W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 1 Wisconsin CMS Contributions Endcap Disks (EMU) 6 disks ~3500 tons UW Design & Contract Chamber Installation 400 EMU Chambers & infrastructure Chamber Construction 72 New ME4/2 chambers Calorimeter Trigger 19 Crates, 2000 boards Custom ASICs Sorts objects w/coords Tier-2 Computing Center Large UW Investment Leverages GLOW -- Grid Laboratory of Wisconsin CMS Software Collaboration with UW Condor group to develop CMS Grid Tools
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 2 UW CMS Physics Summary (Talks by Dasu & Herndon) Analyses using 7/8 TeV dataset Goal: Diboson, Higgs, NP Higgs and other searches for new physics Accomplishments: Discovery, Many Publications + 7 Ph.D.s V+hf: W+c and Wbb(Ojalvo Ph.D), Wbb(Perry) Diboson cross section: Zγ (Grey Ph.D.), WZ (Klukas Ph.D.), ZZ (Ross Ph.D. / Swanson Ph.D.) also WW+jets (Parker Ph.D at CDF) SM higgs & MSSM ϕ ( +– ) (Bachtis Ph.D. / Swanson Ph.D.) SM higgs ZZ (4 leptons) (Ross Ph.D./ Belknap Ph.D.) NP Higgs: H++ (Belknap Ph.D/Taylor), Other topics: W' & technicolor (Klukas Ph.D.) Accompishments : Established M=125 GeV object is a higgs; Evidence in -mode … Analysis using 13 TeV Run 2 data Goal : Thorough exploration of EWSB mechanism – higgs parameters, VV σ, HP Higgs and diboson resonance searches Plans : Well integrated in the upgrade studies, ensure good trigger & detector, leveraged into early physics analysis V+jets(Levine,Buchanan) Diboson cross section: ZZ(Woods), WZ (Taylor, Long): New results this year! Z, SM higgs & MSSM ϕ ( +– ) (Dodd, Ruggles) Invisible Higgs in ZH (Smith) Scientists fully involved in analyses: Ojalvo/Savin/Gombar/Dasu/Smith SM/NP Higgs, Ojalvo/Herndon/Dasu/Smith (V+jets), Lanaro/Savin/Duric/Dasu/Herndon/Smith (VV)
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 3 Task T Endcap Muon Activities (Talk by Herndon) Project Management: Loveless->Lanaro With successful completion of ME4/2 upgrade Lanaro promoted to CSC subproject manager Endcap Muon maintenance UW responsibility -- led by UW scientist A. Lanaro, with PSL engineering team ME4/2 Upgrade (complete!) Project Manager, Editor of the Muon section of the Upgrade proposal -- R. Loveless Chamber Factory Manager – A. Lanaro Parts procurement – led by Wisconsin Operations, Detector Performance: Lanaro, Duric, Taylor, Long, Herndon GIF++ HL-LHC chamber and gas testing: Lanaro, Duric, Long, Herndon
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 4 Physics Program – Driven by Ph.D.s and Postdocs Standard Model Measurements All students do a SM measurement in addition to searches Z() Cross section (Bachtis 2012 Ph.D., Swanson 2013 Ph.D., Dodd, Ruggles) Vbb/c (Ojalvo 2014 Ph.D., Perry), W+Jets (Levine), Z+Jets(Buchanan) Diboson Measurements (Gray (Zγ) 2012 Ph.D. & Klukas (WZ) 2012 Ph.D., Ross(ZZ) 2013 PhD.Belknap(ZZ) 2015 Ph.D, Taylor(WZ), Long(WZ), Woods(ZZ)) CDF(Parker(WW) 2014 Ph.D.) Higgs Sector [Study the natures of the 125 GeV Higgs, Look for additional NP Higgs] ZZ in all 4 lepton flavors (Ross and Belknap) Lead in mode (Bachtis, Swanson) Higgs++(Belknap, Taylor), Inv. Higgs(Smith), Lepton Flavor Violating Higgs (Levine) Other Searches Anomalous triple gauge boson couplings (Gray) Technicolor and W’ to WZ (Klukas 2012 Ph.D.) DM in monphoton + MET (Buchanan) Postdocs Leading Analyses, expanding our physics impact Duric: Wγ, WZ, ZZ, SMP Multiboson group convener, aTGC combination coordinator Gombar: MonoPhoton Darkmatter search, SM Zγ Ojalvo Vhf, tau POG convener Scientists fully engaged in analysis supervision, leadership and reviews: Ojalvo/Herndon/Dasu/Smith (V+jets), Lanaro/Savin/Duric/Gombar/Dasu/Herndon/Smith (VV) Ojalvo,Savin/Dasu/Smith SM Higgs (ZZ, +– ), Dasu/Smith/Ojalvo NP Higgs, Gombar DM Leadership: SMP (Savin) Tau POG (Savin, Ojalvo), SMP VV (Herndon, Duric), Higgs: (Dasu)
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 5 W + bb, 7, 8, TeV data W+bb: Cepeda, Ojalvo, Perry (Smith) & Savin, Dasu, Herndon Important to measure as Wbb is dominant BG for WH with H to b 7 TeV published 8 TeV in approval process Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 204 PAS SMP
