4 th 6 Weeks OR Book #2 Assignment
1. Genre Map (DAILY GRADE) –DUE February 13 th 2. Cornell Notes (MAJOR GRADE) –DUE February 15 th
1. Genre Map = DAILY GRADE Genre map must be thoroughly completed to earn full credit. Must be TYPED! Can get a word version of the genre map off of my website.
Ultimately, you will need to formulate a question that will lead you to a thesis statement that addresses a larger issue found in both your books. The Research Essay Time to narrow down topics
Such as: How did his/her life influence his/her work? What conclusions can we (the reader) draw about the author’s views of ________ (topic to be guided by the nature of the works analyzed), based on a study of the texts? Some examples of topics to write about include (but are not limited to): the author’s view of women the author’s view of racial issues the author’s view of relationships between men and women the author’s view of family the author’s view of freedom the author’s view of society the author’s view of personal responsibility, etc.
To develop your topic, you will select and discuss one or more, but not all, of the following areas to analyze in your paper: Themes Symbols Characters Settings Motifs Language or other literary elements ( inform me if you will use this one)
Meaning: How does the authors use of _________ (literary element) support your thesis statement? Remember: Your thesis statement is the answer to the question YOU formulate. It will not include a literary element in it. The authors use of the literary elements will help you support your thesis statement.
2.Cornell Notes
Citation Information for Print Source Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Putnam Publishing Group, Print. NAME:DATE: Key word/main idea Notes, Quotes & Content (include page #s w/ quotes) Comments/Questions MLA Citation
What to include on notes page: -MLA Citation for your novel -Content (1 quote/passage) from your novel that connects to your topic. This will help you answer and later support your thesis. -At least two of the following about your quote. (Make sure you are thorough!) -Paraphrase -Questions/Answers -Comments -Analysis (literary element) -Connection to other novel -Summary of your notes
Genre map = 1 DAILY GRADE –Must be typed in Times New Roman but can be shrunk in size Notes = 1 MAJOR GRADE (20 Notes) B day = February 15 th and –1 Daily Grade Checkpoint (10 Notes) B day = February 5 th