An Innovative Approach to Local Quality Management: Joint undergraduate / Foundation programme quality visits to Local Education Providers (LEPs) Dr Jon Scott Foundation School Director Northern Foundation School
Health Education North East – The Northern Foundation School Linked to University of Newcastle Medical School UG/PG Training Numbers 389 F1 trainees 412F2 trainees 1039 St 3-5 Students 9 Acute Trusts 3 MHTs 68 GP Practices (FP training)
Quality Activity Quality Assurance – GMC This encompasses all the policies, standards, systems and processes in place to maintain and enhance the quality of postgraduate medical education and training in the UK Quality Management - HENE Arrangements by which the deanery satisfies itself that LEPs are meeting the GMC’s standards. These arrangements normally involve reporting and monitoring mechanisms. The standards set by the regulator are mandatory, but the processes by which deaneries/foundation schools quality manage the programme and LEP quality control the programme provision are not prescribed. Quality Control - LEP This relates to the arrangements through which LEPs ensure that postgraduate medical trainees including foundation doctors receive education and training that meets local, national and professional standards.
Quality Management Processes Undergraduate Universities must visit each LEP annually GMC requirement Postgraduate “A robust and rigorous evaluation of the education delivered within FP has to be in place. Overall responsibility for this rests with the (GMC) as the regulator of the Foundation Programme” “The precise processes by which deaneries undertake their quality management are not defined and may vary in relation to local arrangements and local strategies” Foundation Programme Reference Guide
Rationale for Joint Visits The graduating University retains responsibility for F1 training until full registration but delivery of training is via LEPs and quality management is from the Foundation School 2/3 of final year students at Newcastle University Medical School apply to the Northern Foundation School Triangular Efficiency and Synergy processes –University –Foundation School –LEP
Process Single visit to each LEP (12) Joint visiting team –Director of MBBS Programme / deputy –Assistant Registrar for Undergraduate Medical Studies –Clinical Placements and Finance Manager –Foundation School Director –Business Manager –FPD for Quality Meet the team Meet F1 trainees 1h Meet F2 trainees 1h Meet Undergraduate faculty Meet Postgraduate faculty Meet Key Faculty/DME/Med Director
Key indicators for undergraduate performance GMC Survey results GMC free text comments – closing the loop Annual Your School Your Say (YSYS) Results Previous Year’s Visit Report End of Post Trainee Surveys ‘Soft Intelligence’ Information / metrics
Outcomes Trust feedback universally positive –Time efficient –Supportive, but ‘with teeth’ –Fostered closer working between UG and PG faculty, particularly in larger Trusts –Wish to continue format University / FS –All of the above –Time with trainees extremely valuable from both sides Particularly F1 for University –Triangulation of data –Deal with major training issues ‘head on’ –Foster closer working relationships with resulting benefits Transition / careers / educational research / AFP –Programme tweaked for 2014 Parallel sessions Half day
Summary Joint University / FS quality visits to LEPs are a highly efficient method of quality management in both Foundation Programme and Undergraduate Medical Studies Synergistic working in quality Liked and appreciated by LEPs Promote productive joint working outside of quality management