RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 1 WP 1.1 Description of work (month 25-42) 4th RENAISSANCE meeting- Lyon 31/10/2007 Béatrice COUTURIER; Grand Lyon WP1.1 RENAISSANCE Leader - Community Lyon address :
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 2 Year 2- State of progress WP 1.1 ZAR (10/2007) ZARAGOZA List of Year-2 main achievement(s) : The document D_WP1.1_ZAR_nº10_a, done by Ecodes together with UZ, analyzes the local, regional and national energy and planning policy in Spain, as well as European energy and planning policy, in order to identify barriers affecting RES and RUE, as a basis to develop solutions to be tested. It covers the European framework, including some different Directives, or initiatives like the White Book on Renewable Energies or the Green Book on Energy Efficiency, as well as financial supporting lines like Intelligent Energy Europe or the 7th Framework Programme. In the national Spanish context, we focus on existing legislation, as well as the Energy Efficiency and Saving Strategy, the Renewable Energy Plan or the Climate Change and Clean Energy Spanish Strategy Horizon , but also incentive policies like the IDAE loan line. At a regional level, there is a compilation of existing public subsidies for renewable energy sources use and implementation of measures for energy efficiency and energy saving.
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 3 Year 2- State of progress WP 1.1 LYON (10/2007) LYON List of Year-2 main achievement(s) : Elaboration of an environmental management guide for the offices buildings based on the experience of Renaissance Buildings Information toward offices builders about the new guide Experimentation of the new guide on offices test projects Beginning of studies about the opportunity to implant wood heating system in town centre urban projects Updating of the environmental management guide for housing (2nd version) based on the experience of Renaissance housing Study about the impact of environmental management guide adopted in 2006 on the social housing (impact on housing costs)
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 4 Next 18 months (25-42) WP 1.1 ZAR (10/2007) ZARAGOZA Any delay, compare to what have been foreseen? Although it was expected that the work of this WP would be finished at the end of the second project year, it was postponed to the end of the third year by suggestion of Grand Lyon. The reason for it is that Grand Lyon has promulgated a legal frame of reference, but it still doesnt have results about how effective it is. In this sense, the transfer of knowledge and experience from Lyon to Zaragoza, and the assessment of replication feasibility in the area is also delayed. List of main activities that are foreseen to be done during month The Zaragoza context has been analyzed, but will be updated once the Municipal Law on Energy Eco-efficiency and Renewable Energy Use in Buildings and Installations will be approved.
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 5 Next 18 months (25-42) WP 1.1 LYON (10/2007) LYON Any delay, compare to what have been foreseen? Although it was expected that the work of this WP would be finished at the end of the second project year, it was postponed to the end of the third year by suggestion of Grand Lyon. The reason for it is that Grand Lyon has promulgated a legal frame of reference, but it still doesnt have results about how effective it is. In this sense, the transfer of knowledge and experience from Lyon to Zaragoza, and the assessment of replication feasibility in the area is also delayed. List of main activities that are foreseen to be done during month Generalization of the office environmental management guide on all the urban projects leaded by Greater Lyon Application, from the 01/01/2009, of conditional grants principle (abatement if environmental management instructions are not respected) investigation of action plan about existing housing based on the experience of Zaragossa partners.