can you identify the syllables the following words? Car/pet ____________ Hor/net ____________ Re/sort ____________ Mar/ble____________ A. Open B. r-controlled C. le D. closed
Exceptions A vowel followed by a double r is often short. Examples: Larry Terry Hurry Larry Terry Hurry Carry MarryHarry
Vowel Digraph/Diphthong “D” Syllable Vowel Digraph: Two vowels together that represent one sound (ee). Example: plain pl(ai)n toe t(oe) boil b(oi)l Diphthong: A sound that begins with one vowel and glides into another (oi). Example: display dis/pl (ay) valley val/l(ey) saucer s(au)/ c(er) saucer s(au)/ c(er)