T4i engineering Limited (UK) - Detection and SaR Technology Inspiration, Innovation, Instrumentation, Integration 1 TOXI-triage project Kick-off Meeting Loughborough, UK 1-3 September 2015 George C. Pallis, PhD T4i engineering Director
T4i engineering Limited (UK) - Who we are Start-up SME: Staffed by chemical and electronic engineers Working closely with electrical and software engineers Launching collaborative work with experts on Material Science Moving soon to Loughborough Advanced Technology Innovation Center Innovative technology provider for use by OEMs in: Emergency response market Industrial process control 2
T4i engineering Limited (UK) - What we offer Smart, miniaturized, LTM, pneumatic-based ambient air samplers combined with miniaturized LTM GC allowing ‘plug-n-play’ hyphenation with IMS, MS, PID Real time monitoring in the range of milliseconds (sampling) and seconds (analysis) Chemical detectors designed for use onboard manned or unmanned vehicles (spatial and temporal measurements) Wireless communication capabilities 3
T4i engineering Limited (UK) - Contact us Find us on George C. Pallis, PhD Julia Vamvakari, PhD 4