20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items1 Robert M. Grow Chair, IEEE Working Group
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items2 HSSG Extension Deadlock on 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s was broken –Very strong consensus for going forward with a single PAR for both speeds –Objectives, 5C and PAR approved by P802.3ba PAR will be on the EC November list of PARs to be considered IEEE motion:Y:83, N:0, A:3 Move that the HSSG requests that IEEE extend the Higher Speed Study Group.
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items3 EEESG Extension P802.3az PAR under consideration at this meeting –Objectives, 5C and PAR approved by –No questions from other WGs NesCom/SASB will meet after our interim meetings IEEE motionY:83, N:0, A:3 Move that extend the Energy Efficient Ethernet Study Group
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items4 P802.3az Energy-efficient Ethernet status No questions from other WGs Five Criteria approved by –Move that approve the EEE ________ Criterion per 0707_eeesg_close_report.pdf –Broad market potential Y:75, N:1, A:8 –CompatibilityY:78, N:1, A:6 –Distinct IdentityY:81, N:1, A:4 –Technical feasibilityY:77, N:0, A:8 –Economic feasibilityY:82, N:0, A:3 PAR approved by –Energy-efficient to be hyphenated per IEEE editorial staff (PAR and 5C will be updated) –802.3 WG approve the 802.3az, Energy Efficient Ethernet, PAR ( and request EC approval for submittal to NesCom for consideration at the September meeting.Y:83, N:1, A:4
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items5 EC Motion – P802.3az PAR approval The EC approves the P802.3az PAR and Five Criteria; and PAR submittal to NesCom for September SASB consideration. M: Bob Grow S: Tony Jeffree
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items6 P802.3ba Higher Speed Ethernet status (p.1) No questions from other WGs Five Criteria approved by –Move that approve the HSSG ____ Criterion per 0707_hssg_ closing _report.pdf –Broad market potential Y:80, N:1, A:4 –CompatibilityY:80, N:1, A:4 –Distinct IdentityY:85, N:1, A:3 –Technical feasibilityY:86, N:0, A:2 –Economic feasibilityY:85, N:0, A:4
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items7 P802.3ba Higher Speed Ethernet status (p.2) PAR approved by –PAR submittal to be renumbered to 802.3ba –IEEE motion #23 Move that approve the HSSG PAR, per par_0707.pdf ( 707.pdf) Y:82, N:0, A:3 –IEEE motion #25 Move that the Working Group request that the LMSC Chair pre-submit the 802.3ba PAR to NESCOM for consideration at the December 2007 meeting, remaining on the agenda subject to November 802 EC approval.Y:81, N:0, A:3
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items8 EC Motion – P802.3ba PAR pre-submittal The EC approves the pre-submission of the P802.3ba PAR to NESCOM for consideration at the December 2007 SASB meeting, remaining on the agenda subject to November 802 EC approval. M: Bob Grow S: Tony Jeffree
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items9 IEEE Std status Reaffirmation is approved –Despite comment responses and cover letter request to vote disapprove… –Ratio only changed from 91% to 86% What to do? –Could wait till administratively withdrawal –Should submit per IEEE-SA procedures then Wait five years Withdraw –Could withdraw now with approved ballot IEEE motion #28Y: 31, N: 2, A: 20 Request the IEEE chair progress to approval. Request that IEEE 802 EC request withdrawal of IEEE Std immediately after Standards Board approval.
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items10 Motion – P1802.3, 10BASE-T Conformance Tests, submit to RevCom then withdraw The LMSC EC grants approval to submit IEEE Std reaffirmation to RevCom, and further approves Sponsor withdrawl of IEEE Std after approval. M: Bob Grow S: Tony Jeffree
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items11 P802.3, Revision status Motion #3 …IEEE Working Group Chair request IEEE 802 EC grant conditional approval per IEEE 802 P&P Procedure 20 for IEEE 802.3ax (IEEE P802.3AX) Link Aggregation and IEEE 802.3ay (IEEE P802.3) revision to proceed to Sponsor Ballot. Y: 76, N: 0, A: 3 92% approval rate (7 negatives) 11 unresolved D1.0 comments, 5 unresolved D1.1 comments –
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items12 EC Motion – P802.3, Revision conditional to Sponsor ballot The LMSC EC grants conditional approval per LMSC P&P Clause 20 for P802.3 (802.3ay) sponsor ballot. M: Bob Grow S: Tony Jeffree
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items13 Link Aggregation status Motion #3 …IEEE Working Group Chair request IEEE 802 EC grant conditional approval per IEEE 802 P&P Procedure 20 for IEEE 802.3ax (IEEE P802.3AX) Link Aggregation and IEEE 802.3ay (IEEE P802.3) revision to proceed to Sponsor Ballot. Y: 76, N: 0, A: 3 4 unresolved D1.0 comments, no new D1.1 disapprove comments: 97% approval rate (3 disapproves) Substantive changes will be recirculated (years on normative references)
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items14 Motion – P802.1AX, Link Aggregation conditional to Sponsor ballot The LMSC EC grants conditional approval per LMSC P&P Clause 20 for P802.1AX (802.3ax) sponsor ballot. M: Bob Grow S: Tony Jeffree
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items15 Name of working group Multiple versions (802 web, web, myProject) EC has approved PARs with various names IEEE motion #6 Y: 83, N: 1, A: 0 IEEE will use ‘Ethernet’ as the name of the IEEE Working Group and request IEEE 802 EC affirmation of this. This motion has no effect on titles of standards.
20 July 2007IEEE Closing EC Items16 EC Motion – Name of IEEE The LMSC EC affirms IEEE working group using the name “Ethernet”; and that this change has no effect on titles of IEEE standards. M: Bob Grow S: Tony Jeffree