Biology 20: Unit A Food Webs EnergyCyclesPollutionPotpourri
Food Webs for 100 Organisms that obtain matter and energy from sunlight or gases such as H 2 S (g) Answer: Autotrophs Back
Food Webs for 200 Organisms that obtain matter and energy by consuming other living things Answer: Heterotrophs Back
Food Webs for 300 Organisms that obtain matter and energy by consuming the remains of dead organisms Answer: Scavengers Back
Food Webs for 400 The trophic level of a 2 nd consumer Answer: third trophic level Back
Food Webs for 500 A naturally occurring metal which causes Minamata Disease through biomagnification Answer: Methyl Mercury Back
Energy for 100 The law that states that when energy transfers occur some amount of energy is lost from the system as heat Answer: Second Law of Thermodynamics Back
Energy for 200 The process by which some bacteria and plants convert solar energy into chemical potential energy Answer: Photosynthesis Back
Energy for 300 The process by which some bacteria make carbohydrates in the absence of light Answer: Chemosynthesis Back
Energy for 400 Energy that is reflected from the surface of the earth Answer: Albedo Back
Energy for 500 A representation of the mass of all living things at each trophic level Answer: Pyramid of Biomass Back
Cycles for 100 The process by which plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Answer: photosynthesis Back
Cycles for 200 Two processes that return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere Answer: respiration, decomposition, combustion, dissolution Back
Cycles for 300 The process, carried out by bacteria, that converts nitrogen gas into nitrates and nitrites Answer: Nitrogen fixation Back
Cycles for 400 This process allows phosphorus to enter biota from sediments/rock Answer: Weathering/Run-Off Back
Cycles for 500 The movement of water through the roots, stems and leaves of plants Answer: Transipration Back
Pollution for 100 This gas, released during combustion, causes sulfuric acid to form in the atmosphere Answer: sulfur dioxide gas Back
Pollution for 200 These are responsible for destruction of the ozone layer Answer: CFCs Back
Pollution for 300 A device that helps to reduce SO 2 emissions Answer: Scrubbers Back
Pollution for 400 This environmental problem could result in coastal cities being flooded Answer: Global Warming Back
Pollution for 500 This is a model which helps to explain global warming Answer: The Greenhouse Effect Back
Potpourri for 100 Microscopic organisms absorb carbon dioxide in the water and incorporate this material into their shells. Answer: Calcium Carbonate Back
Potpourri for 200 The process by which bacteria in the soil convert nitrates and nitrites into nitrogen gas Answer: Denitrification Back
Potpourri for 300 The process by which water enters the soil from the atmosphere Answer: Precipitation Back
Potpourri for 400 A substance found in animal urine that contains nitrogen Answer: Urea Back
Potpourri for 500 Two major components of fertilize which promote algal growth Answer: Nitrogen and Phosphorus Back