How To Do Your Works Cited Page Not as hard as you think
A few tips to remember before you begin… Go into Microsoft Word and open a new document Set up the document to be 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman Type Works Cited on the first line and make sure it is spelled correctly and centered. DO NOT BOLD IT OR UNDERLINE IT. Your Works Cited must be in ABC order by either the author’s last name or the title (whichever information you have). You can do this as you work, or you can alphabetize after you are done. Your Works Cited will use a hanging indent (do not indent the first line of your entry, but indent all other lines of the entry). DO NOT SKIP LINES BETWEEN ENTRIES.
Get out a sheet of notebook paper- first entry (the novel) Golding, William. The Lord of the Flies. New York: Penguin Group, Print.
Second entry- Fear and Power Article- Ebook Olsen, Kristen. Understanding Lord of the Flies: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources and Historical Documents. Greenwood. 30 May Web. 12 Dec
Third Entry- Allegory article (database) Henningfeld, Diane. “Lord of the Flies. Novels for Students.” Ed. Diane Telgen. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, Gale Research Group. Web. 15 Mar
Forth/Fifth Entry- You will need to make a citation for your Historical Article (s) For most of you, the MLA citation should have printed at the bottom of your article. If it didn’t, you can look it up on your phone again if you need to do so. Keep in mind that while MOST of the database citations are correct, some have issues that need to be fixed. The most common issue is that the database does not capitalize the words in the title of the article. Example: “Hitler’s reign of terror.” This must be corrected, “Hitler’s Reign of Terror.” Other issues include all caps in the title, “HITLER’S REIGN OF TERROR.” Again, this must be corrected.
Sixth-Seventh Entry Current Event(s) Follow the instructions from the previous slide. When you are completly finished, please bring them to my desk and I will look them over and offer corrections. Your HW: Take home the Works Cited paper and type it up. Remember, it must be Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced, with HANGING INDENTS for each entry. Works Cited should be centered on the first line. DO NOT SKIP SPACES BETWEEN ENTRIES. Don’t forget to alphabetize. After you turn in your Works Cited, please pick up the short non- fiction reading “Fingerprinting” and complete and turn in.