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 6 Diboson Physics Senka Duric: Standard Model Physics Multiboson (SMP-VV) group convener (Matt Herndon former convener) Group Scope: Diboson cross sections Anomalous triple gauge couplings, aTGCs Vector boson scattering and Quartic gauge couplings Related physics Resonant decays to dibosons including Higgs, Dark Matter searches UW effort: W/Z gamma: Gray, Lanaro, Duric, Dasu Z gamma in MET+gamma and DM searches, Buchanan, Gombar, Dasu WZ and W’/technicolor: Klukas, Taylor, Long, Duric, Herndon, Dasu ZZ and Higgs searches: Ross, Belknap, Duric, Savin, Dasu, Smith, Herndon Loveless: Publication Committee SMP, Duric aTGC combination coordinator, Herndon/Duric SMP VV Convener, Savin SMP Convener With 8 TeV data now performing worlds most accurate cross section measurements and most sensitive aTGC searches. First VV cross section measurements at 13 TeV soon
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 7 Z 7, 8 TeV Data Strong aTGC sensitivity Larger branching ratio to neutrinos and good signal to background with high MET Gombar 7 TeV Published 8 TeV PAS, Publication in final review J. High Energy Phys. 10 (2013) 164 PAS SMP
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 8 WZ physics: 7, 8 TeV Data Jeff Klukas (graduated), Duric, Herndon WZ lnu ll Cross section measured with 1fb-1 Full 7,8 TeV: Cross sections and aTGC in approval process Exotica W’, technicolor published in PRL Phys.Rev.Lett. 109 (2012) SMP
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 9 ZZ 7,8 TeV Data J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2013) 063 Phys. Lett. B 721 (2013) 190 Phys. Lett. B 740 (2015) 250 SMP accepted by EPJC Neutral aTGCs limited at range Swanson, Ross, Duric, Savin, Herndon, Dasu, Smith ZZ 4l and ZZ 2l2τ (UW) Cross section, aTGC and Higgs search 7 TeV and 2x 8 TeV Papers Published Combination of all aTGC
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 10 Diboson Physics UW
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 11 All SM Physics UW ZZ,
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 12 WZ, ZZ 13 TeV Data Taylor, Long, Woods, Duric, Savin, Herndon, Dasu, Smith ZZ 4l and WZ 3l First 13 TeV Cross section After: aTGC, differential measurements, Vector boson scattering, AQGC Cross section and aTGC effort led by Savin Expect first 13TeV measurement this year
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 13 Future DiBoson Physics FTR SMP Phase 2 Technical Proposal: CERN-LHCC Herndon, Long, Duric Herndon coordinating SMP HL-LHC Physics Studies Focus on Vector Boson Scattering and aQGC Used also to identify Run 2 analysis projects Herndon, Dasu, Duric, Long, new students -> Leveraging diboson projects to study VV scattering and aQGC in WZ and ZZ
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 14 Wisconsin EMU Personnel Wisconsin EMU Personnel Dick Loveless -- Distinguished Scientist US CMS EMU L2 Ops Manager L2 for EMU Const. & Common Proj. EMU Technical Coord. Project Manager for ME4/2 CSC Construction Also Publications Committee – Standard Model Physics Armando Lanaro -- Associate Scientist Currently CSC Subproject Manager Currently Detector infrastructure Technical Coord EMU Field Technical Coord. – resp. for all CSC maintenance ME4/2 Factory Manager EMU Safety Officer Matthew Herndon – Professor CSC DPG Data Monitoring and Performance - operations Senka Duric – postdoc DPG Data Monitoring and Performance, Coordination and Segment performance ME4/2 Chamber Testing and commissioning GIF++ CSC Longevity Testing Also SMP VV convener, SMP aTGC coordinator Devin Taylor CSC Data Monitoring and Performance, CSC Validation and Prompt Feedback DOC shits Kenneth Long CSC Data Monitoring and Performance Data Certification Loveless Lanaro Duric
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 15 Endcap Muon System 473 Cathode Strip chambers 1.5m x 1.8 m, 3.3m x 1.3 m 200 kg to 400 kg Electronics boards CFEB (strips) – 2268 boards AFEB (wires) boards Trigger mother board boards Data mother board boards low voltage, high voltage, monitoring etc.
