What is a Robot ? “A re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.”
Abstract: Humanoid robot is a robot with its overall appearance based on the human body. The main purpose of humanoid robot is to use these robots instead of human in many types of works like army, industries and coal mains etc.
Introduction: A humanoid robot is a autonomous robot, because it can adapt to any changes in its environment. Humanoid robot capacities : Self maintenance Autonomous learning Avoiding harmful situations to people and itself Safe interacting with human and etc.
Difference between humanoid robots and other kind of robots: The humanoid robots are able to learn and adapt in order to function in everyday life. Having the ability to adapt to change is the main difference between humanoids and other robots. The other kind of robots are not able to recharge itself. They can function upto their limits only.
Humanoid Robot: The robot will be guided by microphones, cameras and touch sensors. The imminent goals are to walk upright and to navigate through vision. The robot consist of up to 42 servos and seven microcontrollers.
Main components used in Humanoid Robots: Ssc-32(serial servo controller) Atmel ATMEGA 64
Software Architecture: Three hierarchical layers are used for control: Reactive Layer-balancing Model Building Layer-walking Reasoning Layer –image process
Operations done by Humanoids: Balancing Walking Vision Navigation Audio orientation Manipulation
Humanoid robot Applications:
Humanoid Robot used for House work: Romeo
Uses of Humanoid in Army Robots are officially on the battlefield—UAVs like the Predator and Reaper patrol the skies while militarized bomb-disposal robots like the Talon detonate explosives on the ground
Future scope: In The future these robots are actually able to use the obstacles to their advantages. The HRP-2 robot built by researchers at Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, however, which is able to detect objects around it and discern how they can be used to help it with a specific task -like leaning on a table to help balance while kicking a ball, for instanceNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology