There are three kinds of essays in this class. – Primary source essay.Read the passage & answer the question in a 1-2 page paper – Document Based Question (DBQ) Test essay question where you use the provided primary sources to help answer the question Think of it like an essay question with a cheat sheet – Free Response Essay Test essay question like the DBQ, except you have only your memory to answer it.
All essays should be ORGANIZED! Don’t just start writing, but make a quick outline first Essays are about making an argument – imagine you’re a lawyer trying to convince a jury.
Here is a standard format I. Intro – Present your argument and evidence briefly II. Body – In three to seven paragraphs, discuss your evidence in detail III. Conclusion – Wrap up your argument – this is a lot like your intro
DBQ Example The century between 1650 and 1750 marked a change in British economic policy from mercantilism to an open market economy. Using the documents and your knowledge of the time period, discuss the impact this change had on the American colonies.
Document A – Source: Adam Smith “Conclusion of the mercantile system: from The Wealth of Nations 1776 It is altogether for the benefit of the producer that bounties are granted upon the exportation of some of his [productions. The home consumer is obliged to pay, first, the tax which is necessary for paying the bounty, and secondly, the still greater tax of which necessarily arises from the enhancement of the price of the commodity in the home market.
Document B
Document C – Source: The Conscience of a Slave Trader (1694) We mark’d the slaves we had bought in the breast, or shoulder, with a hot iron, having the letter of the ship’s name on it, the place being before anointed with a little palm oil, which caus’d but little pain, the mark being usually well in for or five days, appearing very plain and white after….etc etc
Document D – Source: Joshua Gee, the trade and navigation of Great Britain Considered, London 1729 “Shewing that the surest way for a nation to increase in riches is to prevent the importation of such foreign commodities as may be raised at home; that this kingdom is capable of raising within itself and its colonies materials for…..etc etc
Document E – Source: The Navigation Act of 1660 For the increase of shipping and encouragement of the navigation of this nation, wherein, under the good providence and protection of God, the wealth, safety and strength of this kingdom is so much concerned; be it enacted by the King’s most excellent majesty, and by the lord and commons in this present parliament assembled….etc etc
Document F
Document G – Source: Colonial Trade patterns, c Future president John Adams noted about this time that “the commerce of the West Indies is a part of the American system of commerce. They can neither do with out us, nor we without them. The Creator has placed us upon the globe in such a situation that we have occasion for each other.”
Document H
So – first you need to figure out what the primary sources are saying. Make a few notes on them; highlight important parts Then make an outline Then start writing – so what might it look like?
I. Intro – The development of an open economy impacted the American colonies in three ways Increase in trade and revenue Increase in slavery More American connection with West Indies (and thus resentment toward Navigation Acts) and increase in American identity
Then you’ll go on to provide details on those three ways, and support your arguments by referencing the documents and information from your textbook & notes.
Free Response Question Example After Christopher Columbus sailed to the West Indies, the conquest and colonization of the New World began. Based on the evidence you have seen, what was the primary reason that Spain wished to establish colonies in America?
No documents for this one – you’ll have to reference info from your textbook & notes. So what are some arguments you could make? Spain wanted to establish colonies for…. – Spread of Catholicism? (Reference the Reconquista, mission system, etc.) – Wealth? (Reference conquistadors, Cortes & Pizarro seeking gold from Aztecs & Incas) – Glory? (young conquistadors wanted to make a name for themselves) – Competition (other nations were competing with Spain & colonies would give them an edge)