Government’s role in society Archdale Debating Round 7
QUIZ TIME! State or Federal Responsibilities? GST Police Prisons Ambulance Medicare Immigration and customs Street signs
Federal Responsibilities Medicare Immigration and Customs Employment and Workplace Relations Family Support and Pensions Centrelink
More federal responsibilities Taxation - Income Tax, GST and Company Taxes Control of Television and Radio Imports and Exports Air Safety Passports Defence Broadband
State Schools Railways Car Registration Fire Brigade Wildlife Protection Hospitals Most Roads Police Ambulance Prisons Planning Raise money through – taxes – Directly from federal government
Local Street Signs Sports Grounds Rubbish Collections Building Permits Collecting Rates Traffic Control Animal Control Drains and Footpaths Swimming Pools
What is a government? Difference between government and any other social organisation -may legally initiate the use of force
Australia’s Constitution What is a constitution? A Constitution is a set of rules for governing a country. How can we change the constitution? Only by direct vote of all Australians; “referendum”
Responsible Government Separation of powers What are the 3 branches of Aus. Gov? -Parliament -Executive -Judiciary
POWERROLECOMPOSITION Parliament The Parliament makes and amends the law Parliament (also referred to as the Legislature) is made up of the Queen (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate and the House of Representatives Executive The Executive puts the law into action The Executive is made up of the Queen (represented by the Governor-General), Prime Minister and ministers Judiciary The Judiciary makes judgements about the law The Judiciary is made up of the High Court and other federal courts Separation of roles
Big vs Small government Big government “Nanny state” Believes that state has a role in providing more welfare Interventionist Interferes with free enterprise Small government less regulation/involvement within the confines of obeying the law
Key words Egalitarian: equality for all people Utilitarianism: moral action that maximises utility “the end justifies the means” Interventionism: policy of interference in the affairs of something that does not directly relate to it Isolationism: foreign policies that assert that their nation’s best interests best served by keeping other countries at a distance Laissez faire: an economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government interference
Groupwork! Wonderful Wendy Year 7s Excellent Esther Year 8s Lovely Lucy Year 9s Sensational Stephanie Year 10s
Practice topics Choose one to go through with your Senior debating mentor That the Federal government has failed women (Senior Archdale 2004) That we should trade land for peace with indigenous Australia (Archdale grand finals) That all religious symbols should be illegal in government schools. (Intermediate archdale) That an Australian Republic is a good idea.