1 The Arts Are Essential in Every School
2 All schools are required to provide all students with an arts education that meets minimum NYSED requirements in the arts at each level Pre-K to 12 ArtsCount: Accountability in the Arts
3 Did your students receive the required educational time and art disciplines, including dance, music, theater and visual arts, pursuant to the New York State Learning Standards in the Arts? (For high schools and middle school grades 7 and 8 the arts courses taken by students must be properly coded into STARS) * The survey tracks student participation and compliance in arts education according to New York State Instructional Requirements in the Arts. ARTS REQUIREMENTS PRE-K through K: Each school operating a pre-kindergarten or kindergarten program shall establish and provide an educational program based on and adapted to the ages, interests, and needs of the children. Learning activities in such programs shall include dance, music, theater and visual arts. GRADES 1 through 3: Twenty percent (20%) of the weekly time spent in school (one hundred eighty six (186) hours of instruction throughout school year) must be allocated equally to dance, music, theater, and visual arts. GRADES 4 through 6: Ten percent (10%) of the weekly time spent in school (ninety three (93) hours of instruction throughout the school year) must be allocated equally to dance, music, theater, and visual arts. GRADES 7 through 8: One-half (½) unit (fifty five (55) hours of instruction) in the visual arts, and one-half (½) unit of study in music offered by a licensed arts teacher. New York City allows schools to offer any two of the four arts disciplines to their students to fulfill the grades 7-8 requirement in dance, music, theater or visual arts. GRADES 9 through 12: One (1) unit of credit (one hundred eight (108) hours of instruction) in one of the four art forms: visual arts and/or music, dance, music and/or theater, by a licensed arts teacher. > * Information from the DOE database High School Scheduling and Transcripts (HSST) is also used to track arts compliance Arts Accountability and Compliance
4 NYSED Arts Requirements ELEMENTARY LEVEL* Pre K – K Grades 1 – 3 Grades Address developmental needs of children (music, dramatic play, creative movement and art) 20%of instructional time 46.5 hours/year in each arts discipline (186 hours total) 10% of instructional time 23.25% hours/year in each arts discipline (93 hours total) * Recommended that each arts discipline be taught by a qualified specialist holding NYS certification K-12 in Dance, Music, Theater or Visual Arts. Classroom teachers teaching the arts should be supported with professional development Teaching Artists from cultural institutions or arts organizations can provide these services working in collaboration with arts specialists and classroom teachers
5 NYSED Arts Requirements MIDDLE LEVEL * Grade 6 Grades % of instructional time hours/year in each arts discipline (93 hours total) 1 Unit (½ Unit of Study in each of two arts discipline – Dance, Music, Theater or Visual Arts) * Instruction must be provided by a qualified arts teacher holding NYS certification K-12 in Dance, Music, Theater or Visual Arts Teaching Artists from cultural institutions or arts organizations working in collaboration with arts specialists and other subject area teachers contribute to broad and engaging curriculum— teachers must be certified to meet requirements
6 NYSED Arts Requirements HIGH SCHOOL * Grades Unit (Two credits in the arts) Students may receive a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation through the Arts (music, visual arts, theater and dance) if they complete a 5-unit sequence (10 credits) Students receiving a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation in the Arts must also pass an exit examination in the arts (music, visual arts, theater and dance) to earn that endorsement. * Instruction must be provided by a qualified arts teacher holding NYS certification in Dance, Music, Theater or Visual Arts Teaching Artists from cultural institutions or arts organizations working in collaboration with arts specialists and other subject area teachers contribute to broad and engaging curriculum—teachers must be certified to meet requirements
For Information about Arts Resources… Office of Arts and Special Projects New York State Requirements in the Arts Curriculum For Guidance on Instruction, Scheduling, and Budgeting – see Arts Education Manual for School Leaders 7
For Information About Cultural Partners 8
Thank You for Your Ongoing Support For Schools and Students! Office of Arts and Special Projects New York City Department of Education 52 Chambers Street, Room 210 New York, NY Phone: