Tools to improve the effectiveness of training WG2
basic job & RP course Employer: defines position, function, responsibility, tasks, training needs for employee additional job & RP training RPE or regulatory body emergency exercise on-the-job training continuing training observation of mentor questions of employee enhanced RP course audits by TSO, inspections by regulatory body legislation return experience: event analysis reports good practises pre-course questionnaire by employer: tasks, risks, etc benchmarking practical training knowledge, competences, skills of employee (exposed worker, RP-officer …) continuous improvement of training courses
Tools to improve effectivness of training (ranked) Training should be as realistic as possible! Training (beside theoretical parts): with real sources (is it ALARA?) – regulators (possibility), training providers (initiative), employer (cost) Low dose during training vs. ALARA ALARA starts at 10 µSv in Switzerland increased stress level – training providers Use of mock-up – training providers, employer Using simulation or role playing – training providers Using videos – training providers Interactive lecture – training provider Asking questions Voting devices Iteractive E-Learning with examinations – training provider Self learning /wikipedia – employer(time resource), employee
Further recommendations Train the trainers – employer, training providers – Training techniques and technologies – News in RP OJT – employer –Mentorship But who should be a mentor!? –Proper attitude towards RP Mentor should be nominated and instructed
Thank you!