RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 1 WP 1.3 Description of work (month 25-42) 4th RENAISSANCE meeting- Lyon 31/10/2007 GABRIELE BOCCASILE Regione Lombardia WP1.3 RENAISSANCE Leader – Regione Lombardia address : tel : +39
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 2 Year 2- State of progress WP 1.3 (10/2007) WP 1.3 wood fuel LOMBARDIA Starting dissemination of Lombardia experience in RES – first study tour (biomass, biogas, SRF) Some delay due to administrative reason LYON Attended to biomass study tour in Italy Starting studies on setting up a local SRC supply chain Some international work delayed due to consortium complication (UK withdrawal) ZARAGOZA Attended to biomass study tour in Italy Starting studies on local interest in setting up a local SRC supply chain Some international work delayed due to consortium complication (UK withdrawal)
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 3 Next 18 months (25-42) WP 1.3 (10/2007) WP1.3 wood fuel LOMBARDIA Local study continue on ongoing experiences in SRF and RES (field trials, and forestation areas, biomass & biogas plant, exiting green belts) Starting studies on planning of new project about green belt SRF based around urban areas (mitigation of infrastructures and better environment) Transfer to partner the results of SRF experiences on-going in Spain and France LYON Attending to 2 nd biomass study tour in Italy Continuing studies on setting up a local SRC supply chain Exchanging biomasses experiences with Lombardia ZARAGOZA Attending to 2 nd biomass study tour in Italy continuing studies on setting up a local SRC supply chain Exchanging biomasses experiences with Lombardia