ORT Greenberg K. Tivon1 The Bet (-1889-) By Anton Chekhov Anton ChekhovAnton Chekhov Irena Tseitlin
ORT Greenberg K. Tivon2 Anton Chekhov (1860 – 1904) Russian playwright, one of the great masters of modern short story. In his work Chekhov combined the dispassionate attitude of a scientist and a doctor with the sensitivity and psychological understanding of an artist. Chekhov portrayed often life in the Russian small towns, where tragic events occur in a minor key, as a part of everyday life. His characters are passive, filled with the feeling of hopelessness and the fruitlessness of all efforts. "What difference does it make?" says Chebutykin in Three Sisters.Russian playwright, one of the great masters of modern short story. In his work Chekhov combined the dispassionate attitude of a scientist and a doctor with the sensitivity and psychological understanding of an artist. Chekhov portrayed often life in the Russian small towns, where tragic events occur in a minor key, as a part of everyday life. His characters are passive, filled with the feeling of hopelessness and the fruitlessness of all efforts. "What difference does it make?" says Chebutykin in Three Sisters. Stephane TherouxStephane Theroux
ORT Greenberg K. Tivon3 The Bet
ORT Greenberg K. Tivon4 Imprisonment for life / Death penalty
ORT Greenberg K. Tivon5 The Task l_lessons/r_koenig/t-assessment.htm Read and study the short story by Anton Chekhov, "The Bet".Read and study the short story by Anton Chekhov, "The Bet". Research some background information on the author, Anton Chekhov.Research some background information on the author, Anton Chekhov. Identify the use of flashback and irony in the story.Identify the use of flashback and irony in the story. Analyze how the decisions, thoughts and actions of the Lawyer and of the Banker have not only impacted their own lives, but also each other's lives. Figure out how much the Lawyer would earn per hour.Analyze how the decisions, thoughts and actions of the Lawyer and of the Banker have not only impacted their own lives, but also each other's lives. Figure out how much the Lawyer would earn per hour. Formulate the pros and cons of Capital Punishment and Life Imprisonment and defend your position of which is better, Capital Punishment or Life Imprisonment.Formulate the pros and cons of Capital Punishment and Life Imprisonment and defend your position of which is better, Capital Punishment or Life Imprisonment.
ORT Greenberg K. Tivon6 The Task (Continued) Decide who you think has won the bet, the Banker or the Lawyer.Decide who you think has won the bet, the Banker or the Lawyer. Use the information you have gathered from the Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment and specific examples from the story to defend either the Banker or the Lawyer.Use the information you have gathered from the Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment and specific examples from the story to defend either the Banker or the Lawyer. Use this information to either present as a Debate in front of your class to convince the audience of your opinion, or write a Persuasive Essay to convince the reader to be swayed to your opinion.Use this information to either present as a Debate in front of your class to convince the audience of your opinion, or write a Persuasive Essay to convince the reader to be swayed to your opinion.