ePortfolio Transforming education and training in Europe ePortfolio Dublin July
Objectives of the workshop To explore: What an ePortfolio is How it is currently being used in Europe and worldwide: In schools In higher education In the world of work For lifelong learning Why it is a vital issue for European education and training How to integrate the ePortfolio into the current education and training scene in Ireland
EIfEL in Europe Standards: TELCERT, EPICC ePortfolio: Europortfolio (EPICC) Competencies: eTTNet, eRail, eCreator, Gears Learning territories: SEEL, ReLL Quality: SEEQUEL, (SEEL)
EIfEL’s mission enable learning individuals to manage their own learning, knowledge, competencies and continuing professional development enable learning organisations to provide a framework for organisational knowledge and develop staff competencies enable learning cities and learning regions to provide a framework for innovation, development and social inclusion
-Learning Individual -Learning Organisation -Learning Region -Learning City -Learning Community eLearning: a global transformation E-learning: the e-transformation of individual and organisational learning, so as to reflect the needs of a knowledge economy and society and the potential of knowledge, information and learning technologies (KILT)
EIfEL in Europe Standards: TELCERT, EPICC ePortfolio: Europortfolio (EPICC) Competencies: eTTNet, eRail, eCreator, Gears Learning territories: SEEL, ReLL Quality: SEEQUEL, (SEEL)
The ePortfolio education – sowing the seeds for personal development and lifelong learning
E-learning vs traditional learning Education and training systems (traditional, distance, open, flexible) have concentrated their efforts on resources – the inputs E-learning is an opportunity to concentrate the efforts on the processes and the outputs Learners as producers of knowledge, not just consumers This requires a whole set of new skills from instructional designers, those who support learners – and learners This has an impact on the vision of quality Before: what are ‘quality resources’ (mass media)? Tomorrow: what are ‘quality systems’– capable of valuing learning outputs (knowledge media)? The ePortfolio
ePortfolios for 21st century learners Helps them to be Reflective and self-directed Active investigators/problem-solvers Effective communicators Participants in an interdependent world Knowledgeable, with deep understanding Creative Confident
The ePortfolio ‘movement’: where are we today? Well-represented in the education sector: Schools Higher education Teacher education Undergraduate and post-graduate medical education ePortfolio for regions and communities Wales, Minnesota First steps in the world of work: Health sector: Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, dentists, veterinary surgeons (UK, Canada, Italy) Women returners Australia
ePortfolios for personal development planning PDP: a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development QAA UK – Progress Files for higher education CETIS study of PDP practice in UK among universities, colleges and schools:
Personal development planning and ePortfolios in the UK very recently the UK Department for Education and Skills (DfES) has used the terms "electronic portfolio" and "e- portfolio" in their consultation document, "Towards a Unified e-learning Strategy" which emphasizes an approach to learning (self-paced, individualised, supported, joined up across environments) which includes reviewing and recording. They intend this to "allow both summative assessment and information about personal aspirations and interests to be owned by the learner".Department for Education and Skills (DfES)Towards a Unified e-learning Strategy E-portfolio and its relationship to personal development planning: A view from the UK for Europe and beyond - Simon Grant, Peter Rees Jones, Rob Ward (CRA and CETIS LIPSIG): Simon GrantCRACETIS
Personal development planning and ePortfolios in the UK An important part of the background to the UK situation is the Dearing Report (available at which developed the concept of "progress files" to include explicitly the two components ofhttp:// 'A transcript recording students' achievement... A means by which students can monitor, build and reflect upon their personal development'. This has given rise to the term "personal development planning" (PDP), and subsequently to the term "personal development records" (PDR), which are the outputs and records associated with PDP. PDP is now defined as "a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development". (QAA: Progress Files for Higher Education, Guidelines for HE Progress Files, 2001.)Guidelines for HE Progress Files, 2001 The term "personal development portfolio" is also in widespread use, similarly meaning information under the control of the learner relevant to similar ends.
Audiences for these portfolios For personal development self, tutor, supervisor, mentor, life coach, friend for assessment and presentation qualification-awarding bodies places of learning admissions membership bodies’ applications Employers, HR departments
ePortfolio in Wales « Every child in Wales will have the opportunity to start their life long learning journey by opening their ‘e- portfolio’ on their school computer. From primary to secondary school to college individuals will continue on their online lifelong learning journey via the integrated delivery of careers education, work-related education and the Progress File. » Online Progress File Who am I - self assessment tests Results can populate CVs, action plans, personal statements Interactive interview games My documents & presentation folders Focus on the PROCESS Source:
The ePortfolio in the Netherlands September 2003: INHOLLAND University introduces one general system of a digital learning environment at all 15 Schools (also one competence-based learning approach) September 2003: INHOLLAND University chooses one digital portfolio system September 2004: one digital portfolio system (Digital University of the Netherlands) at all 15 Schools
Expectations for 2006 realisation of the educational concept in all 15 Schools use of portfolio by all 40,000 students use of portfolio as a tool for coaching and assessment purposes realisation of collaborated learning supported by the digital portfolio system
Finnish ePortfolio cases CaseMain purpose Daycare in the city of TamperePedagogical partnership Master’s and doctoral program in preschool education Development of expertise in preschool education Special Education studiesDevelopment of pedagogical expertise Virtual University of Faculties of EducationTeacher’s pedagogical expertise Music teachers’ ICT-programmeDevelopment of ICT-skills Dental StudiesDevelopment of Expertise Professional Licentiate’s program in Digital Communication Support of post-graduate studies Virtual ArenaSupport of post-graduate studies Career projectCareer development of experts
ePortfolio In a digital world, citizens must be able to present themselves digitally