Muon Capture: Status and Prospects 1 Peter Kammel Department of Physics and Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, University of Washington Representing the MuCap/MuSun collaborations PSI2013, Sept 2013 MuCap MuSun Search for Exotics in and Capture Basic QCD Symmetries “ Calibrating the Sun”
Part I: MuCap + p n + Understanding hadrons from fundamental QCD Symmetries of Standard Model Basic astrophysics reactions in 2-nucleon case 2 Precision experiments meet first principle theory
3 Muon Capture Form factors Muon Capture on the Nucleon - + p + n rate S at q 2 = m 2 Lorentz, T invariance + second class currents suppressed by isospin symm. apart from g P = 8.3 ± 50% All form factors precisely known from SM symmetries and data. g V, g M from CVC, e scattering g A from neutron beta decay 0.45 % 9 % pre MuCap
Pseudoscalar Form Factor g P Foundations for mass generation chiral perturbation theory of QCD 4 History PCAC Spontaneous broken symmetries in subatomic physics, Nambu. Nobel 2008 State-of-the-art Precision prediction of ChPT g P = (8.74 0.23) – (0.48 0.02) = 8.26 0.23 leading order one loop two-loop <1% g P experimentally least known nucleon FF solid QCD based prediction (2-3% level) basic test of QCD symmetries recent lattice results g P experimentally least known nucleon FF solid QCD based prediction (2-3% level) basic test of QCD symmetries recent lattice results Kammel & Kubodera, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 60 (2010), 327 Gorringe, Fearing, Rev. Mod. Physics 76 (2004),31
50 Years of Effort to Determine g P 5 “ Radiative muon capture in hydrogen was carried out only recently with the result that the derived g P was almost 50% too high. If this result is correct, it would be a sign of new physics... ’’ — Lincoln Wolfenstein (Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 2003) OMC RMC - + p n + + Kammel&Kubodera
“Rich” Muon Atomic Physics Makes Interpretation Difficult Strong sensitivity to hydrogen density rel. to LH 2 ) In LH 2 fast pp formation, but op largely unknown 6 S = 710 s -1 T = 12 s -1 ortho =506 s -1 para =200 s -1
7 no overlap theory & OMC & RMC large uncertainty in OP g P 50% ? no overlap theory & OMC & RMC large uncertainty in OP g P 50% ? Precise Theory vs. Controversial Experiments ChPT OP (ms -1 ) gPgP TRIUMF exp theory TRIUMF 2006 Saclay
MuCap Strategy 8 Precision technique Clear Interpretation Clean stops in H 2 Impurities < 10 ppb Protium D/H < 10 ppb Muon-On-Request All requirements simultaneously
MuCap Strategy p n rare, only 0.16% of e neutron detection not precise enough Lifetime method S = 1/ - 1/ measure to 10 ppm 9 Precision technique Clear Interpretation Clean stops in H 2 Impurities < 10 ppb Protium D/H < 10 ppb Muon-On-Request All requirements simultaneously
e t MuCap Technique
MuCap Strategy At gas density of 1% LH 2 density mostly p atoms during muon lifetime 11 Precision technique Clear Interpretation Clean stops in H 2 Impurities < 10 ppb Protium D/H < 10 ppb All requirements simultaneously
MuCap Strategy 12 Precision technique Clear Interpretation Clean stops in H 2 Impurities < 10 ppb Protium D/H < 10 ppb All requirements simultaneously
13 3D tracking w/o material in fiducial volume Muons Stop in Active TPC Target p -- Observed muon stopping distribution E e-e- 10 bar ultra-pure hydrogen, 1.12% LH kV/cm drift field ~5.4 kV on 3.5 mm anode half gap bakeable glass/ceramic materials to prevent muon stops in walls (Capture rate scales with ~Z 4 )
MuCap Strategy Gas continuously purified TPC monitors impurities Impurity doping calibrates effect :c N < 7 ppb, c H2O ~20 ppb 2006 / 2007: c N < 7 ppb, c H2O ~9-4ppb Precision technique Clear Interpretation Clean stops in H 2 Impurities < 10 ppb Protium D/H < 10 ppb Muon-On-Request All requirements simultaneously anodes time
Experiment at PSI 15 Kicker Separator Quadrupoles MuCap detector TPC Slit E3 beamline Muon On Request
Muon Defined by TPC TPC side view Signals digitized into pixels with three thresholds (green, blue, red) b) Large angle -p scatter c) Delayed capture on impurity O N / ~10 -6 /
Time Distributions are Consistent No azimuth dependence 17 fitted is constant Data run number (~3 minutes per run) 4/6/ Run groups
Disappearance Rate Disappearance Rate 18
Determination of S 19 molecular formation bound state effect MuCap: precision measurement MuLan
Capture Rate S (MuCap) = ± 5.4 stat ± 5.1 syst s -1 S (theory) = ± 3.0 gA ± 3.0 RC s -1 Pseudoscalar Coupling g P (MuCap) = 8.06 ± 0.48 s(ex) ± 0.28 s(th) for g A (0) g P (MuCap) 8.34 By-product (reverse logic, i.e. assuming ChPT) CPT + / - to 20 ppm (4 fold improvement) MuCap Results 20 PDG12 updated Czarnecki, Marciano, Sirlin calculation recent calculations APS Editor's spotlight PSI p ress release Physics World
Precise and Unambiguous MuCap Result Verifies Basic Prediction of Low Energy QCD 21 g P (theory) = 8.26 ± 0.23 g P (MuCap) = 8.06 ± 0.55
Resolve RMC Puzzle? Improved RMC measurement Improved op measurement physics capture n(t) sensitive promising conditions ~0.1 MuSun TPC development =0.05 higher density need tests interesting if definitive measurement (3x smaller uncertainty) 22 pp (L=1, I=1) pp (L=0, I=0) ortho para small components Auger emission in molecular cluster 4.1 ± /s Saclay 11.1 ± /s TRIUMF
Part II: MuSun + d n + n + MuSun Determine strength of axial-current from theoretical clean 2-N system build nuclear physics from QCD essential ingredient in fundamental astrophysics reactions 23 p p d e + e d p p e - x d p n x
Part III: Heavy Search 24 Ideas only + C → h + n + 11 C (NC) e+e+ ++ e p → n e + (CC) e e n p → d x + LSND 98 Gninenko 11 consistent with Karmen, MiniBoone h <10 -9 s
Part III: Heavy at PSI? 25 Ideas only Early experiment: + 3 He → t + |U h | 2 ≤ Key improvements MuSun TPC size and cryo operation Resolution Digitizer and DAQ Detection ? Large improvement potential
Part III: Dark Photons Popular scenario: SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) x U’(1) V coupling via kinetic mixing: L int = e J V connection to DM “explains” muon g-2 anomaly Worldwide effort Bump hunt in *→l + l - missing energy … 26 Ideas only Standard Model Hidden Sector messenger
Part III: Dark Photons at PSI? Part III: Dark Photons at PSI? Reactions Capabilities Excellent beams Simple, clean and low energy reactions Two body recoil with 3 He TPC, model-independent High resolution e/ detectors, Mu3e, MEG Brainstorming meeting in Jan ? 27 Ideas only Kammel, Pospelov