PE Health and Fitness
Lesson Objectives To understand the concept of what being healthy means. To be able to put health and fitness into a sporting concept. To define the link between health and fitness.
What is health? Write down your own explanation. ‘ Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. ’
Physical Well-being Healthy heart Efficient lungs No illnesses No injuries
Mental Well-Being Fill in the gaps Mental well being means you are able to cope with. You can keep control of your. Even when you feel angry you do not get. You are a very person which means you have a level of self -. STRESSEMOTIONS VIOLENT POSITIVE HIGHESTEEM STRESSCALMHEALTHPASSIVE POLITE NEGATIVELOVINGHEARTACHEPOSITIVE ESTEEMVIOLENTPEACFULHIGH EMOTIONSLOW
Social Well-Being You have enough to eat and clothes to wear and a roof over your head. You have friends. You see that you have a value in society. This can be at school or in a job or with your family.
With a partner, list some reasons why your health may change. Here are some pictures to help you.
What is fitness? Fitness is the ability to meet the demands of the environment Why do these pictures have different fitness levels? List all of the tasks that you do during the day and compare to others in the class to see if you need different fitness levels.
Is there a link between health and fitness? The more easily you meet the demands on you the less likely you are to suffer from stress. You will also be less likely to suffer from illness and injury. If you are ill you may not be able to meet those demands.
Activity Write down the physical benefits of exercise. Write down the mental benefits of exercise. Write down the social benefits of exercise.