.  Instructions – How to build or use something  Specifications – How a product is assembled  Procedures/protocols – how to do something (usually.


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Presentation transcript:

 Instructions – How to build or use something  Specifications – How a product is assembled  Procedures/protocols – how to do something (usually in professional settings)

Answer these questions  Who might use this documentation?  Why is it needed?  What should it include?  Where will it be used?  When will it be used?  How will it be used?

A specific and precise title An introduction A list of parts, tools, and conditions required Sequentially ordered steps Safety information Conclusion that signals completion of task User-testing your document

 Precise procedures for the construction and preservation of your gazebo  Instructions for building and maintaining your gazebo  Setting Up Your Gazebo  THF Gazebo  How to build a gazebo

 State the purpose  State the importance of the task  Describe the necessary technical ability  Identify the time required for completion  Motivate the reader

 Use command voice (start each step with an action verb)  State only one action per step (unless two actions are dependent on each other and must be handled at the same time)  Number the steps and keep them concise  Add comments, notes, or examples and refer to graphics  Provide feedback (how something will look or act after the step is completed)

 Use plain style with a touch of emotion  Use simple words and limit jargon  Define words that might be unfamiliar  Keep sentences short  Use command or imperative style for steps  Keep it simple and don’t over-explain steps

 Use a functional, attractive page layout  Incorporate graphics to reinforce the text  Use a two- or three-column format to leave room for graphics  Use boxes, border, and lines to highlight information  Use headings that show levels of information  Include graphics that reinforce written text  Number and title your graphics, so readers can locate them  Refer to the graphics by number in steps  Put each graphic next to or below the step that refers to it  Check whether graphics could be misunderstood or offensive

Analysis In pairs, analyze the documentation. Determine the following (10 minutes): a. Audience (primary/secondary; expertise; gender; age) b. Purpose (one sentence) c. Difficulty (1 easy -- 4 difficult) for intended audience d. Style (plain? technical? simple?) e. Design (images and diagrams?) What is effective? What is ineffective? about ANY of these elements You will need to share this information in discussion, but you won’t hand this in

Production 1. In pairs, consider the common object you have in front of you. Write a simple set of instructions for completing a single task with the object (5 minutes). 2. Swap your object and instructions with a neighboring group. 3. Observe your neighbor group attempting to follow your instructions and take notes to consider what worked and didn’t (2 minutes). When you are attempting to follow the instructions, try to be obtuse You will need to share this information in discussion, but you won’t hand this in

Creativity 1. Your pair will get a set of cards from the Metagame box. 2. Invent a simple game using the cards that you were given and create a set of instructions that teach others how to play your game. The game has to accommodate 7 players. 3. We will all play one round of your game.

1. You will have ten minutes to build something with at least 20 Legos and write instructions for a partner to follow on how you built the item. 2. You will partner up with one person. 3. Both of you will turn your desks so that you are facing away from each other. 4. Build something with at least 20 Lego bricks. It can be whatever you want, but the most time consuming task is writing the actual instructions, so limit your invention/build time to no more than 2 to 4 minutes. You cannot use images or drawings—you have to use words alone to describe for your audience the thing you built. 5. You should follow the instructions organization scheme. 6. When you are done writing your instructions, you should take a picture of the thing you built with your smartphone to make sure you remember it (I can take a picture as well). 7. After the ten minutes, give the bricks that you used and your instructions to your partner. They will attempt to build your item. 8. Observe your partner following your instructions. You should take notes so that you can revise your instructions if need be. 9. Switch. You should then try to build their item by following their instructions. 10. Revise your instructions if you need to and post them to the course blog.