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 16 CSC Project Management CSC Project Management - Armando Lanaro Responsible for overall management of CSC subproject withing the full muon project (new organization as of this year) Promotion due to outstanding technical and management record Field Technical Coordinator – crucial position Responsible for all mechanical/service parts of CSC system Armando kept the system operating ME4/2 Factory Manager Delivered a fully operational additional to the CSC system on schedule Generally Wisconsin installed the mechanics of CSC system and is responsible their operations Maintenance on such an extensive system is challenging PSL (Wisconsin) engineers available for consulting and design Students and postdocs integrated in DPG and chamber testing roles
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 17 Addition of ME4/2 chambers Requirements for Forward Muon System Sufficient redundancy to reduce background Bremsstrahlung, neutrons, halo muons, etc. Chamber efficiencies (gaps, dead electronics, etc.) Good enough resolution to match Tracker tracks Multiplicity increases quickly with luminosity Need 4 stations of chambers as luminosity increases ME4 chambers were descoped at the beginning of the construction project ME4/1 chambers recovered during construction using contingency ME4/2 Constructed, installed and operating. Construction project managed by A. Lanaro
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 18 CSC Upgrade Scope Original design unfinished – ME4/2 not built 72(67) ME4/2 chambers to complete system Increase redundancy of system – 3 year run without access to do repairs Efficient triggering at high luminosities New digital DCFEB boards for ME1/1 (part of M&O) Increased capacity for data rate Ungang the ME1/1 strips – 7 CFEBs per chamber instead of 5 72 New Datamother (DMB) boards Use existing ME1/1 electronics for ME4/2 chambers Assembled chambers in B904 factory at CERN ~1000 m 2 space with good services (power, gas, etc.) CMS allocated this area for the CSC production and provided significant infrastructure Armando Lanaro was factory manager, Duric Chamber Testing
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 19 Duric
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 20 Run 2 CSC Run 1 Run 2
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 21 CSC Operations and Data Monitoring CSC Operations 99.5% of channel in readout 0.6% CMS downtime(10pb-1) caused by CSC: primarily ME1/1 data buffer issue Data quality monitoring and operations Wisconsin contributes to ongoing operations and data quality monitoring rotating shift activities. Duric, Taylor and Long Results CSC system is running exceptionally well but requires still constant effort to maintain that level of performance!
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 22 CSC DQM Always evolving: with significant input from UW people. Taylor, Duric, Herndon
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 23 New Quality Measure: Tag and Probe Segment Efficiency Duric, Herndon Uses ideas from silicon efficiency package from CDF Leverages high quality/decent statistics, Z and W samples
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 24 CSC HL-LHC Longevity Tests Lanaro, Duric, Long, Herndon GIF++ HL-LHC logevity tests Accelerated aging test at Gamma Irradiation Facility Includes muon test beam for performance evaluations 2 CSC chambers ME1/1, ME2/1 Operating current from charged particle flux like at HL-LHC Integrated dose of 8 krad to achieve 1.5C/cm 2 Gas studies to replace CF4 Progress Commissioning of system Understanding baseline performance Chose positioning and filtering to create correct integrated dose HL-LHC like environment ME1/1, filter 4-7, currents muA/layer ME2/1, filter 6-8, currents muA/layer
W. Smith, S. Dasu. M. Herndon, U. Wisconsin, November 2015 DOE Site Visit, Task T: CMS at LHC - 25 SummarySummary EMU Status CSC chambers operating very well (endcap regions of hadron colliders very difficult for muon systems) Delivering good triggers and reconstructed muons Armando Lanaro New CSC Sub Project Manager ME4/2 Production Chamber production, installation complete and chamber operating optimally. DPG Duric DPG Data Monitoring and Performance coordinator UW people integrated throughout CSC DPG project CSC HL-LHC Longevity Tests