Stress Define Stress in your own words & List 3 things that stress you out!!
STRESS Write the one thing that causes you the most stress. Think about WHY it stresses you out so much…write your thoughts & listen for directions.
Definition of Stress Stress: The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. Stressor: the challenge or demand that causes stress
Stressor: Anything that causes stress Physical stressor -illness, injury, lack of activity Environmental-poverty, pollution, overcrowding, natural disaster Mental/emotional (cognitive)- school, tests, homework Social stressor: death of a pet, divorce of parents, loss of friendship, arguing with parents
Eustress vs. Distress Eustress Distress Positive response to the stressor that is Healthy or fulfilling Negative response to the stressor that is unhealthy, unable to adapt to a stressful situation
Physical Response to Stress Stressors trigger the body’s nervous system and endocrine system. This happens automatically and is not under your control. STAGE ONE: ALARM STAGE The endocrine system releases adrenaline – A hormone that causes changes in Adrenaline triggers the “Fight of Flight” response. Fight or flight means you either deal with the stress immediately (fight it now) OR deal with the stress later (flight or run away from it now)
Body’s Immediate response to stress Lungs Heart Muscles Eyes Digestion Blood sugar
Lungs breathing gets faster May not feel like you are getting enough oxygen
Heart (cardiovascular system) Heart rate increases (try taking your pulse when stressed) Blood pressure rises when arteries narrow Skin may appear flushed or red
Muscles Blood flow increases to muscles May feel muscles tense After stressor is dealt with, muscles may feel very sore
Eyes Pupils dilate More light flows into eye May result in headache
Digestion Less blood flows to digestive system Food is not digested during fight or flight response May lose control of bodily functions
Blood sugar Blood sugar levels rise to prepare muscles for action
Emotional Response Mood swings- Difficulty concentrating Crying Edginess Frustration Difficulty concentrating Risk of substance abuse
Signs you might be stressed Physical-headache, upset stomach, muscle aches, ringing in ears Mental-trouble thinking clearly, lack of creativity, losing sense of humor Behavioral-not eating, overeating, compulsive talking, tapping feet, drumming fingers, change in sleep patterns
Prolonged or repeated stress Can lead to… Fatigue-physically and mentally feeling tired and worn out Stress related illness- Stress over time weakens the immune system leading to more general illness (colds, flu, bronchitis) Minor – stomach ache or sleeplessness Life threatening- high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke
How stressed are you. School. Home. Social How stressed are you??? School? Home? Social? 5-7 sentences explain your stress level, include all 3 from above.