Human Brain Anatomy Chapter 49 Sections 2-3 Pgs Objective: I can describe how different parts of the brain control different parts of my body.
Organization of the Human Brain Embryological structures = ◦ Forebrain, Midbrain, Hindbrain ◦ Humans develop cerebrum on forebrain ◦ Evolutionary significance
Human Brain Parts (Pt. 1) Brain stem: Pons & Medulla Oblongata ◦ Involuntary muscles: heart rate, breathing rate, swallowing, vomiting, digestion, etc. Diencephalon: Thalamus & Hypothalamus ◦ Basic desires: hunger, thirst (endocrine) Cerebellum: movement & balance Cerebrum: higher order thought ◦ Cerebral cortex: outer layer w/ folds…why?
Human Brain Parts (Pt. 2) Reticular Formation (Brain Stem): sleep ◦ Biological Clock & Circadian Rhythms Limbic System (tied with hypo/thalamus) ◦ Hippocampus = memory ◦ Amygdala = emotions
Human Brain Lobes Occipital: Vision (processing)
Human Brain Lobes Occipital: Vision (processing)
Human Brain Lobes Occipital: Vision (processing)
Human Brain Lobes Occipital: Vision (processing) Temporal: Hearing, understanding language Parietal: Sensory Frontal: Higher thinking, motor, speech zgsAE4F0
Specific regions of cortex Primary motor cortex (Frontal Lobe) Primary somatosensory cortex (Parietal Lob)
Lateralization Left Hemisphere / Right Hemisphere ◦ Control opposite side of body ◦ Also attributed to certain characteristics ◦ Communicate via corpus callosum
Other Parts/Attributes Ventricles = holes (Cerebral Spinal Fluid: CSF) Gray matter = cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, and glial cells (surface) White matter = myelinated axons (far more…